West Futuna entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
AN.MASI.1 Masi (ANI) Rather bitter (Dty)
OC.MASI.2 Masi Tapa belt (Dty)
EO.MASUI Masui Left (not right); wrong, incorrect, in error (Dty)
AN.MATA.1A Mata Eye (Dty)
AN.MATA.2A Mata Green, raw, unripe, immature (Dty)
OC.MATAGI M(a)tagi Wind (Dty)
PN.MAATA-KI Mataki/na Watch for, be cautious about; watch over, care for, look out for (Dty)
PN.MENE Mene Rentrer la tête dans les épaules (Rve)
AN.MATAKU Mataku To fear (vi) (Dty)
EO.MATA-LIKI.B Matariki Pleiades (Dty)
NP.MATA-LUA Matárua Fish sp (Cpl)
PN.MATAQU.1 Matau, metao Fishhook; a charm controlling the luck of fishermen (Dty)
AN.MATAQU.2 Matau Right (not left); correct, good (Dty)
AN.MATE.1A Mate Die, death; lose consciousness; be exhausted... (Dty)
PN.MA-TILA Majira (WFU), matjira (ANI) Bamboo, knife. Sabre d'abattis (Rve). (Dty)
PN.MATA.1E Mata To see (mata i ei); to gape (Cpl)
OC.MAATOLU Matoru Thick (Dty)
SO.-MA-TOU.B -matou First person exclusive plural possessive suffix (Dty)
NP.MAA-TOU A/kimatou We (exc.) (Dty)
OC.MATUQU.A Matu To dry(vi); dried (Dty)
AN.MATUQA.A Matua Large, full grown (Dty)
PN.MATUKU.A Matuku Blue Heron (Dty)
PN.MAQU.1 Mau Firmly (Dty)
NP.MAA-UA A/kimaua We two (exc.) (Dty)
PN.MAAUI Ma-sikisiki Legendary hero (Dty)
OC.MAHU.A Mau Plentiful (of food) (Cpl)
PN.MAUNU Maunu Bait (Dty)
PN.MA-WAHE Mavae To part, separate, open out (Dty)
FJ.ME.2 Me Infix of second aspect of verb Problematic (Dty)
MP.MEA.1A (H)mea Red, reddish, reddish brown, orange (Dty)
PN.MEQA.A Nea Thing Phonologically Irregular (Dty)
PN.MEI.4 Mei Until Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dty)
PN.MELO Mero To wither Problematic (Dty)
MP.MIMI Mimi (pl. h/mimi) Urinate; urine (Dty)
PN.MISA Misa To recede (of the tide). Descendre (la mer) (Rve). (Dty)
PN.MITI.1 Miji (WFU), mitji (ANI) A dream; to dream (Dty)
OC.MITI.3A Mise/kina Chew sugarcane (Dty)
PN.MOQO Mo For (Dty)
PN.MOA.1 Moa (WFU), mo (ANI) Fowl, chicken (Dty)
NP.MOA.3 Moa Front, e.g. of a canoe (Dty)
PN.MOA-MOA Momoa. Mómoa (Cpl). Moamoa (Fkm). Fish sp. Boxfish (Fkm). (Ostraction, Rhyncostracion spp.) (Rve). (Dty)
MP.MOHE Moe (pl. h/moe). Moi (Cpl). To lie, recline; to sleep. Sojourn, stay a night (Cpl). (Dty)
PN.MOHE-GA Moega, mega (ANI). Moiga (Cpl), Cloth, clothing. Vêtement (Rve). (Dty)
FJ.MOKO.1A Moko Lizard. Lézard (en général) (Rve). (Dty)
CP.MOKO.2 Moko To be in love with (Dty)
PN.MOLE.2 More Slide, ooze, crawl (Dty)
AN.MOLI.1 Mori A tree that bears an inedible spherical fruit (Dty)
AN.MAKUPUNA Mpupuna (A) Grandchild (Cpl)
MP.PUKU.1A M/puku (ANI) Ball (Cpl)
SO.MOLOKAU.B Morokau Climbing vine. "Caoutchouc" (Rve). (Dty)

1908 entries found