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444 Results matching "sai" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Takuu NP.KIWI.1* Kivi/aitu Shore bird with black rings around the eyes; said to cry during times of human misfortune
Sikaiana MP.SAQI Sai/sai To tie up, to bind, as in wrapping cord around a case
Takuu MP.SAQI Sai/sai Hug; (in wrestling) hold a opponent tight around the waist, then throw him to the ground
Takuu MP.SALA.3 Sara Remove (net, sail) from bindings
Ra'ivavae PN.QAMIO A/amio To contract and expand gently; said of the vaginal muscles
Ra'ivavae AN.FANO.1 Hano To go, proceed (the implication is to go over water, by sail, to a considerable distance; to go overseas); (frly) to sail; to fly, as a spirit
Ra'ivavae MQ.SOATA.4 Hooata To project light-rays above the horizon when below it; said of the moon; to become visible (as after being hidden or covered over)... Problematic
Ra'ivavae AN.SUU.1 Huu/huu Very watery (said of certain varieties of taro...)
Ra'ivavae OC.HINAGA Inaŋa A variety of very small fish or fry that swarm at certain seasons (now said only of maemae, the fry of the morava)
Takuu PN.FAKA-TOO.A Hakatoo/ina Lower (canoe sail)
West Futuna OC.KOHO Ko tane Sailfish
Hawaiian PN.SUMU.3 Humu The star Altair, in Aquila, said to have been used for navigation from Hawai'i to Tahiti
Takuu PN.SUMU.3 Simu Two four-star constellations in the southern sky ..., said to resemble a triggerfish...One appears to be the Southern Cross
Tongan FJ.KALIA Calia A double sailing canoe
Tongan PN.FATU.1C Fatoo To fold or wrap up; furl (sail); a bale
East Uvea CP.FUTA.1 Fu(ta)(futa) Enflure, gonflement, tuméfaction; enflé, gonflé, saillant
Tongan PN.GAASOLO.A Gnaholo Fleetness, swiftness, fast sailing
Tongan AN.LAA.1 La A sail of a canoe, or other vessel
Tongan EO.TAU-TAHI Totý A sailor, a fisherman; to fish
East Futuna PN.WAO-A Vaoa Etre embroussaillé
Tongan PN.FAKA-MAQU Fucca mow To make fast, to fasten, to secure, to tie, to furl (as a sail)
Hawaiian XW.MAMANA Maamana Attractive, said of a person sexually appealing but not necessarily good-looking Problematic
Tongan PN.TAUALA Tauala To luff, to sail close or closer to the wind
Tokelau PN.TAUALA (Tau)ala (of canoes or sailboats) Be close to the wind
Takuu PN.TAUALA Tauara Sail a canoe close to the wind
Niue EO.FUSU Futu Fight (with fists). (Said to be a modern word) (McE). Phonologically Irregular
East Uvea TO.TEPU Tepu(tepu) Proéminence, protubérance, bosse, noeud factice d'une massue, saillie
East Uvea XW.QUGA-QUGA ʔUga Tartre qui s'attache aux dents, la carie dentaire; (coco) gâté, non sain
New Zealand Maori PN.MOKO.1B Moko-taa A sort of death-watch [beetle], said to live in the thatch of houses...
Luangiua NO.PUKEI Puʔei, vuʔei Sail(s)
Nukumanu NO.PUKEI Puke Modern cloth and plastic sails
Takuu NO.PUKEI Pukei Canoe sail
Nukuoro PN.SAQELE Saile/nga A road, path
Nukuoro PN.MASA-IA Masaia Trapped by low water (e.g. canoes, or fish on the reef at low tide)
Tongan XW.MATE-GUUGUU Mate-nguunguu To be tired out and moaning or groaning with exhaustion; also said of one's hand or arm when stiff or insensate after being lain on or anaesthetized
Marquesas AN.LAA.1 ʔA (MQN), ka (MQS). Kaa (Mtu). Voile de navire ou d'embarcation. Sail.
Marquesas NP.PULU.7 A/puʔu Reserver, conserver, acceuillir; avoir soin de quelqu'un, lui procurer les choses nécessaires à la vie
Marquesas NP.SEMO Hemo (MQN) Saisir, prendre, attraper; apprendre de mémoire. Passé, écoulé, appaisé; fini, terminé; surpris, atteint (Dln).
Mangareva CE.KOO-IWI Koivi Squelette du corps humain; personne atteinte de consomption; maladie de consomption introduite aux Gambier vers 1860. Aux côtes saillantes; with apparent ribs (Atl).
Marquesas PN.TERE.B Kou/teʔe (MQN), ʔou/teʔe (MQS) (Atl). Départ par mer de plusieurs personnes, expédition. Naviguer, travel, sail (Atl).
Marquesas PN.TETE Tete, tete/i Trembler de fièvre, frissonner; montrer les dents, les avoir saillantes, découvertes
Rennellese PN.TO-TOLO (To)togo To crawl (said of shells and fighters)
Marquesas PN.QEMI Emi/ʔeʔe Sursauter, start; être stupéfait, be amazed. Trembler, frémir, frissonner; tressaillir (par surprise); être ému (Dln).
Sikaiana EP.PUA.B Pua/pua To blossom, of haahaa (taro), pasai (turmeric), kapulaka (taro).
Tuamotu PN.FAKA-AGI Fakaaŋiaŋi Gentle, kindly (said of the eyes) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Mangareva NP.EQA.B ʔEa/ga Reprisailles, vengeance; victime
Mangareva MP.GUTU.A Gutu Menton; bouche d'un poisson; vantard, fanfaron, bavard, hableur; propager, rapporter ce qu'on sait des autres
Marquesas PN.OFO.B Oho/ia, oho/kia Tressailler de peur
Mangareva XW.PAAEA Paoa Etre pauvre, qui manque du nécessaire Problematic
Mangareva PN.POKO.2 Poko/poko Etre profond; difficile à saisir, incompréhensible. Cheveux coupés irrégulièrement; badly cut hair (Atl).