Niue entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.PALAU Palau Boast, praise oneself (Sph)
PN.PALE.1A Pale Fend off, guard. To block (McE). (Sph)
PN.PALE.2 Pale Dress the hair (Sph)
FJ.PALE.3C Pale Turned (as sun when past noon, or moon past midnight) (Sph)
PN.PALU.1 Palu Oilfish (Ruvettus pretiosus). Fish spp., mainly snapper and jobfish (Lutjanidae) (Sph). (Hpr)
AN.PALU.2 Palu To mix (of liquids), to brew (Sph)
PN.PANE.A Pane/lima Part of the palm of the hand where it joins the wrist. Base of the palm, lower wrist (Sph). (McE)
OC.PANI.1 Pani Paint, smear, rub oil on (I) Problematic (???)
PN.PAO.1 Pao To punch [hit with fist]; to nail, to hammer; stop up (as a tooth, make a filling (Sph)
PN.PAOPAO Vaka paopao A boat, a canoe. One-man canoe (Sph). (McE)
PN.PAPA.1B Papa To sit (on the flat ground); floor-mat (made from wide, unsplit pandanus leaves)l solid (with a flat base); to be hit flat, to be hit full square (completely, absolutely, exactly) (Sph)
CP.PASU.1A Pahu Bang, stamp, dash down. Stamp, slam; to fish by a method involving tapping parts of the canoe (Sph). (McE)
CE.PASU.1B Pahu Local bass [instrument] made from box, string and stick; cello, double bass. A drum (McE). Problematic (Sph)
EO.PAASUA Pa(pa)hua Large bivalve shellfish often found embedded in coral. (McE)
OC.PATA.1A Pata A drop of rain (Tgr)
LO.PATO Pato Duck n. (McE)
PN.PATU.2 Patu Rock; stony, rocky. Foundation (Sph). Problematic (McE)
EP.PAU.1D Pau Tarnished, faded Borrowed Problematic (Sph)
PN.PEE- Pe/he Like (resembling), thus (Sph)
OC.PEAU Peau Wave (of ocean); wave hairstyle (Sph)
PN.FEE-FEA* Feefee How? (in what way? in what manner?) (Sph)
PN.PUKE.4 Puke Decking or top part of a canoe (Sph)
PN.PEGU Penu To be blunt Phonologically Irregular (Sph)
PN.PEE-HENA Pehena In like manner, like that (McE)
PN.PEE-HENI Pehenai In this manner, like this (McE)
PN.PEE-HENI Pehee nai Like this (Sph)
OC.PEKA.1 Peka Flying fox, fruit bat (Pteropus sp.); to cling (Sph)
CP.PEKA-PEKA.1 Pekapeka White-rumped Swiftlet ICollocalia spodiopygia) (Sph)
PN.PEKE.2A Peke Undersized, stunted (of tubers) (Sph)
EP.FAKA-PEKE Fakapeke To curl up (refers to situations when someone 'makes himself small' as a sign of shame or expectation of some punishment Borrowed (Sph)
OC.PELA Pela Pus; to ooze pus (Sph)
OC.PELA Pela/pela Mud (Sph)
OC.PELU.A Pelu Fold, bend over, hem; complete weaving by folding back or over (Sph)
PN.PENA.2 Pena/pena To tie, bind. To bind, bundle up (Sph). (McE)
OC.PEPE Pepe Butterfly (Sph)
CE.PEEHAU Peehau, peekau Wing. Wing of a bird or other flying creature (McE). Phonologically Irregular (Sph)
PN.PEQE-SI.A Peehi Fall on, press upon, lean against. To press, push down (Sph). (McE)
MP.PII.2A Pii(pii) Sprinkle (liquid) (Sph)
MP.PIA.1 Pia Arrowroot plant (Tacca pinnatifida); food prepared from arrowroot (McE)
MP.PIA.1 Ka/pia Cassava or tapioca (Manihot esculenta) (McE)
MP.PIA.2A Pia/pia Smudgy, messy, sticky. Not properly cleaned (McE). (Sph)
MP.PIA.2A Mata/pia/ Gummy-eyed (McE)
MP.PIKI.1A Piki Adhere to, touch (lightly or accidentally), brush against (Sph)
PN.PIKI.2 Piki Paralysed (of arm) (McE)
NP.PILI.1B Pili (i) Be joined to Problematic (???)
MP.PILI.1A Pili Resin, glue; to glue together (Sph)
PN.PILITA Pilita Wild yam sp. (Dioscorea pentaphylla) (Sph)
PN.PILO Pilo Dirty; dirt, waste (Sph)
PN.PILO Faka/pilo To defecate (Sph)
OC.PIPI.2 Pipi A large tree (Hernandia moerenhoutiana) (Sph)

2724 entries found