Rennellese entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
MP.PILI.1A Pigi Stick (Ebt)
PN.PILO Pigo Stinking, as faeces (Ebt)
MP.PIPI.1 Pipi Circular bivalves (Ebt)
MP.PISI.1 Pisi/kia Be drenched, soaked; to wet, soak, splash; to receive a spurt of a liquis, as lime juice, in the eye; to cry, of eyes filled with onion scent (Ebt)
MP.PISI.1 Pisipisi Splash, wet, stir up, as waves (Ebt)
PN.PISI.3 Pisi To hit, strike; to burst with a sound, as rocks in a hot fire; to break, as a boil; to bang, as a gun; to explode; to crack, as thunder (Ebt)
AN.PITO.1 Pito Navel, umbilical cord (Ebt)
MP.POO.1A Poo Night, become night (Ebt)
PN.POA.2 Poa Kind of wild yam (Ebt)
NP.POGA.2 Poga (Pronounced ponga (sic)) Pubic area (Ebt)
PN.POGA-POGA Pongaponga Rough, as skin (Ebt)
PN.POI.A Poi Grasshopper sp (Ebt)
SO.POI.B Poi/poi/tua To be in a precarious situation or in danger; almost (Ebt)
PN.POKO.2 Po/poko/ Deep, as the sea or pits (Ebt)
NP.POKO-POKO Pokopoko Vagina (Ebt)
XO.POKO-QULU Pokoʔugu Skull (Ebt)
MP.POLA.1 Poga Plaited coconut leaves formerly used as house walls or as temple roof.... (Ebt)
NP.POLAE Pogae Small red fish (Ebt)
PN.POLATA Pogata Banana stem (Ebt)
SO.POLE.B Haka/poge/ Quiver (Ebt)
PN.PORO-QAKI Pogoʔaki Order, invite, send for, summon, call, beckon (Ebt)
PN.PORO-QAKI He/pogoʔaki Greet ceremonially, discuss peace, bring gifts (Ebt)
PN.PORO-QAKI Pogoaki/nga Invitation, order, request (Ebt)
PN.PONA Pona Knot, node, knob, knuckle (Ebt)
MP.PONO.1 Po/pono/ Cover, as with hands (Ebt)
AN.POPO.1 Popo Rotten, as wood or teeth (Ebt)
AN.POO-POO.A Poopoo Pat, press down, flatten out; beat hard, so as to flatten or smash (Ebt)
NP.POTA Pota Baked or boiled greens (Ebt)
OC.POTO.1 Poto/poto Short (Ebt)
PN.POTU.1 Potu Piece, portion, fraction, section, end, room; nearby corner or end, as of a village; people of the village end or nearby village; to become related through marriage to a spouse's relatives (Ebt)
OC.POU.1 Pou Post (Ebt)
PN.POO-QULI Pooʔugi Darkness, underworld, underground, depths, dark interior... (Ebt)
PN.PUU.2 Puu Pierced, punctured (Ebt)
SO.PUU.3 Puu To stoke, as a fire; to put wood or stones on an oven (Ebt)
FJ.PUA.A Pua Tree with fragrant flowers (Ebt)
FJ.PUA.A Pua ʔatua (Fagraea berteriana) (Ebt)
FJ.PUA.A Pua/bano A large tree (Guettarda speciosa) (Ebt)
PN.PU-QAKI Puʔaki Feed with chewed food directly from mouth (Ebt)
MP.PUGA.1 Punga Coral (Ebt)
FJ.PUQI Puʔi/a Smell, sniff, as from afar (Ebt)
PN.PUI.A Pui/pui Shield, protect (Ebt)
RO.PUKA Puka (Pisonia grandis (Ebt)
SO.PUKA-VAI Pukabai A tree, probably (Pisonia grandis) (Ebt)
FJ.PUKE.1A Puke Hill, as for tubers (Ebt)
MP.PUKU.1A Puku Knot, as in a tree (Ebt)
PN.PUKU.2 Puku(puku) To be short (Ebt)
FJ.PUKU.3 Puku Put or hold in the mouth (Ebt)
MP.PULA.1 Puga Shine v, as a lantern (Ebt)
MP.PULA.2B Puga Look (Ebt)
MP.PULE.1 Puge Cowries (Ebt)

2091 entries found