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4899 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Takuu EC.LESI Kai/lesi Lie, deceive; liar
Tongan PN.FAKA-QALI Fakaʔali To show, especially something new
Hawaiian CE.FAKA-RUA.2 Hoʔolua Name of a strong north wind associated with Makaiwa, Kaua`i; Hana, Maui; and Halawa, Moloka`i
Samoan CP.FAKA-MELE Faʔamele Refuse, reject; depreciate, disparge
New Zealand Maori CE.FAKA-PAPA.B Whakapapa-tia Genealogy, recite genealogy
Tongan PN.FAKA-PELEPELE Fakapelepele To pet, to make a pet of, treat with indulgence or favouritism; treat (a thing) with special care
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.FAKA-SEKE Fkaeke/sia Surf on [Nupani Dialect]
Samoan PN.FAKA-TOFUTOFU Faʔatofutofu/sia To receive each a portion
Easter Island OC.FAKI Haa/haki Look for shellfish on the rocks (women especially)
Pukapuka OC.FAKI Waki Pick a single section from a multiple fruit (especially Pandanus)
Tongan OC.FAKI Faki Pick, pluck, especially banana, coconut
Marquesas NP.SAAKILI.2 Haʔiʔi Fantasque, lunatique, maniaque, épileptique Uncertain Semantic Connection
West Uvea NP.FAA-KULE Faalukia, faaliki(a) Chercher (les poux) Phonologically Irregular
New Zealand Maori PN.FALA.2 Whara Burial cave, tree
New Zealand Maori AN.FARA Puu/whara/whara Astelia sp
New Zealand Maori AN.FARA Koo/whara/whara Astelia spp., liliaceous plants
New Zealand Maori AN.FARA Whara/riki Phormium cookianum, an inferior kind of New Zealand flax
Fijian FJ.FALA-FALA.1 Varavara Several plants (Liliaceae), (Orchidaceae)
Marquesas XW.FALA-SOLA Faʔahoka (MQS), haʔahoʔa (MQN), haʔahoka (Ua Pou) Ananas, plante de la famille des bromoliacées Problematic
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.FAALIKI Faliki/hia Put leaves into the oven (for baking fish etc. inside)
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.FANA.1 Hana(ia) Shoot (with bow and arrow)
West Futuna AN.FANA.1 (H)fana (trans. fan/ia) Bow (of a bow and arrow); to shoot or hunt with a bow and arrow
Emae MP.FANA.2 Fan/fana/sia Heat up (cooked food)
New Zealand Maori MP.FANA.2 Hana Radiate heat, shine, glow; source of heat and light
East Futuna PN.FANA-KIO Vala(vala)kii (Sterculia fanaiho) Phonologically Irregular
Samoan PN.FANA-KIO Fanaiʔo (Sterculia sp.)
Samoan PN.FANA-KIO Fanaʔio, fagaʔio Tree sp. (Sterculia fanaiho)
Tongan PN.FANA-KIO Fanakio Tree sp. (Sterculia fanaiho), found only on Niuafo'ou
Mangareva NP.KIINAKI.* ʔIinaki Aliment d'origine animal; pitance, viande, apprêt; tout ce que l'on peut manger avec le ma (aliment végétal) Phonologically Irregular
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.FAANAU.B Hanau(ia) Give birth (to)
Fijian AN.FANO.1 Vano Go, come (Ra dialect)
West Uvea AN.FANO.1 Fano/tia Aller à la rencontre
West Uvea AN.FANO.1 Fano/fano/tia Aller au devant de quelqu'un
Tikopia AN.FANO.2 Fa(fa)no Cleanse, especially hands, utensils
Samoan XO.FANO.3 Fano/alou Slimy diarrhoea Problematic
East Futuna XW.TIPI.4 Vaa/tipi Liane servant à lier les chevrons aux poteaux de la maison (Entada phaseoloides)
Tahitian OC.FANUA-MAMALA Fenia A tree, the bark of which is used in dying. (Carumbium nutans) (Jsn) . (Omalanthus nutans) (Whr) Phonologically Irregular
East Futuna EO.FAO Faoo (Neisosperma oppositifolia)
Fijian EO.FAO Vao A plant (Bleekeria elliptica); (Ochrosia parviflora); Neisosperma oppositifolium (Whr)
Hawaiian EO.FAO Hao (Rauvolfia spp.)
Emae EO.FAO Fao Tree (Ochrosia oppositifolia)
Niue EO.FAO Pao A coastal tree with large red berries (Ochrosia parviflora)
Samoan EO.FAO Fao (Ochrosia sp.), small shore tree; (Neisosperma oppositifolium) (Whr)
Tokelau EO.FAO Fao A tree (Neiosperma oppositifolia)
Emae OC.FASI.A Faaia Couper une feuille en son centre pour faire nattes [ou] paniers Problematic
Emae OC.FASI.A Faia Diviser (une feuille de coco) Problematic
Emae FJ.FAASUA Faasua Giant Clam (Tridacna)
Rennellese FJ.FAASUA Haasua General name for giant clams or Tridacnas
West Futuna FJ.FAASUA Fasua Giant clam
Hawaiian NP.FATA.2 Haka/haka Vacant space, vacancy, room; blanks, gap; thin, emaciated