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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
West Futuna PN.FONO.3 Fono To eat in the traditional manner after drinking kava
Rennellese CO.FONU-FONU Honuhonu Watery, moist, soggy
Tikopia CO.FONU-FONU Fonufonu Water-filled places, water-logged areas
East Uvea PN.FOTA.1A Fota Palper, frotter avec les mains
Hawaiian PN.FOTA.1A Hoka Squeeze, strain (as kava or liquids through fibres); disappointed, thwarted, baffled
New Zealand Maori PN.FOTA.1A Hotahota Urge on, hasten
Pukapuka PN.FOTA.1A Wota Be grounded on, to strike against (of a canoe); to lie on (of lovers); wota te manava, to pierce the heart; to be heart-breaking Problematic
Fijian MP.FOTO Voto/-ni-vai Skate thorn
Penrhyn MP.FOTO Hoto Sting, hard pointed object, barb in tail of sting ray
Hawaiian CE.HOTO Hoko/hoko Strike, threaten
Tahitian CE.HOTO Hoto/hoto Passionate, raging
Nukumanu EO.KUMETE Kumete Constellation: Delphinus
Kapingamarangi MP.FOTU.1 Hodu Appear unexpectedly
Nukuoro MP.FOTU.1 Hodu Sighted, appear
Nuguria MP.FOTU.1 Hotu-te-loto Pleased Problematic
Tuvalu PN.FAKA-QOPO Fakaopo/opo Unite
Tuvalu NP.FAKA-TASI Fakatasi To make one, unite, unify, join together; to attend, be present
Tuvalu NP.FAQAKI Faaki Report on, inform on, tell
Tuvalu PN.FAQAO F/fao Steal, snatch, seize, grab, take by force
Tuvalu TU.FAATELE Faatele Local dance ; traditional dance with ever-increasing tempo
Tuvalu SO.FATU-AKI Fatuaki Begin to weave; resolute ; make up mind, determine, decide to do something, to strengthen heart
Tuvalu CE.FEEFEE Fete Swollen; to swell Problematic
Tuvalu PN.FE-QI-TI.* Feiti Copulate
Tuvalu PN.FEKIKI Fekiki Struggle, wrestle; move in sexual intercourse
Tuvalu NP.FE-KITE Fekite Meet by chance
Tuvalu PN.FETE.1 Fete Swollen, to swell
Tuvalu PN.FETE.1 Fe/fete/ To swell
Tuvalu PN.FIITAQA.B Fita To tire, be weary, exhausted
Penrhyn MP.FOTU.1 Hotu Smaller extension of coral rock just below the sea surface
Rotuman MP.FOTU.1 Hofu Rise (of the moon); emerge (especially from interior at coast)
New Zealand Maori CE.FOTU.4 Hotu Fifteenth night of lunar cycle
Penrhyn CE.FOTU.4 Hotu Fifteenth night of lunar cycle
Rarotongan CE.FOTU.4 ʔOtu Fourteenth night of the moon
Tuamotu CE.FOTU.4 Hotu Fifteenth or seventeenth night of lunar cycle. Nights from 13 to 17 (Aud).
Vaeakau-Taumako EO.FOTU.3A Hotu Be perforated, have holes (used about leaves, clothes, etc.)
Takuu EO.FOTU.3A Fotu Hole (especially genital orifice); pierced, penetrated
Tahitian EC.FUA.3B Hua The testicles of animals
Tahitian PN.FUA.5A Hua Very, very much, completely, fully
Mangareva AN.FOQOU ʔOu New. Jeune, neuf, nouveau; nouvelle grande récolte, abondance; nouvelle fruit à pain
Tahitian AN.FOQOU Hou New, late; lately, recently
Fijian PN.FUU.1A Vuvu Cough repeatedly
Marquesas PN.FUU.1A Huu. Hu (Atl). Faire explosion, détoner, détonation, explosion, éclater. Eclater en morceaux (pierres de four); explode into pieces (oven stones) (Atl).
Mangareva PN.FUU.1A ʔU Craqueter, crépiller; aboyer
Mangareva PN.TAAQOFI Taoʔi Soigner, préparer; soin, attention, préservation; personne qui assiste à préparer un mort pour les funérailles Uncertain Semantic Connection
Nuguria PN.FUU.2A Kai hu/hu Stehlen
Niue SO.FUU.2B Fuu-uho Male genitals (respectful term) Problematic
Nukuoro EC.FUU.3 Huu layer of consolidated sand (without coral rubble) next to the reef base under the island
East Uvea MP.FUQU Fuu Se dit pour toutes sortes d'arbres ou de plantes debout, vivants ou morts
Tongan MP.FUQU Fuʔu Complete tree or plant
Nuguria PN.FUA.1A Te hua Maass