Tahitian entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
CE.TII-SAE Tihae A piece of the rainbow Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dvs)
PN.TISE Maʔi/tihe/ Éternuement, éternuer (Lmt)
CE.TII-TAFA Titaha Circuitous, round about, as a road (Dvs)
NP.TITI.1 Titi A nail, pin or peg, a stake; to pin or peg, to fasten with nails, or with stakes in the ground; to stick fast, as a mote in the eye (Dvs)
CE.TII-TII Titi/hopeore The name of a bird (Dvs)
EP.TITO Tito Se battre à la manière des coqs. To peck as a fowl; to fight, as cocks, dogs, goats &c.; to go softly on tiptoe, as a thief (Dvs). (Lmt)
CE.TII-TOI Titoi Intercourse of the sexes; to have intercourse, as the sexes; also to enact the vile sin of Onanism (Dvs)
CE.TII-TOI Tiitoi Injure (Lmt)
CE.TII-TOI Tiitoitoi Se masturber (Lmt)
CE.TIU Tiu South-east by east wind. ?? (???)
PN.TOO.1A Faa/to To put shoots of the ava plant in a hole, with wet leaves, in order to cause them to grow, and then take them for planting (Dvs)
EP.TOO.2 Too Canne à sucre (Saccharum officinarum); maïs (Zea mays) (too popa'aa) (Lmt)
CE.TOO.4 Too Possessif: ta, ton, sans indication du mode fort ou faible de possession (Lmt)
NP.T-OO.5 To Of, belonging to (Dvs)
AN.TOA Toa Esp. d'arbre, bois de fer (Casurina equisetifolia) (Lmt)
PN.TOQA Toa Guerrier (arch.). A warrior, a valiant man; courageous, valiant; mischievous, savage (Dvs). (Lmt)
EO.TOE.1A Toe Reste, restant, rester (Lmt)
EC.TOE.2 Ti/toe An instrument to make a groove; any kind of beading or grooving plane; to form any kind of grooves (Dvs)
EC.TOE.2 Matoe A crack or split; to crack or split, as wood in the sun (Dvs)
CC.TOFE.2 Tohe Derrière, fesse. The buttocks; the bottom of a vessel; the foundation of anything (Dvs). (Lmt)
AN.TOFI Tohi Ciseau à bois, ciseau à froid, gouge; se servir d'un ciseau. A chisel, an instrument to cleave bread fruit; to use a chisel, to split breadfruit (Dvs). (Lmt)
CC.TOFORAA.* Tohoraa Baleine (Lmt)
PN.TOFU.1 Tohu/a To give or share out in driblets, while the one who shares keeps most for himself (Dvs)
PN.TOFU.2 Tohu/he To be calmed or lulled a little, as the sea (Dvs)
TA.TOHU.2 Tohu Montrer du doigt ou désigner d'un hochement de tête (Lmt)
EO.TOGA Toá Sud, vent du sud (Jsn)
EO.TOGA ʔApa/toʔa South (Lmt)
PN.TOGA-FITI Toahiti The name of the god of the valleys Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dvs)
CE.TOOGAAFUA Toahua The fat lining the ribs of animals (Dvs)
CP.TOI.1 Toi The name of a good timber tree . (Alphitonia zizyphoides) (Jsn). (Dvs)
TA.TOI-MAFA Toimaha Lourd. [Fr-Tah only] Lourd, massif (Jsn). (Lmt)
PN.TOKA.1 Toʔa Bloc de corail, "patate" de corail. Rock, coral rock variety (Wte). (Lmt)
MP.TOKA.2A Toa Large clots of blood (Dvs)
CE.TOKE.1B Toʔe Ver de terre, vers intestinaux (Lmt)
CE.TOKE.2 Toʔe/toʔe Froid (Lmt)
MP.TOKE-LAU Toʔerau Vent du Nord-Ouest (Lmt)
CE.TOOKERE Tooʔere Tambour à lèvres, en bois (Lmt)
AN.TOKI Toʔi Hache; autrefois: herminette (Lmt)
MP.TOKO.1A Toʔo(toʔo) Perche pour manoeuvrer les pirogues; pousser une pirogue à la perche (Lmt)
PN.TOKO-.2 Toʔo- Préfixe qui précède les indications de nombre concernant les personnes (actuellement peu usité) (Lmt)
CE.TOO-KOE.* Tooʔoe Possessif: deuxième personne, possession forte [Grammaire] (Lmt)
PN.TOKO-TOKO Toʔotoʔo Staff, cane (Wte)
PN.TOKO-TOKO Turu toʔotoʔo Canne, bâton pour marcher (Lmt)
PN.TOLE Tore To grow, as proud flesh in a sore (Dvs)
EP.TORE Tore Rayure, être rayé; galons des militaires et des marins. Striped, chequered, as cloth (Dvs). (Lmt)
CE.TOOREA Toorea Pluvier (Pluvialis dominica) (Lmt)
LO.TORI.1 Tori piʔifare Cat (Stutchbury) (Lmt)
FJ.TOLO.2A Toro Rampant, grimpant (se dit des plantes); s'étendre, ramper, grimper (Lmt)
FJ.TOLOA.A Toroa The name of a marine bird (Dvs)
EP.TORO-MIRO Toromiro A name of the sacred tree amae; (fig.) a person of consideration (Dvs)

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