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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Samoan AN.FAFO Fafo Exterior, outside
Takuu AN.FAFO Fafo Exterior, outside
Tokelau AN.FAFO Fafo Outside, out of doors, exterior
East Futuna MP.FAGA.1A Faga Etendre, allonger le bras en arrière, ou lever la main pour frapper ou jeter une pierre, un bois à quelqu'un Problematic
New Zealand Maori MP.FAGA.1A Whanga/whanga Extend, spread out
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.FAGA.1A Hanga/a Split, open, tear; peel (vt)
Sikaiana MP.FAGA.1A Hhana Pull out, separate
Tongan PN.FAGA.1B Fa/fanga Spread legs to defecate (I)
Tongan PN.AFAGA Fanga particular part of it, or a small or private beach Phonologically Irregular
Fijian MP.FAGA.3 Vaga/ni A pet animal; petted
Samoan PN.FAGA.4 Faga No-return traps made of basketwork to catch eels, lobsters, etc.
West Uvea PN.FAGA.4 Fanga Piège pour poissons (corbeil, tout filet tendu, toute nasse posée), casier à langoustes, piege à rats, cage à oiseaux
East Futuna XW.FAGA-FAQO Fagafaʔo Look after, tend, tame ; apprivoiser un cochon; cochon apprivoisé
Niue NP.FAAGAI.A Fagai To feed; offering, gift; grouped according to extended families. A division of the people, a sept, extended family (McE). Problematic
Samoan NP.FAAGAI.A Faagai/lupe Time associated with pigeons feeding
West Uvea NP.FAAGAI.A Hangai/na Nourrir, alimenter
Hawaiian CE.FAAGAI.B Haanai Foster child, adopted child; foster, adopted
New Zealand Maori CE.FAAGAI.B Tamaiti whaangai Foster-child
Marquesas CE.FAAGAI.B Hakai (NKH), hanai (Ua Huka, Ua Pou) (Atl). Nourricier. Adopter
Penrhyn CE.FAAGAI.B Haangai Foster
Penrhyn CE.FAAGAI.B Tamaiti haangai Foster child
Rapa CE.FAAGAI.B Taati ʔangai Adopted child
Rapa CE.FAAGAI.B Karakua ʔangai Foster parents
Rarotongan CE.FAAGAI.B Tamaiti ʔaangai Foster-child
Tahitian CE.FAAGAI.B Faʔaʔamu Adopter; adoptif Problematic
Tuamotu CE.FAAGAI.B Tamaariki-faaŋai An adopted- feeding-child
Samoan NP.FAGA-LOA Faga-loa A bay in Western Samoa
Mangareva PN.FAA-QITI ʔA/ʔaiti Etre étroit, serré; approcher (temps)
Rennellese PN.FAGA-MEA Hangamea A fish (Lutjanus coatesii)
Hawaiian NP.FAGO ʔOhe hano ihu (also hano) Nose flute
Tongan PN.FAAGOGO.A Faangongo Shark-attracter made of half coconut-shells
Pukapuka OC.FAAGOTA Waangota Generic term for rod-fishing (Clark 1991:79); a particular type of fishing
Sikaiana OC.FAAGOTA Haanota General term for fishing
East Futuna CP.FAGU.1 Fagu Bouteille, gourde
East Uvea PN.FAGU-FAGU Fagufagu Bamboo nose-flute
Rotuman PN.FAGU-FAGU Fag/fagu A nose-flute Borrowed
Samoan PN.FAGU-FAGU Fagufagu A flute
Tokelau PN.FAGU-FAGU Fagufagu Flute
Tongan PN.FAGU-FAGU Fangufangu Nose-flute
Lau AN.FAI.1 Fali Stingray. General term for rays (Akm).
Rennellese AN.FAI.1 Hai Rays and skate-like fishes
Tahitian AN.FAI.1 Fai Raie (poisson), famille des Mylobatidae et des Dasyatidae. The skate, or stingray fish, of which there are many varieties (Dvs).
Tongan AN.FAI.1 Fai Stingray, skate
Mangareva PN.PULE.2 Aiga/pure Fête où les jeunes gens montraient leur beauté physique; consacrer une maison (avec une fête)
Tongan PN.FAI.2C Fai To make, give, tell, deliver, utter, perform, etc. (an explanation, story, speech, song, dance, etc.)
Rennellese OC.FAI.2A Hai Do; take care of, attend to
Tokelau OC.FAI.2A Fai Do, create, make
Nukuoro PN.FAI.2B Hai Have sexual intercourse
Pukapuka PN.FAI.2B Wai Copulate
Pukapuka PN.FAI.2B Wai/nga Sexual intercourse