Pukapuka entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
XO.UA-LOTO Ualoto Middle section (esp. of canoe) (Sby)
FJ.SAGA.1A Anga/anga To work, to do; activity, occupation Borrowed (Bge)
MP.QALO.1 Alo/alo Belly (Sby)
PN.QARO-FI-LIMA Alonga a lima Palm of hand Phonologically Irregular (Bge)
PN.QARO-FI-WAQE Aloga a vae Sole of foot Phonologically Irregular (Bge)
MP.QALO.1 Alo/nga a wuu Portion of body below breast (Bge)
MP.QALO.1 Io alo/nga Ventral area of fish (Sby)
PN.E.3 E...ee Vocative particle, preceding and sometimes following a name (Sby)
PN.FAKA-QALI Wakaali(ali) To gesture (Bge)
OC.FAQU.1 Wo/wou To repair, renew; to build (house or canoe) Phonologically Irregular (Bge)
OC.MAKO.3 Tau/mako/mako Plant sp., Achyranthes velutina. Polynesian Chaff-flower (Sby). (Bge)
??.TIKI-TIKI Tikitiki Attendant god or spirit (Bge)
PN.TUQU-GAQA Tuunga/yala Difficult, troublesome (Sby)
FJ.TUI-TUI.2 Tuitui Candlenut fruit brought from Yiva (Marquesas) (in chant) (Sby)
FJ.TUI-TUI.2 Tuitui Candlenut fruit brought from Yiva (Marquesas) (in chant) (Sby)
OC.WELA.A Vela Fire in the bush (in chant texts) (Sby)
NP.WILI.3 Vi(li)vili Tremble, shiver (Bge)
NP.WILI.3 Waka/vili/ate To startle (Bge)
PN.WILI.2 Waka/vi/vili To have mind set on something or someone; to attract or fascinate (one of the opposite sex) (Bge)
OC.GAFA Ngawa mangamanga a lima Span of hand from thumb to longest finger (measurement of length) (Bge)
PN.KAFA.2 Tuaa/kawa The second to the champion wrestler (Sby)
PN.QAW-ATU Avatu Take away, give away (Sby)
NP.LAAWAKI Laavaki Procession of population to another village, often with music Uncertain Semantic Connection (Sby)
EC.LE-LEA.1 Waka/lea/lea A high-pitched call to a god following the lupe and followed next by wakatatoo, rapid movements (Bge)
TA.RUA-ROA Te lua loa Southern half of the sun's ecliptic (Bge)
PN.MA-NEKE Maneke Moveable (Sby)
PN.MAPU Mapu/i Belch, fart (Sby)
XO.MATA-A-WAKA Mataavaka Fore part of canoe Problematic (Sby)
MP.MAQULI Watu mauli ola Commemorative stones where people prayed to dead ancestors accidentally killed (Ethnology) (Bge)
PN.MURI.1B Muli/muli Tail, hind end, hind quarter; base of [coconut] (opposite end from eyes); blunt end of object. Buttocks (Sby). (Bge)
PN.MURI-WAQE Muli/mulivae Heel (Sby)
PN.NA.3 Na Past tense (Sby)
PN.NA.4 A/na Third person singular preposed subject pronoun (Sby)
NP.NATI U/nati To hold on, insistent; tighten one's sphincter (Sby)
XE.OPATA Apata Sleeping hole of a fish; genitals of a woman. Submarine cave in reef (Sby). Problematic (Bge)
PN.PAKUU.A Pakuu Boom of wave breaking (Sby)
OC.POLO.1 Polo/uyi Romanzoff Shrub (Kadua romanzoffiensis) (McC)
EP.SOPE.2 Ope End, tip, edge Phonologically Irregular (Mta)
EP.SOPE.2 Waka/ope Come to an end Phonologically Irregular (Mta)
OC.SOPU.2 Yopu ki tai Go down into the sea (Sby)
SO.TAINA Taina Sibling or classificatory sibling of same sex as speaker (Bge)
PN.TAKA.2B Taka/avae Shoe made of sinnet (Sby)
??.TAAUA.2 Taua Name of a goddess (atua punupunu). Goddess of Pukapuka belonging to Loto village (Sby). (Bge)
NP.TEE-HENA Teenaa That (near you) (Sby)
PN.TOQO.1 Too Choose, select, take (Mta)
PN.TOE-GA Toe/toega Remains, leftovers (Sby)
FJ.TONU.1A Tau/tonu Correct, right, agreed (of proposition or thing) (Bge)
CE.TONU.1B Lolo/tonu The middle (Bge)
CE.TONU.1B Loto tonu Middle (Sby)
AN.TURI Tuu tulivae To kneel (Bge)

2228 entries found