Rennellese entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.PULE.2 Puge Plan, deliberate, meet to plan a plot (Ebt)
AN.PULE-PULE Pugepuge Spotted (Ebt)
SO.PULI Pugi/pugi Fold together, to mould, as of geemugi pudding (Ebt)
PN.PULOTU.2 Pugotu Song composer; to sing a bit, as to practice, or while working (Ebt)
CP.PUULOU.A Puugou Abundance of hair, climbing vine (Ebt)
MP.PULU.1A Pugu Coconut husk (Ebt)
AN.PULU.2 Pugu Resin; soot (Ebt)
PN.PULU.4 Puugu/i Shield, protect, form a shield or barrier (Ebt)
MP.PUNA Puna Break, as waves, leap or fly at (Ebt)
PN.PUNI.1A Puni Entangled (Ebt)
PN.PUNOU Punou Bend over, crouch (Ebt)
PN.PUNUA Punua Young, (of people and other fauna) (Ebt)
MP.PUSA.2 Pusa/ʔi Smoky (Ebt)
MP.PUSI.1 Pusi Blow, as flute or the wind (Ebt)
NP.PUSI-A Pusia To be breezy or blown upon (Ebt)
FJ.PUSI.2 Pusi Starry or clouded moray eel (Ebt)
PN.PUSO.2 Puso Skull, bones of a fish-head (Ebt)
PN.PUTO Puto To place a seine (Ebt)
OC.PUTU.1 Putuputu To be in close proximity [ex. coconut trees] (Ebt)
OC.PUTU.1 Haka/putu To gather together, assemble, collect (Ebt)
PN.PUTU.2 Putu Share, especially formerly of raw food offered to the gods; to make such an offering (Ebt)
PN.SAA.2 Saa(saa) Protrude, emerge, stick out (Ebt)
PN.SAQA.2 Saʔa Clan (Ebt)
OC.SAE.1 Sae Tear v, strip, as bark (Ebt)
PN.SAQELE Saʔege Go, approach (esp. for sex), advance in battle (Ebt)
NP.SAFE.1 Sahe Be gotten, acquired (Ebt)
NP.SAFE.1 Saahe/ga Affluence, fertility, abundant gifts from the gods (Ebt)
MP.SAFE.2 Saahe/i To hang (Ebt)
SO.SAAFEA Saahea To be punished by the gods as for trespassing ona taboo place, perhaps by sickness; to be bewitched (Ebt)
OC.SAFU.1 Sahu Drip, flow, as water or blood (Ebt)
FJ.SAGA.1A Sanga Plant v, garden (Ebt)
MP.SAGA.2 Sanga/nga Forked, branching (Ebt)
MP.SAQI Saʔi/saʔi Bind (Ebt)
MP.SAKA.1 Saka Song without instruments or clapping (Ebt)
FJ.SAKE.1 Sake Kick up, as a rubber ball (Ebt)
PN.SAKI Saki To be discharged, sacked (Ebt)
FU.SAQAKI.1 Saʔaki Do unanimously (Ebt)
NP.SAQAKI.2 Saʔakina Be sick, as with an epidemic, be afflicted (Ebt)
PN.SAKO Sako gaʔakau Slender stick or sticks (Ebt)
AN.SALA.1 Saga To be mistaken, incorrect (Ebt)
CO.SALIKI Sagiki Floor, canoe platform, shelf in ancient house. (Ebt)
EO.SAQALO Saaʔago Scrape, as kie leaves with a shell (Ebt)
OC.SALU.1 Sagu Chop, as branches with axe or knife (Ebt)
FU.SAMA-TASI Samatasi Boat, dinghy, serve as boat, single outrigger float. (Ebt)
XO.SAMONO Samono Porpoise. (Ebt)
PN.SAMU.1A Samu Bite seeds and spit out pulp Problematic (Ebt)
PN.SAMU-TI.1 Samu Jerk, yank, snatch; dodge, duck (Ebt)
MP.SAO Hao Go through a reef pass, safe, healthy (Ebt)
MP.SAPAI Sapai Hold, as a child on lap, sit on someone's lap (Ebt)
PN.SAPOTU Sapotu Sink partially, fall in prestige and authority Problematic (Ebt)

2091 entries found