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4899 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tuvalu MP.PIA.2A Pia/pia Eye discharge
Tuvalu SO.PIA.2B Pia/pia Froth around mouth
Tuvalu PN.POO-GIA Poogia To stay out until after dark; to be confused
Tuvalu NP.POKO-POKO Pokopoko Pudenda muliebria
Tuvalu PN.PONE Pone Surgeonfish spp. (Acanthurus gahhm, A.bleekeri, A.glaucopareius), Wrasse (Bodianus loxozonus)
Tuvalu RO.PUKA Puka A tree (Pisonia grandis)
Tuvalu SO.PUKA-VAI Pukavai A tree (Hernandia peltata)
Tuvalu PN.SII.1 Hii Fish with a rod, especially for Bonito
Fijian EO.SINU.2 Sinu Several trees whose sap is irritating (Phaleria)
East Futuna NP.TAU-SINU.* Tausinu Plante (Argusia argentea)
New Zealand Maori NP.TAU-SINU.* Tauhinu, taihinu A shrub (Pomaderris phylicaefolia)
Gilbertese PN.KAPE.1 Kabe (Alocasia macrorrhiza)
Niue CP.LAU-TOLU Lautolu A creeper with trifoliate leaves
West Uvea EO.SINU.2 Sinu Arbre: Palétuvier aveuglant (Excoecaria agallocha)
Samoan PN.FUKAFUKA Fuʔafuʔa (Kleinhovia hospita)
East Uvea PN.FUKAFUKA Fukafuka (Kleinhovia hospita)
Tongan OC.FUE.1A Fue General name for vines, incl. Ipomoea, Piper, Merremia, Canavalia spp.
Niue NP.SII.2B Hi/hii Diarrhoea
Pukapuka PN.SIWA.1 Yiva A type of chant, usually associated with the underworld
Tahitian OC.SIWILI Vini Perruche de Tahiti (Vini peruviana); petits oiseaux de différentes espèces, importés à Tahiti, dont (Estrilda astrild)
Tuamotu OC.SIWILI Vini Pacific Lorikeet (Vini peruviana)
New Zealand Maori CE.SOO-.1 Whoo/atu Give (away) (dial) Phonologically Irregular
Anuta CP.SOA Toa Friend. Bond-friend...fiancée (Fbg).
Sikaiana CP.SOA Soa Friend, companion; dancing partner; a ritualized friendship between two people of the same sex... a ceremonial friendship between a young boy and girl established by their parents or guardians...; lover; to be lovers; exact copy of something
Tikopia PN.SOANI Soani Assist in supplementary manner; term especially associated with traditional yam rites
Tahitian EP.SOATA.3 Hoata The name of a night of the Tahitian moon or month. Second night of the moon (Aud).
Tikopia PN.SOGO Songo Female genitalia
Rennellese SO.SOI.2 Soi To side with, ally, show preference, be partial, defend physically
Penrhyn MP.SOKA.2 Soka-hia Pointed stake or peg of *ngangie* wood used for fastening the ridge sheets
Ifira-Mele MP.SOKO.1 Sok/ia Tighten, cinch Phonologically Irregular
Rennellese NP.SOKO.2 Faka/soko To hire, as work to be done...or as to kill and anemey, revenge; material hired out for preparation
Luangiua PN.SOKO-.3B Soʔ/ia. So ʔie (Sar). By himself ; alone
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.SOKO-.3B Okho/ia Himself, herself, by himself, by herself, only (3s isolative pronoun)
Rennellese PN.SOKO-.3B Soko Alone, separate, special
Tikopia NP.SOKO-.3A Soko/soko/fia Few
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.SOLA A/olo/hia Evade, avoid Problematic
Hawaiian CE.SORA Hola (Tephrosia purpurea), a slender shrubby legume used for poisoning fish
Tahitian CE.SORA Hora Plante utilisée pour empoisonner le poisson, pécher le poisson à l'aide du hora (Tephrosia purpurea)
Tuamotu CE.SORA Hora Decoction of roots of (Morinda citrifolia) used as fish poison. Tree sp. (Morinda citrifolia) (Sct).
Toqabaqita CE.GASU.1 Ngatu/fia (Of dog etc.) snap at, as if to bite Problematic
West Futuna EO.SOLI.1 Soria (Cpl), sorea (Dty) Carry
Tongan PN.QAUEE I/á-oo-é. I/á-whé. Oiáooé. Oiaoo. Interjection: ah! An interjection of disdain. Alas! An expression of pity or pain, surprise.
Tongan MP.QATUA Hootooa An immaterial being, as a god, spirit, &c.; also any evil by the infliction of the gods, a bodily complaint, a boil. This word sometimes applies to foreigners.
West Uvea PN.SOLO-QI.* Solo-ia Masser (pour faire absorber); essuyer, nettoyer (Heo dialect)
Rennellese NP.SOLO.2B Sogo Pudding of grated taro or kape [Alocasia] mixed with grated but not expressed coconut and baked in the oven
Takuu NP.SOLO.2B Soo/soro Food made from giant taro or taro
Samoan PN.SOLO-QI.* Sooloi Wipe, especially face and mouth
Rarotongan TA.SONI.B ʔOni Nibble, gnaw v. (Mainly dialectal)
West Futuna CP.SOPE.1 Sope Tuft, ringlet of hair in the center of the forehead; comb of cock; apex, triangle
Mangareva CE.SOPII Opi Maladie vénérienne au stade initial Phonologically Irregular