Samoan entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
SO.FANOGO.B Faagono Tale intermingled with song; (interjection) applied to a boaster Phonologically Irregular (Prt)
CP.TAGI.B Tagi Make a characteristic noise (Prt)
PN.FAAQOA Faoa/ʔaʔai Village, or portion of a town (Prt)
PN.OQO O To penetrate, as a spear into the body; to go deep down, as a stick stuck into the ground, and meeting with no obstacle (Prt)
TU.OFI.B Ofi Go through, get into (narrow passage or space); be room; (of animals) mate (Mnr)
PN.POI.A Poi Flinch, shrink from (Mnr)
PN.POI.C Poi A game on mud flats (Prt)
PN.PEKE.2A Pe/peʔe Crippled by warts on the soles of the feet (Prt)
PN.SE-SEGI Segi Wild, shy, not tame (Prt)
PN.SEGI.A Segi/segi First light, break of day (po.) (Mnr)
PN.SE-SEGI Segi/segi Be wary, cautious (Mnr)
PN.TAUSI Tausi Take care of, nurse; observe, keep as a command. Wife of an orator or tulafale (McP). (Prt)
FJ.QASA Asa To ford, wade through; make one’s way across (bushetc.) (Mnr)
PN.MEQA.B Mea To do, to prepare (Prt)
SO.OSO Oso (of water) Run over, overflow (Mnr)
NP.POGA-A-ISU Pogaiisu The nostrils (Prt)
NP.POGA-A-ISU Pogaiisu Bridge of nose (Mnr)
SO.MUQA-GA-LAQE Muaaulu Forehead Problematic (Mnr)
FJ.SAGA.1B Faʔa/saga Face towards, attend to, set to, get on with (Prt)
SO.TEQE-MUU Fii/leemuu Quiet, calm; mild, gentle, harmless; peace; silence (Mnr)
PN.WALE-A.A Valea Mad, insane; stupid, dull-witted. Ignorant (Prt). (Mnr)
PN.TUQU-LAKI Tuulaʔi Rise up, stand up (Prt)
PN.QAFIO Afio (chiefly) Come, go; reside, dwell; be present; say (Mnr)
EC.GA-AKE Gaa/gaʔe Eastward, a little towards the east (Prt)
OC.MISI.B Misi/alofa Click tongue as a sign of pity or sympathy (Prt)
PN.MUKA.1A Muʔa/muʔa (of trees, young person) Green, immature (Prt)
EO.AFU.1 Afu/a A feast made when the wife becomes pregnant (Prt)
EC.MAGA-MAGA.B Magamaga/alima The divisions between the fingers (Prt)
EC.MAGA-MAGA.B Magamaga/ava The divisions between the toes (Prt)
PN.TALO-TALO Lau/talotalo Crinum asiaticum, Monsoon Lily, Spider Lily (Phm)
PN.TALA-TALA.A Talatala Prickly, rough (Prt)
PN.FAKA-QATU.B Faaʔatu Worry (Mnr)
PN.TUPU.B Tupu Units in counting above tens and hundreds (Prt)
NP.PALOLO-MUQA Palolo/mua The name of a month, June-July (Prt)
PN.MULIFAA Mulifaa The name of a month, August-September (Prt)
PN.TA-PUNI Taapuni To shut (Prt)
PN.MAALOOLOO.B Maalooloo To rest; to be recovered from sickness, to be well (Prt)
SO.IVI-TUQU Ivituu The spine (Mnr)
NP.TEE-LAA Lelaa Definite demonstrative pronoun...that (over there) Phonologically Irregular (Mnr)
NP.TEE-HENA Lenaa Definite demonstrative pronounl...that Phonologically Irregular (Mfr)
SO.LAVA-A Lavaa Be able to (Mnr)
PN.MA-ILI Maili(ili) To commence to blow, to spring up as a breeze (Prt)
MP.MATA-QI-HUHU Mataasusu A teat. Nipple (McP). (Prt)
PN.MAGEHO.B Vao mageso Polynesian nettle (Laportea interrupta) Phonologically Irregular (Whr)
OC.GUU.1 Guu/guu To be dumb (Prt)
NP.PEE-LAA Peelaa As if, as though (Mnr)
NP.PEE-LAA Faʔa/peelaa Like that (Mnr)
PN.MUU.1 See/muu The dragon-fly (Prt)
PN.KAILAO ʔAilao The act of fencing with, or flourishing, a club; to brandish the club (Prt)
SO.QAAUGA Aauga Signs and symptoms of an illness Uncertain Semantic Connection (Mnr)

3022 entries found