Ifira-Mele entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
FJ.TONU.1A Too/tonu/ Straight, true, correct (Clk)
CP.TONU.2 Tonu Groper (Clk)
PN.TOTO.1 Toto Blood (Clk)
FJ.TOU.2 Tu Pron. we (inclusive, plural i, subject ii) (Clk)
NP.TUU.1 Tuukere Green-winged ground pigeon, (Chalcophaps indica) (Clk)
AN.TUQU.1 Tuu Stand (Clk)
PN.TUQU.3A Tuu/jia Cut (Clk)
PN.TUQA.1C Tua Far out to sea (Bgs)
PN.TUQA.1C T/tua/ Outermost part of reef (Clk)
CP.TUAHI Tuasi Shellfish sp. used for scraping; cocnut shredder (of shell) (Clk)
OC.TUAI Tuuai Old (of things); long ago (Clk)
CP.TUAKI Tuaki/a Bite off piece of something tough (Clk)
PN.TUQA-A-TINA Fei/tuetnana Be related as mother's brother, sister's child (Clk)
EO.TUFA.1 Tufa/kina Give out, distribute (Clk)
AN.TUUGI-A Tuugia Put on the fire, burn; light (fire, lamp) (Clk)
AN.TUI Tui/a Sew, string (Clk)
PN.TUKE.1 Tukaa/umu Firebrand Problematic (Clk)
FU.TUU-KELE.* Tuukere Green-winged ground pigeon, (Chalcophaps indica) (Clk)
AN.TUKI.A Tuki/a Hit, pound, knock on (door) (Clk)
PN.TUKUKU Jikuku Kind of fish (small, black or blue, found in tidal pools) Phonologically Irregular (Clk)
PN.TULE.1 Tule Nod, doze off Problematic (Clk)
EO.TUMAQA An/tuumaa/ Connects tens to units (Clk)
PN.TUQU-MAQU Tuumau Forever (Clk)
AN.TUNU T/tunu/ To roast (Clk)
OC.TUPA Tupa Crab, generic term (Clk)
AN.TUPU.A Tupu Grow (of a person) (Clk)
OC.TUPUQA.A Jipua A type of supernatural creature (not harmful) that may visit people in their sleep (Clk)
PN.-U -u Second person singular possessive suffix (Clk)
MP.QUUQUU Wuuwuu Coconut Crab (Clk)
OC.UQA.1A Pena/ua/ Neck (Clk)
AN.QUFI.1 Ufi Yam (Clk)
PN.QUFI-QULU Fiiru Hat (Clk)
AN.QUGA Uga Hermit Crab (Clk)
AN.QUHA Ua Rain (Clk)
PN.QUHI.1 Fee/wi/a/ Ask (Clk)
MP.QUHILA Wira Lightning (Clk)
OC.UKA.A Uka Rope for hanging things on (Clk)
AN.QURA Ura Lobster, crayfish, shrimp (Clk)
PN.QULU-QAKI Uru First-born Problematic (Clk)
MP.QULUGA Uruga Pillow (Clk)
PN.QULU-MATUQA Uru Eldest, firstborn (Clk)
MP.QUMU.1A Umu Earth oven (Clk)
AN.QUNA Una Fish scale (Clk)
PN.UNU.3 Unu Drink (Clk)
NO.USU.5 Usu Nose (Clk)
AN.QUTA.1 Uuta Shore, inland (Clk)
OC.QUTO Uto Coconut with edible husk (Clk)
OC.QUTU.1 Utu/fia Fill (Clk)
OC.QUTU.1 Tufi/a Fetch, draw (Water) (Clk)
AN.WAQE Vae Leg (Clk)

833 entries found