Takuu entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
CP.TAUME Taume Spathe of a coconut pod (Mle)
FJ.TAU-NAMU Taanamu Mosquito net (Hwd)
PN.TAQO-PATU Taupatu/rua House part, uppermost ridge pole (Mle)
PN.TAAU-POQOU Taupu Adolescent, unmarried girl (Hwd)
NP.TAU-SINU.* Taesunu, taisunu Tree sp. whose timber is used for stools Phonologically Irregular (Mle)
PN.TAU-TAFA Tautafa Border area surrounding taro swamps (Hwd)
EO.TAU-TAHI Tautai Fishing leader; fishing equipment involved in pakuu shark fishing (Mle)
MP.TAUTU Tautu Porcupine fish [Diodon hystrix] (Mle)
MP.TAWA.1 Tava/tava Tree sp. (Hwd)
PN.TAWAKE Tavake White-tailed Tropic Bird [Phaethon lepturus] (Mle)
PN.TE.1 Te Definite article singular: the (Mle)
CP.TEA T/tea Light-blue, whitish-blue; period of early morning when such coloration is visible (Mle)
OC.TIKA.A Tonu ttika (colloq.) Perfectly correct, exact (Mle)
FJ.TEKE.2 Teke (obs.) Crossbar on mast of ancient canoe (IH); hole in the deck through which this crossbar passes when the mast is lowered (Mle)
PN.TEKI.2 Teki Be startled; jerk the head in surprise; (of back) dislocated (Mle)
PN.TEKI.2 Fakat/teki/ Cause to throb, twitch or shiver (Hwd)
PN.TELE.1 Tere/tere Peel (e.g. taro corm) with a knife or shell (Mle)
SO.TELE.3A Tere Move swiftly over ground or water, chase after s.t. or s.o. (of a person or animal with legs) run (Mle)
MP.TII.1 Tii Plant sp., Cordyline fruticosa (Mle)
NP.TII.3 Tii (of sun or moon) Shine brightly (Mle)
CP.TIA.1B Tia Weave (a fishing net) (Mle)
PN.TIALE Tiare Plant sp. whose leaves are used for body decoration (Mle)
PN.TIFA.2 Tifa Glide, soar (of a bird) (Hwd)
OC.TIFI-TIFI Tipitipi General term for Butterfly Fish (Chaetodon spp.) Phonologically Irregular (Mle)
CP.TIKO.A Tiko (obs.) Squat to defecate (Mle)
PN.TILA Tila Gaff of a canoe sail Problematic (Mle)
PN.TILI.1A T/tiri/ Bump into, collide (Hwd)
SO.TILI.4 Ma/tiri (of anything planted with seeds) Sprout, emerge from the soil, start to grow (Mle)
AN.TINA-NA.A Tinana Classificatory mother (including all aunts); (male’s) brother’s wife; person one treats or considers as one’s mother (Mle)
NP.TINA-QI Tiinai Extinguish, put out (lamp or fire); turn off (radio, etc.); drop (a discussion topic); retract (a statement) (Mle)
AN.TINA-NA.A Tinna Birth mother, real mother (Mle)
NP.TINI.2 Tini Call out, name, identify, designate (Mle)
OC.TINO.A Tino Body, trunk (Mle)
SO.TINO-.B Tino Tens of people. (Used with numerals from two to nine.) (Mle)
MP.TIPA Tipa At an angle, slanting; (of road) bend, curve; (of person) turn off a track onto another track (Mle)
EC.TIPUNA Tipuna Grandparent (real or classificatory), relative by blood or marriage two or more generations above o.s., ancestor, ancestral spirit (Mle)
PN.TOO.3 Too (of a person or object) Fall accidentally from a height, fall off; (of rain) fall (Mle)
PN.TE-O-U Too Your, singular possessor, singular object Problematic (Mle)
PN.TOQO.1 Too Take, bring, accept something offered (Mle)
SO.TOQO.2 Too Hold one's breath (Mle)
AN.TOA Toa Ironwood (Casuarina sp.) (Mle)
PN.TOQA Toa Mythical warrior (Mle)
EO.TOE.1A Toe In excess, remain, more than, left over (as after a distribution); woman who has passed a marriageable age but is still unmarried (Hwd)
CP.TOFE.1 Tofe Bivalve mollusc with sharp edges formerly used for shaving (Hwd)
CC.TOFE.2 Tofe Of a canoe having straight sides that come together in a V-shape (Hwd)
AN.TOFI Tofi Split or tear apart, as a fish (Hwd)
MP.TOGO Tono Mangrove [Bruguiera gymnorrhiza] (Mle)
SO.TOKA-.4 Taka- Prefix for cardinal numbers for counting from two to ten people Phonologically Irregular (Mle)
AN.TOKI Toki Adze made from Tridacna shell; incisor tooth (Mle)
MP.TOKO.1A Toko Pole or punt a canoe; pole used for punting (Mle)

2219 entries found