Anuta entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
OC.A | A | Particle placed between a preposition and a personal pronoun or a proper name, but not before a common noun (i a, ki a) | (Fbg) |
MP.AFAA | Apaa | Storm, big wind | (Yen) |
MP.AFE.1A | Paka/ape/ | To bend something into hook shape | (Fbg) |
PN.AFE.2 | Ape | Thousand | (Fbg) |
AN.AFI | Api | Fire | (Yen) |
AN.AFIAFI | Apiapi. Epiepi (Fbg). | Evening | (Yen) |
EO.QAFU.2 | Apu | Spring forth Problematic | (Fbg) |
AN.AGO.1 | Ango | (Curcuma domestica) | (Yen) |
AN.QAHO | Ao | Daytime (as opposed to night) | (Fbg) |
NP.QAO-ATEA | Avatea | Midday Problematic | (Fbg) |
OC.QAHU.1 | Au | Gall-bladder | (Fbg) |
PN.AKIAKI | Akiaki | Fairy tern | (Fbg) |
MP.AKO | Ako | Learn | (Fbg) |
FJ.QARA | Ara | Wake | (Yen) |
PN.QALELO | Arero | Tongue | (Fbg) |
OC.ALI.1 | Ari | Flounder | (Hpr) |
SO.ALIGA | Aringa | To smell like rotten fish or bird | (Fbg) |
PN.QARIKI | Ariki | Chief | (Yen) |
MP.QALILI | V/ariri/ | Greensnail | (Fbg) |
MP.QALO.1 | Aro/aro | Belly, bowels. Belly inside (Fbg). | (Yen) |
EO.QALO.3 | Aro. A/aro (Fbg). | To paddle; to go | (Yen) |
MP.QAROFA.A | Aropa | Pity, compassion. Love, sympathy, affection; gift symbolizing feeling of affection (Fbg). | (Yen) |
PN.QAMO | Amo | Carry on back; carrying stick | (Fbg) |
PN.QANA.1 | Ana | Cave | (Yen) |
PN.QANA-POO | Anapo | Last night | (Fbg) |
OC.QANU.3 | Anu | Spit; spittle, saliva | (Fbg) |
OC.QAO.1 | Ao, kau/ao | Cloud | (Fbg) |
SO.APAI.2 | Aapai | To carry a large load, such as a bundle of firewood, in one's arms. | (Fbg) |
PN.QAPI.1 | Api | Group of kinsmen plus affines | (Fbg) |
MP.QASU | Atu | To remove liquid from a container, like bailing a canoe or lifting soup out of a bowl with a spoon | (Fbg) |
PN.ATA.1 | Ata | Dawn | (Yen) |
AN.QATA | Ata | Shadow | (Fbg) |
EO.QATAMAI.A | Atamai | Mind, meaning | (Fbg) |
AN.QATE.1 | Ate | Liver | (Yen) |
OC.ATU | Atu | Particle of direction away from speaker | (Fbg) |
OC.QATU.1 | Atu | Bonito (Katsuwonus pelamis) | (Fbg) |
MP.QATU.2 | Atu | Line, row | (Yen) |
MP.QATUA | Atua | Spirit being | (Fbg) |
AN.AU.1 | Au | I, me | (Fbg) |
MP.QAU.1 | Au | Sea current | (Yen) |
XO.AU-SI-AFI | Autiapi | Smoke | (Fbg) |
MP.AWA | Ava | Passage from open sea to protected water (not necessarily a channel) | (Fbg) |
NP.QAAWAGA.A | Aavanga | To marry; married; wedding | (Fbg) |
OC.E.1A | E | Present tense marker | (Fbg) |
PN.E.2 | E | By | (Fbg) |
AN.EFU.1 | Epu/epu | Finely scraped baked taro or *puraka*, mixed with coconut cream (a type of pudding used especially for small children) Problematic | (Fbg) |
PN.QEPO | Epo/epo | To lick | (Fbg) |
AN.FAA.1 | Pa | Four | (Fbg) |
AN.FAFA.1 | Papa | To carry a person (generally a small child) on one's back, piggyback-fashion; to be carried in such a fashion | (Fbg) |
OC.FAFIE | Papie | Firewood | (Yen) |
1431 entries found