Protoform: QAU-MAI [PN] Bring
Description: | Bring |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian |
Notes: | *0 << PN *qawe "take", *mai "towards speaker" |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
Anuta | Au mai | Bring here | (Fbg) |
East Futuna | ʔAumai | Apporter, remettre; donne-moi | (Bgs) |
East Uvea | ʔAumai | Apporter | (Rch) |
Luangiua | Aumai | Bring | (Hbn) |
Luangiua | ʔAu mai | [give me] | (Sar) |
Niuafoʔou | Aumai. ʔAumai (Tmo). | Bring here. Bring. | (Cct) |
Niuafoʔou | ʔAumai | Bring | (Tmo) |
Nuguria | Au-mai | Come hither | (Ths) |
Nuguria | K/aumai | Bring | (Ray) |
Nuguria | Kama/i | Bitten Problematic | (Ths) |
Nuguria | Kama/i te name | Bitte, gieb mir etwas Problematic | (Ths) |
Pukapuka | Aumai | Bring | (Bge) |
Rennellese | ʔAu mai | Give (to the speaker) | (Ebt) |
Tikopia | Au mai | Bring | (Fth) |
Tikopia | Aumai/na | Hospitably received | (Fth) |
Tongan | ʔOmai, ʔomi | Bring give or send or lend (to me or us) | (Cwd) |
Tongan | Omi. Omý. | To bring, to fetch. To bring hither. | (Mar) |
Tuvalu | Aumai | Bring, give, send to speaker | (Rby) |
Vaeakau-Taumako | Aumai | Give, bring | (Hvn) |
West Futuna | Amai | To bring [Aniwa Dialect] | (Cpl) |
West Uvea | Amai! | Donne! | (Hmn) |
21 entries found
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