Rennellese entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
MP.PILI.1A | Pigi | Stick | (Ebt) |
PN.PILO | Pigo | Stinking, as faeces | (Ebt) |
MP.PIPI.1 | Pipi | Circular bivalves | (Ebt) |
MP.PISI.1 | Pisi/kia | Be drenched, soaked; to wet, soak, splash; to receive a spurt of a liquis, as lime juice, in the eye; to cry, of eyes filled with onion scent | (Ebt) |
MP.PISI.1 | Pisipisi | Splash, wet, stir up, as waves | (Ebt) |
PN.PISI.3 | Pisi | To hit, strike; to burst with a sound, as rocks in a hot fire; to break, as a boil; to bang, as a gun; to explode; to crack, as thunder | (Ebt) |
AN.PITO.1 | Pito | Navel, umbilical cord | (Ebt) |
MP.POO.1A | Poo | Night, become night | (Ebt) |
PN.POA.2 | Poa | Kind of wild yam | (Ebt) |
NP.POGA.2 | Poga | (Pronounced ponga (sic)) Pubic area | (Ebt) |
PN.POGA-POGA | Pongaponga | Rough, as skin | (Ebt) |
PN.POI.A | Poi | Grasshopper sp | (Ebt) |
SO.POI.B | Poi/poi/tua | To be in a precarious situation or in danger; almost | (Ebt) |
PN.POKO.2 | Po/poko/ | Deep, as the sea or pits | (Ebt) |
NP.POKO-POKO | Pokopoko | Vagina | (Ebt) |
XO.POKO-QULU | Pokoʔugu | Skull | (Ebt) |
MP.POLA.1 | Poga | Plaited coconut leaves formerly used as house walls or as temple roof.... | (Ebt) |
NP.POLAE | Pogae | Small red fish | (Ebt) |
PN.POLATA | Pogata | Banana stem | (Ebt) |
SO.POLE.B | Haka/poge/ | Quiver | (Ebt) |
PN.PORO-QAKI | Pogoʔaki | Order, invite, send for, summon, call, beckon | (Ebt) |
PN.PORO-QAKI | He/pogoʔaki | Greet ceremonially, discuss peace, bring gifts | (Ebt) |
PN.PORO-QAKI | Pogoaki/nga | Invitation, order, request | (Ebt) |
PN.PONA | Pona | Knot, node, knob, knuckle | (Ebt) |
MP.PONO.1 | Po/pono/ | Cover, as with hands | (Ebt) |
AN.POPO.1 | Popo | Rotten, as wood or teeth | (Ebt) |
AN.POO-POO.A | Poopoo | Pat, press down, flatten out; beat hard, so as to flatten or smash | (Ebt) |
NP.POTA | Pota | Baked or boiled greens | (Ebt) |
OC.POTO.1 | Poto/poto | Short | (Ebt) |
PN.POTU.1 | Potu | Piece, portion, fraction, section, end, room; nearby corner or end, as of a village; people of the village end or nearby village; to become related through marriage to a spouse's relatives | (Ebt) |
OC.POU.1 | Pou | Post | (Ebt) |
PN.POO-QULI | Pooʔugi | Darkness, underworld, underground, depths, dark interior... | (Ebt) |
PN.PUU.2 | Puu | Pierced, punctured | (Ebt) |
SO.PUU.3 | Puu | To stoke, as a fire; to put wood or stones on an oven | (Ebt) |
FJ.PUA.A | Pua | Tree with fragrant flowers | (Ebt) |
FJ.PUA.A | Pua ʔatua | (Fagraea berteriana) | (Ebt) |
FJ.PUA.A | Pua/bano | A large tree (Guettarda speciosa) | (Ebt) |
PN.PU-QAKI | Puʔaki | Feed with chewed food directly from mouth | (Ebt) |
MP.PUGA.1 | Punga | Coral | (Ebt) |
FJ.PUQI | Puʔi/a | Smell, sniff, as from afar | (Ebt) |
PN.PUI.A | Pui/pui | Shield, protect | (Ebt) |
RO.PUKA | Puka | (Pisonia grandis | (Ebt) |
SO.PUKA-VAI | Pukabai | A tree, probably (Pisonia grandis) | (Ebt) |
FJ.PUKE.1A | Puke | Hill, as for tubers | (Ebt) |
MP.PUKU.1A | Puku | Knot, as in a tree | (Ebt) |
PN.PUKU.2 | Puku(puku) | To be short | (Ebt) |
FJ.PUKU.3 | Puku | Put or hold in the mouth | (Ebt) |
MP.PULA.1 | Puga | Shine v, as a lantern | (Ebt) |
MP.PULA.2B | Puga | Look | (Ebt) |
MP.PULE.1 | Puge | Cowries | (Ebt) |
2091 entries found