Kapingamarangi entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
AN.QATA Ata Shadow, reflection (Ebt)
AN.QATA Ada Picture, shadow (Lbr)
AN.QATE.1 Ate Liver (Ebt)
AN.QATE.1 Ade Liver (Lbr)
AN.QATE.1 Ade di baahi Lungs (Lbr)
PN.QAATEA Aatea (usually aatee) The lagoon and its surface (Ebt)
OC.ATU Adu Toward the listener (Lbr)
OC.QATU.1 Adu Bonito (Lbr)
CP.FAQELU Haalu di tono To wipe oneself after defecating (Lbr)
MP.QATU.2 Adu Warp beam stick of the loom (Lbr)
MP.QATU.2 Atu/ tangata Generation (Ebt)
MP.QATULE Ature Mackerel (Ebt)
MP.QATULE Adule Fish sp (Lbr)
AN.AU.1 Au I, me (Lbr)
MP.QAU.1 Au Current (Lbr)
MP.QAUA.1 Hu/oua/ Young mullet (Hpr)
XO.AU-SI-AFI Huiahi (< auhiahi?) Smoke (Lbr)
MP.AWA Awa Channel, harbour (Lbr)
NP.QAAWAGA.A Awanga Wife (Lbr)
PN.QAWE-HIFO Gaweia Bring down (from higher place, or from east to west) Problematic (Lbr)
OC.E.1A E General, habitual (Ply)
PN.E.2 E Agent preceding subject pronoun (Lbr)
PN.EQA.A Ae To broach the surface of the water, to surface (fish) Phonologically Irregular (Lbr)
XO.QEFA Ehe Exceed, be more than enough Problematic (Lbr)
AN.FAA.1 Haa Four (Lbr)
PN.FAA-.4 Haa- Causative (Lbr)
AN.FAFA.2 Haha Mouth (Lbr)
PN.FAA-FAA Haahaa Feel about in the dark, grope (Lbr)
AN.FAFAGO Hanga Wake up someone (Lbr)
AN.FAFAGO Haangono Wake up someone (Lbr)
PN.FAFALI Haali Shovel, scoop up (Lbr)
AN.FAFINE Ahina Woman (Lbr)
MP.FAGA.1A Hanga Open at one end, to spread apart at one end (Lbr)
MP.FAGA.1A Hanga The free edge of the sail (Lbr)
PN.FAGA.4 Madaa/hanga Entrance funnel of the fish trap (made of peeled coconut root) (Lbr)
NP.FAAGAI.A Haangai Feed v (Lbr)
OC.FAAGOTA Hangota Go fishing with a line (Ebt)
AN.FAI.1 Hai Stingray (Lbr)
OC.FAI.2A Hai Make, do (Lbr)
PN.FAI.3B Hai Be in the relationship of (Lbr)
PN.FAI-GATAQA Ngadaa Difficult (Lbr)
PN.FAKA-KONOKONO Hakakono Thwarted, unable to follow out one's inclination or desires; repressed, frustrated (Ebt)
OC.FAI-MANU Haimanu Bar ray (Lbr)
PN.FAI-TAMA Hai-tama Pregnant (Ebt)
EC.FAI-TAMANA Hai damana To treat someone as a father or senior male kinsman (Lbr)
EO.FAKA-.1 Haka- Causative (Lbr)
PN.FAKA-FANA. Hagahana Reheat cooked food (Lbr)
PN.FAKA-QITA Hagaii/nia niha Bare the teeth Problematic (Lbr)
SO.FAKA-KAA.1 Hagagaa Caus. of gaa 'sharp (knife)' (Ebt)
PN.FAKA-KONOKONO Hagakono Be stoic, stoicism (Lbr)

1353 entries found