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204 Results matching "-i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
West Uvea MP.WAA-WAA.2B Vaava Liane non-id.
Samoan PN.GARUE Galue-ina To work, especially in cultivating the ground
Rennellese PN.GAA-GAA Ngaangaa/saʔa Demon-infested Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu XO.KOKO.3 (Ha)kkoo Sago palm (non-indigenous, drifts to Takuu)
Niue NP.FUGAO-NA Figona Son-in-law, daughter-in-law Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island EC.FAKA-IPO-IPO Haipo-ipo Marry; marriage, wedding Borrowed
Easter Island PN.QIGO.2 Iŋo-iŋo Dirty, soiled (from work, travel etc.) Problematic
Nukumanu NP.FUGAO-NA Hinaona hine Mother-in-law Phonologically Irregular
Rapa AN.MATUQA.C Metua Father. father-in-law
Ra'ivavae EP.FUNAOGA.* Hunoŋa An in-law, one related by marriage [son- or daughter-in-law]
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.LEMO.2 Hua/lemo/lemo-ina Polish; be polished
Vaeakau-Taumako EP.FAKA-TIKA Hua/sika/sika-ina Aim (at); discuss Problematic
West Futuna RO.KOLILI Kuriri Oiseau bord de mer non-identifié Phonologically Irregular
West Futuna SO.MAQAA Ma Sister-in-law (of woman); female cross-cousin
Takuu PN.FAKA-MATA.1 Hakamata-ina, -ria Sharpen something to a point
Tuamotu PN.SUMU.3 Humu-iti, Humu-nui Constellations (Makemson 1941)
New Zealand Maori CE.WERO Wero-i-te-ao-marie, Wero-i-te-aro-marino, Wero-i-te-kokota, Wero-i-te-ninihi, Wero-i-te-wawana, Wero-i-te-whakataka-pungarehu Star names (Makemson 1941, Best 1922b)
Tongan PN.FAKA-QILO-GA Fucca-ilonga To betoken, to note, to mark, to trace; omonious
Tongan PN.FAKA-QITA Fucca-ita To affront, aggravate, make angry, displease; to pout or look displeased
Tongan PN.MIO.1A Miáw-i Wreathed, serpentine; to twist
Tongan PN.OI.2 Aw-i An expression of pity, also of pain
Rennellese FU.FAKA-POI-POI Hakapoipoi Treat with respect and deference, as a man treats his classificatory sister- or brother-in-law; to hesitate from deference
Niue PN.-QI.3 -i Verbal suffix that can effect a valency change...
Niue SO.MAQAA Maaa Brother-in-law, sister-in-law Problematic
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.KUPEGA Kupenga-ina, pukepukenga-ina Trick (n,v)
Tongan CP.AO.1 Ao/faki Comprehensive, all-inclusive... Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas AN.-NA.1 E/na Démonstratif pour désigner la chose proche de la personne à qui on s'addresse, ou bien une chose qui existe: voici, voilâ; y a-t-il? est-ce que?
Marquesas PN.FUGOWAI.* Mot/uʔoʔai (NKH, Ua Huka), mot/ukoʔai (Ua Pou), mot/unoʔai (MQS) Beaux-parents, parents-in-law
Mangareva AN.FIHA.A E/ʔia Combien y a-t-il?
Marquesas PN.FITI.2 Hiti/hiti Etrangers non-indigènes
Mangareva CE.ANEI I/nei Exclamation interrogative: oh! en serait-il ainsi?
West Futuna NP.FENUQU.B Fanu-ia (ANI) To string beads
Tongan PN.KAU.2C Kau-ika Ten pairs of fish
Nuguria PN.FIA-INU Hii-inu (Be) thirsty
Penrhyn PN.AA- Aa- Like, -ish (in a few words?)
Rarotongan PN.AA- Aa- Alternative or diminutive in meaning: rather, somewhat, -ish
Luangiua OC.FUGAO Hiŋa/hiŋa Schwiegersohn [son-in-law] Phonologically Irregular
Luangiua PN.FAKA-TUQU Haʔakuu-lia, haʔakuu-ia Bauen, aufstellen [build, put up]
Anuta SO.MAQAA Ma Brother-in-law
Anuta AN.MATUQA.A Maatua(a) Old; an old person; kinship title for father-in-law, son-in-law; parents
Anuta PN.MO-QI Ngo Prefix indicating that an object has in some way been altered in such a manner as to prepare it for use (e.g. ngo-ika 'piece of cooked fish', ngo-paka 'piece of tobacco ready for smoking') Problematic
Anuta PN.FUGOWAI.* Pungoai Parent-in-law, child-in-law
Anuta PN.LULU.3 Ruru-i To shake
Anuta AN.TAHINA Taina Sibling of same sex; sibling-in-law of opposite sex
Anuta SO.MAQAA Tau ma Term of address for sibling-in-law of same sex
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.FAQAO Whao-a, whao/na-ia Seize, snatch
Niue CP.TUKU.A Tuku/tuku-iho To look down, to stoop down, in approaching a superior
East Uvea PN.POO.1B Ko po ʔe fia? Combien y a-t-il de jours?
Samoan NP.ALOA Aloa-ina To be treated with respect
Tongan XW.LAFU.3 Nafu/nafu/a (Of the skin) rough and cracked as the result of over-indulgence in kava