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16732 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tuamotu NP.TUKE-MATA Tukemata Eyebrow
Anuta AN.TUKI.A Tuki Hit, strike. To strike by extending one's arm (as in boxing or karate), as opposed to slapping or hitting by bringing the arm down; to puncture or drive an object through something; to hammer, strike, or beat something as in mashing tubers to make a pudding; club (n); object used to mash tubers (Fbg).
Tongan PN.TUTUE Tootooe Thin, emaciated
Niue AN.TUKI.A Tuki To knock, smash; to mash, pound, hammer
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.TUKI.A Tuki/tuki-a Smash [e.g. breadfruit with pestle]
Rennellese AN.TUKI.A Tuki Beat, strike, pound, smash
Samoan AN.TUKI.A Tuʔi Knock, hit, strike, punch, hammer, mash
Sikaiana AN.TUKI.A Tuki To hammer, to pound as in softening puddings or strips of pandanus {pookai} to make a mat
Anuta PN.TUKU.B Tuku Put down, place, leave. Remain intact, be preserved, stay the way it has been (Fbg).
Tahitian CK.WINI Vinivini To be smarting, as from the lash of a whip
Mangareva PN.TUKU.B Tuku Donner la main; disposer les fils d'un tissu. Poser, place (v) (Atl).
Tuamotu CK.WINI Vini To smart, sting, as from the blow of a switch; to shudder, wriggle, be convulsed
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TUKU.C Suku/mai Grant
East Futuna PN.TUKUKU Tukuku A kind of fish. Nom d'un poisson (ressemble au mutu, mais noir) (Mfr)
Ifira-Mele PN.TUKUKU Jikuku Kind of fish (small, black or blue, found in tidal pools) Phonologically Irregular
Nukuoro PN.TUKUKU Dagugu Many fish spp. including Damselfish, Snapper Phonologically Irregular
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TUKUKU Hikuku Word referring to many small coral fish Phonologically Irregular
Samoan PN.TUKUKU Tuʔuʔu Certain small and queer fish of genera Abudefduf, Pomacentrus, Chromis
Takuu PN.TUKUKU Tikkuu Various Damselfish of the genera Abudefduf and Pomacentrus Phonologically Irregular
Tikopia PN.TUKUKU Tukuukuu Small reef fish of coral-fish type (Pomacentridae)
Tongan PN.TUKUKU Tukuku Kind of fish, very small
Fijian CP.TUKU-TUKU Tukutuku A kind of small spider
Kapingamarangi PN.TUQU-TAGA Duudanga Verses (of song); small sections cut on large log
Marquesas PN.TUQU-RAGA Tuʔaka (MQN), tuʔana (MQS) Emplacement d'une maison; longitude
Samoan PN.TUQU-RAGA Tulaga A place to stand on; footmark, pulpit ; position, location; status, rank, position; situation, state of affairs; condition, state; mark, print (of someone standing)
Tokelau PN.TUQU-RAGA Tuulaga Site, location, position; print, mark; condition, state, situation; status, position, rank
Tuamotu PN.TUQU-RAGA Tuura?a Permanent abode, ancestral home, dwelling place; site, foundation
Mangareva MP.TULAKI Turaki Renverser, jeter par terre; faire main basse, abattre (se dit d'une épidémie).
East Futuna PN.TUQULA-LUPE Tuʔulalupe Deuxième lunaison futunienne; quatre étoiles représentant un pigeon perché (mai)
Tokelau PN.TUQULA-LUPE Tulu-ma/tulaalupa Constellation which appears in July
West Uvea PN.TULE.1 Tule moe Sommeiller malgré soi
Kapingamarangi SO.VAE-LUA-A-POO Madahidi wae lua di boo Midnight
Niue FJ.TULE-QI Ma/tulei To die. (Used only of chiefs) (McE). Uncertain Semantic Connection
West Futuna AN.TULI.1 Turi/turi Ear wax; to be deaf; to play oblivious to goings on around one; to make love. Sourd; jouer (Rve).
Anuta FJ.TULI.2 Turi Bird sp. Small sea bird (Fbg).
Hawaiian FJ.TULI.2 Ku/kulu/aaeʔo (Himantopus himantopus)
New Zealand Maori FJ.TULI.2 Tu/turi/pourewa (Himantopus leucocephalus) White-headed Stilt
Vaeakau-Taumako FJ.TULI.2 Tuli Small bird with long beak living on the beach and flying in groups
Takuu FJ.TULI.2 Turi Small, black shore bird (kivi) with a white breast and protruding eyes, probably a Turnstone
Tuamotu FJ.TULI.2 Turi Small white bird about the size of a Robin, with yellow beak
Marquesas CE.TURORI Tuoʔi, tuʔoʔi Pencher tantôt d'un côté, tantôt de l'autre la tête ou le corps....soit par vanité, soit en dormant
Fijian MP.TULU.2 Dulu Prop; kind of canoe mast
Mangareva MP.TULU.2 Turu Rod, staff, support; to support, prop up. Baguette, canne, pied d'un meuble; soutenir quelqu'un de ses conseils; soutenir quelqu'un en maladie; protéger, aider, appuyer; second en rang, aide. S'adosser; lean against (Atl).
Luangiua MP.TULU.2 Ku/kulu ama Cross beams on outrigger
Kapingamarangi PN.TUQU-RUA-POO Madahidi wae lua di boo Midnight Problematic
Samoan PN.TUQU-RUA-POO Tuulua o poo ma ao Middle of the night, midnight
Manihiki-Rakahanga EC.TUU-TAQE.* Tuutae Excreta (human shit); filthy; inner parts of crab
Pukapuka ??.TULUMA Tuluma Container for small valuables
Tokelau ??.TULUMA Tuluma Box carved from single piece of wood, with waterproof lid
Hawaiian EC.TURUMA Kuluma Accustomed to, intimate with; usual, customary Uncertain Semantic Connection