Tahitian entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
PN.TE-KAU | Taʔau | Vingt (dix couples) Phonologically Irregular | (Lmt) |
FJ.TEKE.3 | Po/tee | Circular, or oval Problematic | (Dvs) |
NP.TEKI.1 | Teʔi | Sauter a cloche-pied, trainer la jambe, boiter | (Lmt) |
EP.TEKO.3 | Teʔo/teʔo | Orgueil; orgueilleux | (Lmt) |
PN.TERE.A | Tere | Naviguer (bateau), nager (poisson), rouler (voiture), fonctionner (appareil) | (Lmt) |
PN.TERE.B | Tere | Voyage, objet d'un voyage ou d'une visite; voyager | (Lmt) |
PN.TERE.B | Tere | A travelling company | (Dvs) |
TA.TENI | Faʔa/teni/ | Faire l'éloge, vanter | (Lmt) |
CE.TEO | Teo | Clitoris | (Lmt) |
NP.TE-TASI | Te tahi | One, or the other (only for people) | (Wls) |
EP.E-TASI | Vetahi | Some, certain ones, others Phonologically Irregular | (Wls) |
CP.TEQETEQE | Têtê | The name of a small fish | (Dvs) |
PN.TE-TEA | Tetea | A person who remains always in the shade, and thereby becomes white; also a phantom said to appear at a spring of water | (Dvs) |
PN.TEU.1 | Teu | To be naked, said contemptuously; a term applied to the menses Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Dvs) |
PN.TEU.1 | Teu/teu | Servants, attendants on a chief | (Dvs) |
PN.TEWE | Teve | The name of a plant, and acrid root. (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius) (Whr). (Dracontium polyphyllum) (Jsn). | (Dvs) |
MP.TII.1 | Tii | Racine de la plante appelée `autii (Cordyline fructicosa) | (Lmt) |
MP.TIA.1A | Tia/tia | Les bâtons qui relient la traverse (`iato) de la pirogue au balancier (ama) | (Lmt) |
AN.TIA.2 | Tia | Bas-ventre; dos (peu usité) | (Lmt) |
EP.TIAKI | Tiiaʔi | Gardien, garder, attendre | (Lmt) |
PN.TIALE | Tiare | Fleurs; "tiaré": tiare tahiti ou tiare maa`ohi (Gardenia tahitensis) | (Lmt) |
OC.TIFA.1A | Tifa | Striped with various colours Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Dvs) |
CE.TIFA.1B | Tifa | To join things together, to dovetail | (Dvs) |
CE.TIFA.1B | Tiifa/i | Rapiécer, raccomoder | (Lmt) |
CE.TIFA.1B | Tiifa/i/fai | Couvre-lit ou tapisserie faite de pièces d'étoffes, de couleurs rapportées | (Lmt) |
EP.TIKA.B | Tiʔa | Debout, droit, dressé; avoir pied | (Lmt) |
CE.TII-KARO | Tiiʔaro | Se nettoyer les yeux, le nez, une plaie avec les doigts | (Lmt) |
CE.TIKI.1 | Tiʔi | Statues de style traditionnel, sculpture, idole | (Lmt) |
CE.TIKI.2 | Tiʔi | Aller chercher (quelqu'un ou quelque chose) | (Lmt) |
CE.TIKI-RAU | Tiʔirau | A place at Taha`a Island (JPS 26.112) | (Lmt) |
CP.TIKO.A | Ti/tiʔo | Déféquer | (Lmt) |
PN.TILA | Tira | Mât de bateau | (Lmt) |
TA.TII-RAFA | Tiiraha | Etre couché sur le dos; se coucher sur le dos | (Lmt) |
EP.TIREO | Tireo | The first day of the moon, or first night | (Dvs) |
PN.TILI.1A | Tiri | To throw, or cast a small fishing net into the water | (Dvs) |
TA.TIMU.2 | Timu/i | To lock or turn a key; a key Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Dvs) |
NP.TII-PUTA | Tiiputa | Percer un trou (se dit des cocos dont on perce l'oeil) | (Lmt) |
NP.TINA-QI | Tiinai | Éteindre, faire cesser, combattre un fléau, une maladie | (Lmt) |
TA.TINANA.B | Tinana | A trunk, a source, a foundation | (Dvs) |
NP.TINI.2 | Tini | To exalt, or make a poor man a chief | (Dvs) |
OC.TINO.A | Tino | Corps (hommes, animaux) | (Lmt) |
MP.TIO.2 | Tio | Huitre | (Lmt) |
CE.TII-PAO | Tipao | A mark; to mark, select, to measure; a rule, measure, or scales to weigh with | (Dvs) |
CE.TII-PAPA | Tiipapa | Etre couché sur le ventre; se coucher sur le ventre, se prosterner | (Lmt) |
OC.TIPI.1A | Tipi | Couteau, peler | (Lmt) |
OC.TIPI.1A | Tipi/tipi | Peler, couper en morceaux | (Lmt) |
PN.TIPI.3 | A/tipi | To skim a stone along the water | (Dvs) |
TA.TIIPUU | Tipu | To chop, or cut with an axe | (Dvs) |
NP.TII-PUTA | Tiputa | To pierce, or make a hole in a thing; the name of a garment worn commonly by the islanders | (Dvs) |
CE.TII-SAE | Tihae | A piece of the rainbow Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Dvs) |
2769 entries found