Tahitian entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
PN.TISE | Maʔi/tihe/ | Éternuement, éternuer | (Lmt) |
CE.TII-TAFA | Titaha | Circuitous, round about, as a road | (Dvs) |
NP.TITI.1 | Titi | A nail, pin or peg, a stake; to pin or peg, to fasten with nails, or with stakes in the ground; to stick fast, as a mote in the eye | (Dvs) |
CE.TII-TII | Titi/hopeore | The name of a bird | (Dvs) |
EP.TITO | Tito | Se battre à la manière des coqs. To peck as a fowl; to fight, as cocks, dogs, goats &c.; to go softly on tiptoe, as a thief (Dvs). | (Lmt) |
CE.TII-TOI | Titoi | Intercourse of the sexes; to have intercourse, as the sexes; also to enact the vile sin of Onanism | (Dvs) |
CE.TII-TOI | Tiitoi | Injure | (Lmt) |
CE.TII-TOI | Tiitoitoi | Se masturber | (Lmt) |
CE.TIU | Tiu | South-east by east wind. ?? | (???) |
PN.TOO.1A | Faa/to | To put shoots of the ava plant in a hole, with wet leaves, in order to cause them to grow, and then take them for planting | (Dvs) |
EP.TOO.2 | Too | Canne à sucre (Saccharum officinarum); maïs (Zea mays) (too popa'aa) | (Lmt) |
CE.TOO.4 | Too | Possessif: ta, ton, sans indication du mode fort ou faible de possession | (Lmt) |
NP.T-OO.5 | To | Of, belonging to | (Dvs) |
AN.TOA | Toa | Esp. d'arbre, bois de fer (Casurina equisetifolia) | (Lmt) |
PN.TOQA | Toa | Guerrier (arch.). A warrior, a valiant man; courageous, valiant; mischievous, savage (Dvs). | (Lmt) |
EO.TOE.1A | Toe | Reste, restant, rester | (Lmt) |
EC.TOE.2 | Ti/toe | An instrument to make a groove; any kind of beading or grooving plane; to form any kind of grooves | (Dvs) |
EC.TOE.2 | Matoe | A crack or split; to crack or split, as wood in the sun | (Dvs) |
CC.TOFE.2 | Tohe | Derrière, fesse. The buttocks; the bottom of a vessel; the foundation of anything (Dvs). | (Lmt) |
AN.TOFI | Tohi | Ciseau à bois, ciseau à froid, gouge; se servir d'un ciseau. A chisel, an instrument to cleave bread fruit; to use a chisel, to split breadfruit (Dvs). | (Lmt) |
CC.TOFORAA.* | Tohoraa | Baleine | (Lmt) |
PN.TOFU.1 | Tohu/a | To give or share out in driblets, while the one who shares keeps most for himself | (Dvs) |
PN.TOFU.2 | Tohu/he | To be calmed or lulled a little, as the sea | (Dvs) |
TA.TOHU.2 | Tohu | Montrer du doigt ou désigner d'un hochement de tête | (Lmt) |
EO.TOGA | Toá | Sud, vent du sud | (Jsn) |
EO.TOGA | ʔApa/toʔa | South | (Lmt) |
PN.TOGA-FITI | Toahiti | The name of the god of the valleys Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Dvs) |
CE.TOOGAAFUA | Toahua | The fat lining the ribs of animals | (Dvs) |
CP.TOI.1 | Toi | The name of a good timber tree . (Alphitonia zizyphoides) (Jsn). | (Dvs) |
TA.TOI-MAFA | Toimaha | Lourd. [Fr-Tah only] Lourd, massif (Jsn). | (Lmt) |
PN.TOKA.1 | Toʔa | Bloc de corail, "patate" de corail. Rock, coral rock variety (Wte). | (Lmt) |
MP.TOKA.2A | Toa | Large clots of blood | (Dvs) |
CE.TOKE.1B | Toʔe | Ver de terre, vers intestinaux | (Lmt) |
CE.TOKE.2 | Toʔe/toʔe | Froid | (Lmt) |
MP.TOKE-LAU | Toʔerau | Vent du Nord-Ouest | (Lmt) |
CE.TOOKERE | Tooʔere | Tambour à lèvres, en bois | (Lmt) |
AN.TOKI | Toʔi | Hache; autrefois: herminette | (Lmt) |
MP.TOKO.1A | Toʔo(toʔo) | Perche pour manoeuvrer les pirogues; pousser une pirogue à la perche | (Lmt) |
PN.TOKO-.2 | Toʔo- | Préfixe qui précède les indications de nombre concernant les personnes (actuellement peu usité) | (Lmt) |
CE.TOO-KOE.* | Tooʔoe | Possessif: deuxième personne, possession forte [Grammaire] | (Lmt) |
PN.TOKO-TOKO | Toʔotoʔo | Staff, cane | (Wte) |
PN.TOKO-TOKO | Turu toʔotoʔo | Canne, bâton pour marcher | (Lmt) |
PN.TOLE | Tore | To grow, as proud flesh in a sore | (Dvs) |
EP.TORE | Tore | Rayure, être rayé; galons des militaires et des marins. Striped, chequered, as cloth (Dvs). | (Lmt) |
CE.TOOREA | Toorea | Pluvier (Pluvialis dominica) | (Lmt) |
LO.TORI.1 | Tori piʔifare | Cat (Stutchbury) | (Lmt) |
FJ.TOLO.2A | Toro | Rampant, grimpant (se dit des plantes); s'étendre, ramper, grimper | (Lmt) |
FJ.TOLOA.A | Toroa | The name of a marine bird | (Dvs) |
EP.TORO-MIRO | Toromiro | A name of the sacred tree amae; (fig.) a person of consideration | (Dvs) |
AN.TOLU | Toru | Trois | (Lmt) |
2769 entries found