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2392 Results matching "ake" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Niuafo'ou PN.SA-SAKE Hahake East
Niuafo'ou EO.MAFUIKE Mofuike Earthquake Borrowed
Niuafo'ou PN.GAOSI Ngaahi Make
Niuafo'ou OC.FAQU.1 Faʔu Make
Tongan PN.TAUSI Tauhi To tend, look after, take care of...keep safe, preserve...
Ifira-Mele PN.LAAKEI Faka/raakei Regalia, ornaments of a chief; decorate oneself, get spruced up
Ifira-Mele PN.LAAKEI Faka/rakei/a Decorate, adorn
Rarotongan PN.TAU-SOA Tauʔoaʔoa To make friends (reciprocal); [friendship]
Rarotongan PN.TAU-SOA Tauoa/oa To entreat, to ask earnestly, to beg, to endeavour to make friendly overtures etc., according to context; to make close friendship
Luangiua PN.TOO.1A Ko/ʔi Einrammen [thrust stake into ground]. Stab down (Smd).
Luangiua PN.QIKAI Ai/make [refuse a request] Problematic
Tikopia SO.TAU-LOGO Taurongo Inform, talk to; make known, announce
Anuta PN.QAI.1 Ai ki tua To take *ma* [fermented food] out of a pit
Anuta FJ.TAKELE.A Kau/takere Canoe keel
Anuta PN.MAALIE.B Maarie Slowly, softly, gently; wait, take it easy (command)
Anuta PN.MOSO.2 Mo Cooked, in any manner (baked, roasted, boiled)
Anuta MP.GALU.1 Ngaru Breakers, surf
Anuta PN.FAKA-SEKE Pakaeke, pakaakeeke Body-surfing; to body-surf
Anuta CE.AOA Pak/aoa To make noise, cause a disturbance
Anuta MP.PIKO.A Paka/piko To bend something, to make something curved
Anuta TA.PEKE.1A Pek/ake To climb Problematic
Anuta PN.PEE-HENA Pena To precede towards a particular destination (always appears in conjunction with the directional particle *atu* or *ake*)
Anuta MP.PULA.2B Pu/pura To wake up
Anuta PN.LULU.3 Ruru-i To shake
Anuta OC.LUU.3 Ruu To shake; to convulse
Anuta CP.TAQAKI Taaki To take out
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.LAU.2B Aka/rau To make more; to multiply
Niue TO.TIQI Faka/tii To move or open slightly. To move aside; to make a slight movement (McE).
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.FAKA-RIKI Whakariki To make a quick movement with the hands, as in getting a coconut; to protrude tongue in and out of mouth quickly
Manihiki-Rakahanga AN.SALA.1 Hara Mistake, error, sin
Niue EO.QALU.B Faka/alu Make a horse gallop
Rarotongan TA.HAFA.C ʔEiaʔa Don't (weaker than *auraka, and often cautionary rather than imperative)
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.FAKA-RAU Akarau To make more, to multiply Borrowed
Tahitian PN.FAKA-RAU Faarau To make hundreds, or count by hundreds
Hawaiian PN.FAKA-RAU Hoʔolau To make numerous; to assemble, as of numerous persons or animals; numerous
Nukuoro PN.FAKA-RAU Hagalau Make a total of one hundred
Kapingamarangi PN.FAKA-RAU Hagalau To make a total of one hundred
Tongan PN.FAKA-RAU Faka/te/au To make up to a hundred, to complete a hundred of
New Zealand Maori CE.FAKA-TURI Whakaturi Love token, keepsake
Tahitian FJ.SAU.2 Hau/hau To take off the first chips in hollowing a tree
Mangaia TA.MAAORO Maaoro Rub, massage, make smooth (of matting material *paapaa*)
Manihiki-Rakahanga TA.TAEAKE Taeake Friend
Ifira-Mele CP.TUKU.A Tuku/a Take down/off (something hanging)
Rotuman CP.TUKU.A Fuʔu To take down, put down, let down, lower; (of tide) to begin to go out
Tuamotu TA.TAA-MOLE Taamore/more To make smooth, to level, equalize
Rarotongan MP.UE.A Ue Shake, disturb, shift, realign, swing round...
Mangaia MP.UE.A Ue/ue Shake (vt)
Pukapuka PN.GAHE-GAHE Ngaengae-a Tiring; make tired
Marquesas CP.PUUPUU.1 Bubu tà fáfa, bubu tei haha (NKH) To wash the mouth; to take a little food (fig. to break the fast)
Marquesas EO.FILO Féyo To twist; to make line or cord