Takuu entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
NP.SUE.1 Sue Toadfish (poisonous) (Mle)
PN.SUI Sui Succeed to a position, replace, change; pay; pursue (in revenge) (Mle)
PN.SURU.A Suru Bend over (Mle)
PN.SUKE (S)suke Remove or lift something to access what is underneath, uncover (esp. an earth oven) (Mle)
MP.SUKI.A Suki Insert pointed object into something: impale, pierce (esp. a coconut for drinking), prod for sea worms using a pointed stick, caulk a canoe by pushing koka fibres into joints; tuck in the loose folds of a laplap (Mle)
EO.SULA Sura Appear, emerge, beget (an offspring); hole in net (Mle)
PN.SULU-MAKI Surumaki-na Insert, inject, stick into something; insert a finger through an opening (in making a string figure) (Mle)
NO.SUNU.1* Sunu Grease, fat, coconut oil (Mle)
AN.TAA.1B Taa Strike (as in chopping or carving); cut; butcher a large fish, turtle, pig, etc; ritually cut four incisions in a tuna before placing it on the top of a large catch for display (Mle)
PN.TAA.1C Taa/taa Tattoo (Mle)
AN.TAQE.1 Tae Excrement, faeces, shit (Mle)
OC.TAAEQA Taea Paddle-tail Snapper (Lutjanus gibbus) (Mle)
EO.TAFAA Tafaa Flask made of coconut shell (Hwd)
EO.TAFAA Tahaa Coconut shell water container (Mle)
SO.TAAFAO.B Taahao Play, but more frequently refers to dancing (Mle)
PN.TAFA-QULI Tafauri Fish sp. (Hwd)
OC.TAFE Tafe Rise and fall, of waves (Hwd)
OC.TAFE T/tafe/ Flow strongly (of current); current (Hwd)
SO.TAFE-A Tafea To drift (Hwd)
EO.TAFI Tafi Sweep (Hwd)
NO.SIMU* Simu Triggerfish (Hwd)
PN.TAFITO.A Tafito Foot or base of tree or pole; beginning of a story (Hwd)
NP.TAFO-LAQA.* Taforaa Whale (Hwd)
FJ.TAFU.A Tafu Kindle a fire (Hwd)
PN.TA-FULI Tahuri (of a canoe) Overturn hull-side first, capsize, flip over...; heed; change (Mle)
SO.TAGA.3 Tana Used to, accustomed to, not forbidden to, free from restrictions associated with the paarina mourning house (Mle)
OC.TAGAFA Tanafa A fish (Hwd)
PN.TAAGAKI Taanaki A post-death ritual Problematic (Mle)
MP.TAGATA Tanata Man, male (Mle)
PN.TAGA-TAGA T/tana (of an item of clothing) Loose fitting; have too much space; spacious, roomy; have room (for more occupants, etc.); (of water in a channel, etc.) shallow, less than waist deep; (of a screw or joint) loose (Mle)
PN.TAGAQU Tanau Snapper (Lutjanus monostigma) (Mle)
AN.TAGI.A Tani (of humans and animals) Cry, (of a person) weep; call out, cry out, exclaim (Mle)
MP.TAHI.1 Tai Sea, tide, sea water; (used before placename) lagoon side of each island and reef, or the sea side of a high island; area (in the water or on land) to the lagoon or sea side of a location (Mle)
NP.TAI-QAO Taiao Tomorrow, the next day (Mle)
EC.TAAIKI Taaiki Snare something in a noose; trap; knot used as foot snare; fish for flying fish or mullet using baits suspended on short lines from floats (Mle)
SO.TAINA Taina Sibling of same sex (Mle)
OC.TAAIWA Taaeva, taaiva Onespot Seaperch [Lutjanus monostigma] (Mle)
OC.TAKA.1A Taka Walk about, live and work (on a ship as it travels), go around, travel between two or more locations (Mle)
NP.TAKA.2A Taka (pass. takamia) Press down (e.g. dirt) with one’s foot, step on something (Mle)
PN.TAKA.2B Taka Shoe, sandal, thong; wear shoes or sandals (Mle)
NP.TAKAA Takaa Rope or string lashing used to join two pieces of wood flush together; lashing in this manner to join two pieces of wood or rope; rope binding used to attach the barb to the shaft of a wooden fishhook; (obs.) plank tied to the side of a traditional canoe to cover the caulking material (Mle)
PN.TAKA-LILI Takallii (of liquid) Boil, be boiling (Mle)
NP.TAKALO Taakaro To stir, work something with a stirring motion Problematic (Hwd)
PN.TAKAPAU Takapau Coconut-leaf mat used for sleeping (Mle)
FJ.TAKELE.A Takere Keel of canoe, base of a food bowl (Mle)
EO.TAKI.1 T/taki Drag behind, pull, hoist water from a well, drag one foot (as when lame), be led by someone because of infirmity (Mle)
PN.TAKI-.2 Tiki- Each (distributive prefix) Phonologically Irregular (Mle)
CP.TAQAKI Taki Hoist water (Hwd)
PN.TAKOTO Takoto Be lying down, reclining; remain, be left over (Mle)
PN.TE-QA-KU Taku My (1st person singular preposed possessive) (Mle)

2219 entries found