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1056 Results matching "mai" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.LOHU Lou Hooked, long stick to get down breadfruits or leaves of breadfruit trees. Main strut from crossbeam to end of middle float (of Te Puke canoe) [Taumako Dialect] (Gge).
East Uvea AN.KOKO.1 Kookoomi(a) Enfoncer, bosseler, presser avec les mains
Mangareva FJ.LOLO-QI.A Roroi Filtrer, exprimer du jus, de l'eau au moyen d'un linge que l'on press avec les mains. To express juice etc. by straining through a cloth; to squeeze or press with the hands; to milk; to purify (Tgr).
West Uvea PN.LOMI Loomi/a Presser (avec la main); écraser; plier, froisser, tordre (le linge)
Mangareva FJ.LOTU.2 Rotu Frapper la mer avec les mains pour diriger les poissons vers le filet. To beat the sea to frighten fish into the nets (Tgr).
Mangareva EP.RUTU Rutu Frapper des pieds ou des mains un corps; heurter contre; battre au tambour
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.MA.4 Ma And, with, or (conjoins mainly noun phrases, occasionally verb phrases or clauses)
New Zealand Maori EP.MAA.4 Maa Go, come (only when followed by a directional particle such as atu, mai, ake)
Rotuman OC.MAE.1A Mai Withered, dried, faded
Nuguria PN.MAEA.1 Maia Rope, string, band
Niue PN.MA-QINE-QINE Maine (Motu dialect), maini (Tafiti dialect) Enjoyable, thrilling
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.MA-FAQA.A Mahaa Be split, broken off a main thing, separated
Rapa PN.MAFI Mai/a Strong, hard
East Futuna PN.TAGALOA.B Tagaloa Ver intestinal du corps humain; ver de mer
New Zealand Maori PN.MAQAGA Maanga Remains of food after a meal
Tahitian TA.MA-SEMO Mahemo Glisser des mains, filer entre les doigts, partir hors d'atteinte. To slip out, as a handle from a tool; to pass, as time; to fall behind; the thing that slips off; an abortive (Dvs).
Sikaiana OC.MALAQE Malae [Name of] a ceremonial center near the ritual house {hale aitu}, no longer maintained; an area in front of a house that is set off with stone work
Pukapuka NP.MAI.C Mai Come here!
Anuta AN.MAI.A Mai Particle indicating action towards some point of reference, generally the speaker
Easter Island AN.MAI.A Mai Towards speaker
East Futuna AN.MAI.A Mai Towards speaker
Fijian AN.MAI.A Mai Towards speaker
Hawaiian AN.MAI.A Mai Towards speaker
Kapingamarangi AN.MAI.A Mai Towards speaker; hither
New Zealand Maori AN.MAI.A Mai Particle indicating motion or orientation towards speaker; hither
Moriori AN.MAI.A Mai, mei Hither
Marquesas AN.MAI.A Mai Towards the speaker, hither. Exprime le rapprochement, la tendance vers la personne qui parle: vers moi, à moi (Lch). Hither (Mtu).
Niuafo'ou AN.MAI.A Mai Towards speaker
Niue AN.MAI.A Mai Towards speaker
Nukuoro AN.MAI.A Mai Towards speaker
Luangiua AN.MAI.A Mai Towards speaker
Penrhyn AN.MAI.A Mai Hither (towards the speaker); call to summon a pig to feed
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.MAI.A Mai Here, hither (postnuclear, mostly clitic directional particle indicating movement towards or attention drawn to the speaker, or the focal person(s) or place of the discourse); come here, give to me
Pukapuka AN.MAI.A Mai Particle denoting action towards speaker (or subject in whom speaker identifies himself)
Rarotongan AN.MAI.A Mai Postposed particle indicating direction towards speaker
Rennellese AN.MAI.A Mai Towards speaker
Samoan AN.MAI.A Mai Towards speaker
Tahitian AN.MAI.A Mai (après les formes verbales ou nominales) Indique que l'action est dirigée vers la personne qui parle
New Zealand Maori PN.MAI.D Mai From, since - indicating an extension in time or space. It marks the point from which the time or place is measured
Tikopia AN.MAI.A Mai Towards speaker
Tongan AN.MAI.A Mai Towards speaker
Tuamotu AN.MAI.A Mai Towards speaker
West Uvea AN.MAI.A Mai Morphème marquant l'origine ou la séparation; utilisé le plus souvent comme préposition
East Futuna PN.MAI.B Mai Donner (au locuteur)
East Uvea PN.MAI.B Mai Donne-moi, apporte-moi
Hawaiian PN.MAI.B Mai Give
Mangaia PN.MAI.B Mai Give it to me! Show me!
Marquesas PN.MAI.B Mai Donne-moi
Niue PN.MAI.B Mai To give (with same directional distinction as the post-verbal particle)
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.MAI.B Mai Give to me