Tuvalu entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
??.VIVITAI | Vivitai | Bird sp. related to the tuli (plover). Wandering tattler (Besnier) | (Jsn) |
NP.MELE.2 | Mele/mele | Star name. Planet: Venus (Jsn). | (Rby) |
OC.PULAKA | Pulaka | Elephant ear taro (Cyrtosperma chamissonis) (Rby) | (Rby) |
FJ.KAUTE | Aute | Tree sp. (Hibiscus) Borrowed | (Rby) |
PN.QAA-.2 | Aa- | Future time marker | (Rby) |
PN.QUHI.2 | Ui | Take a direction, turn, go (all involving choice from several options) | (Rby) |
PN.QUHI.2 | Ui/ga | Habit, use, custom | (Rby) |
PN.QILO-GA | Iloga | An identifying mark; to be known, identified | (Jsn) |
PN.FAKA-QILO | Fakailo/a | To make known, reveal, warn, inform, notify | (Jsn) |
PN.FAKA-QILO-GA | Fakailoga | To mark as different, mark for identification; mark, sign, identification | (Jsn) |
PN.FIA-KAI | Fiakai | To hunger, to be hungry | (Jsn) |
PN.PALE.1A | Pale | Ward off a blow with hand or stick | (Rby) |
NP.PALE.3B | Pale | Aslant (of trees) | (Rby) |
EO.FAQU-LUA | Foulua | Boat, cargo ship | (Jsn) |
OC.TA-FOLA.1 | Tafola | To be spread out, lying around, scattered about | (Jsn) |
PN.TAFOLA.2 | Tafola | The beach | (Rby) |
MP.MATA-WAI | Mataavai | Floodgates, springs (Bib.) | (Jsn) |
NP.SAWANE | Savane, havane | Type of fish: moonlighter | (Jsn) |
PN.MATA-QELE | Mataele | Type of fish: Flag-tailed Sea Bass | (Jsn) |
NP.PULA.3 | Pula | Type of fish | (Jsn) |
PN.QUME-LEI | Umelei | (Naso lituratus) | (Jsn) |
OC.TAKUA.1 | Takuo | Tuna fish | (Rby) |
PN.PATI.1 | Pati/pati | Clap; clapping | (Rby) |
SO.TEQE-AI | Hee ai | Be none, or none left | (Rby) |
PN.AI.2 | Iai | To exist, to be present, there is, there are | (Jsn) |
PN.TUQA.1B | Tua | Behind, at back of; outside | (Jsn) |
PN.TUQA.1C | Tua | Overseas | (Jsn) |
PN.MAA-TINO | Masino | To be put into order, proper place; to indicate, differentiate Phonologically Irregular | (Jsn) |
NP.FAKA-TELE | Fakatele | Sail (v) | (Jsn) |
FJ.ROO.1 | Olo | Go (plural) | (Rby) |
PN.FAAQOA | Faaoa | Canoe crew | (Jsn) |
PN.OQO | Oo | To surround, enclose; pen, coop, enclosure Problematic | (Jsn) |
PN.PEKE.2A | Peke | Crooked | (Rby) |
PN.PEKE.3 | P/peke | To dip food into fluid, spread, drink | (Jsn) |
PN.SEGI.B | Hegi | Dazzled, dazed, crazy, stupid, foolish | (Rby) |
PN.KINI.2A | K/kini | To beat a drum, or a child; to hit a ball; stick used to administer punishment | (Jsn) |
PN.TAUSI | Tausi | Keep, care for, look after; obey (keep) a law | (Jsn) |
PN.TAI-TAI | Taitai/a | To be covered with salt water, to smell of salt water, salty | (Jsn) |
FJ.QASA | A/asa | Move quickly, wade, go through bush | (Jsn) |
PN.WALE.2 | Vale | Drunk; fool, idiot, lunatic, retarded person | (Jsn) |
FJ.WALE.3 | Vale | In vain, worthless, futile | (Jsn) |
PN.TUQU-LAKI | Tuulaki | To stand around | (Jsn) |
PN.TALO-TALO | Talotalo | Spider Lily (Crinum asiaticum) | (Rby) |
PN.MUKA.1A | Muka | Knob on distal end of paddle Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Rby) |
PN.TAU-TAFA | Tautafa | Next to, adjacent | (Rby) |
PN.TAFA-TAFA | Tafatafa | (loc) Alongside, beside | (Jsn) |
SO.TILI.4 | Tili | Fertile, conceiving readily (of women) | (Rby) |
PN.TALA-TALA.A | Talatala | Rough surfaced | (Rby) |
PN.TUPU.B | Tupu | Be exceeded (of numbers). Tekau tupu More than twenty. | (Rby) |
PN.TUPU.C | Tupu | Lump in the groin | (Jsn) |
1930 entries found