West Futuna entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.MAKI (H)maki To be sick, ill; sickness (Dty)
OC.MAKO.2 Mako (ANI) To dance (Dty)
OC.MAKO.3 Mako Tree with yellow blossom (Dty)
PN.MAA-KONA.1 Makona To be sated (Dty)
PN.MALA.2 Mara/mara Chips in making canoe (Dty)
OC.MARA Mara Variety of pudding Problematic (Dty)
OC.MALAQE Mrae Village courtyard. Enclosure in which the house stands; open space in the centre of the village (Cpl). (Dty)
PN.MA-LAGA.1 Maraga Grow up again, as plant (Dty)
EO.MALALA Marara Charcoal (Dty)
SO.MAA-LALI Marari Smooth, hairless. Lisse; imberbe (Rve). (Dty)
OC.MA-RAMA.A Marama Clear, light (adj); clearly. Transparent (mer) (Rve). (Dty)
EO.MA-LAMA Mrama Moon, month (Dty)
RO.MALAU.1 Marau Soldierfish (Adioryx caudimaculatus and other spp.) Holocentrum [Sargocentron] spp. (Rve). (Fkm)
PN.MALE Mare/mare To cough lightly, clear one's throat. Se racler la gorge (Rve). (Dty)
PN.MA-LIGI.A Marigi (ANI) To leak (Dty)
MP.MALINO Marino (WFU), merino (ANI) Calm, peaceful; peace. Mer calme, la paix (Rve). (Dty)
PN.MAROO Maro (WFU), mero (ANI) Dried, withered; brown (Dty)
PN.MAALOLO Maro Fish sp (Dty)
MP.MALU.A Maru/maru Shaded (Dty)
PN.MALU.C Maru Possible, able; allowed (Dty)
PN.MAALUU.2 Maru Easy, gentle (Dty)
MP.MALUU.A Maru Soft; weak; spongy. Pas dur (kava) (Rve). (Dty)
PN.MAALUU.1A Maru Damp (Dty)
MP.MAMA.2 Mama (trans. ma/ia) To chew, masticate without swallowing. Chew in order to soften food for baby (Cpl). (Dty)
XO.MAAMAA.* Ma/ia Chew, masticate without swallowing Problematic (Dty)
MP.MAQA-MAQA.A Mama Light, not heavy (Dty)
PN.MAQAMAQA.B Mama Lungs (Dty)
NP.MAMAE.1 H/mae, mai (ANI) To hurt, painful (Dty)
MP.MA-MAFA (H)mafa Heavy; pregnant; sad (subject roto) (Dty)
PN.MAMAHI Mai Pain (Dty)
EC.KELA Mata/kera (ANI) To anoint eyes with milk Uncertain Semantic Connection (Cpl)
AN.MAMAWA (H)mava Yawn, pull in breath (Dty)
PN.MANATU Manatu/nea Think, meditate, understand (Dty)
MP.MANAWA.1 Manava Belly (Dty)
AN.MAANAWA.1 Manava Breathe rapidly (as with fright) (Dty)
PN.MANEGA Maneinga Fish sp. Phonologically Irregular (Cpl)
RO.MANINI.1 Manini (Acanthurus triostegus) (Rve)
AN.MANU.1A Manu Bird, animal (Dty)
AN.MA-QANU Manu (pl. h/manu) To float, be buoyant; to glide, coast. To fly without flapping wings (Cpl). Flotter (nage); planer (oiseau) (Rve). (Dty)
OC.MANUKA.1 Manuka. Mánuka (Cpl). Sore, ulcer. Blessure mal (Rve). (Dty)
PN.MAO.1 Mao/mao Fair, dry after rain (Dty)
PN.MAQOLI Mari True, truth, indeed (Dty)
FJ.MAPO Mapo Tasty (of root crops) (Dty)
FU.MAPU-SAKI Mapusake Breathe, breath Problematic (Dty)
MP.MASA.1 Masa To dry up, evaporate completely. To be finished; to fail (Cpl). (Dty)
OC.MASAGA.1 Ta retu /masaga/ Twin paths (Dty)
PN.MAA-SAGA Masaga Twins, pair; twin, paired (Dty)
NP.MASALO.B Maharo To wonder at, be surprised by (Dty)
PN.MA-SANI Maseni Learn by enquiry Problematic (Dty)
PN.MA-SANI Masani Dry Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dty)

1908 entries found