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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Samoan SO.MAGE Mage/mage Kelara or mechanical feet, a condition in which the feet become pitted owing to walking barefoot on lava, etc. Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue PN.MUTIE Mootie Grass (generic term) Phonologically Irregular
Takuu ??.TULUMA Turuna, turuma Tubular wooden container for turmeric, sealed at one end and covered with fine plaiting
Mangaia MP.MAHUKU Mauku Soft-stalked grasses and sedges in general (mostly introduced as fodder grasses); water-grass (purple flower, good for feeding pigs)
New Zealand Maori CE.NONI.2 Noni Crooked, bent
Mangaia MP.QOLOGAA Oorogaa (Pipturus argenteus)
Manihiki-Rakahanga MP.QOLOGAA ʔOorogaa (Pipturus argenteus)
Rarotongan CE.POKEA Pookea Pigweed (Portulaca oleracea); also (P.lutea)
Waya MP.PITU Bitu Bamboo spp. (Schizostachym glaucifolium) and (Bambusa vulgaris)
Tahitian TA.POO-FATU.2 Pofatu/aoao The name of a small tree of hard wood. (Sophora tomentosa) (Whr)
Austral Islands TA.POO-FATU.2 Pohuta/ʔata (RUR), poohutu raʔata (RVV) (Sophora tomentosa)
Mangaia TA.POO-FATU.2 Pooʔutu-aa-kava, puu-ʔutu-oo-kava, pooʔatu kava Silver bush (Sophora tomentosa)
Tongan FJ.TAKA-TAKA Takataka (ʔa leala) Goosefoot grass (Eleusine indica)
Rennellese SO.QEPU ʔEpu To overflow, spill, fall out (as a person from a canoe); to fall off (as a fish from a hook)
West Uvea PN.TOQO.1 Fe/too lima Bras dessus bras dessous
West Uvea PN.FOLO Folo/koo Bourrer la bouche de nourriture; avaler [Heo Dialect]
West Uvea PN.KOO.1 Gi/koo Au loin, vers le lointain; est (direction opposée a l'ouest)
West Uvea PN.KOO.1 I/koo Là-bas (position)
West Uvea PN.LOHOLOHO Kau/looloo Pédoncle des grappes de cocos
West Uvea PN.KOO.1 Koo Loin
Nuguria PN.QASI A/ahi-a Check; hunt, look for (turtles)
Nuguria MP.QASU Ahu/mai Bring, fetch, get (water); bail (water out of canoe); scoop small fish with a net
Nuguria PN.HAGA.2 Ana/ana Take care, look after
Nuguria PN.QALO-POQOU Arapoou First-born child of a woman
Nuguria PN.QALUGA.2 Aruna Pillow (made of wood)
Nuguria OC.FAFIE Hahie Firewood
Emae PN.FAKA-QAROFA Fakaarofa Poor
Nuguria AN.FANA.1 Hana Shoot (arrows) (vt)
Nuguria NP.PAU.1C Ha/pau/ake-roo In olden times Uncertain Semantic Connection
Nuguria MP.POLA.1 Hare pora Hut (temporary house for fishermen, two walls or four walls and a door)
Nuguria MP.FATA.1 Hata Shelf, outdoor platform, wire rack for smoking fish
Nuguria MP.FETAQU Hetau Tree sp. (hard, heavy wood; its flowering marks the time of yellowfin) (Tok Pisin kalapulin)
Nuguria PN.SII.1 Hii-naa A method of fishing (using lines and hooks); to fish with hook and line
Nuguria EC.SOMO.4 Homo/homo Suck the fingers after eating (when food is good)
Nuguria FJ.FOO.1 Hoo A kind of small fish, used as bait
Nuguria PN.SOLO-GA Hoorona Spouse
Nuguria AN.FOQOU Hoou New
Vaeakau-Taumako CE.KAPE.3 Kape/manga Reaching pole [to manga iti, leeward boom] (of Te Puke canoe) [Taumako Dialect]
Hawaiian PN.NOA.2 Noo Intensifying particle: very, quite, fairly, anyway
Nuguria AN.FUTI.1 Huti Pull, draw (a door)
Nuguria MP.IO.1 Inoo Yes Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria OC.KAKA.1A Kaka Fibre around the base of a coconut frond, used as a strainer during food preparation
Nuguria EO.KUMETE Kumete, kamete Wooden food bowls, used as grinding bowls
Nuguria PN.KATOA Katoo All
Nuguria PN.LOHOLOHO Kau/rooroo Flower cluster of coconut palm
Nuguria OC.KIATO Kiato Outrigger boom
Nuguria PN.KIKI.1 Kiki Protein food (meat, eggs, fish, shell-fish etc.) eaten with vegetables
Nuguria EC.KOOPUU.B Koopuu Stomach; pocket
Nuguria PN.LOTU.1 Lootu Worship (in the church)
Nuguria PN.MAA-SAGA Maahana, oo/mahana Twin...