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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Nuguria PN.MAQOLI Maauri/loo True; truly, really Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria MP.MAMA.2 Mama Chewed food (when you are eating)
Nuguria OC.MANOGI Manoni Fragrant, smelling good; a good taste, as food with coconut oil
Nuguria PN.MALA.4 Mara Fish sp., Trooper
Nuguria PN.MALA.2 Mara/mara Chips (of wood), sawdust; kneecap (maramara te turi); a white shell found on the shore
Nuguria AN.MATA.2A Mata Raw, uncooked (taro, fish etc.)
Nuguria AN.MASI.1 M/mahi Sour, fermented, bad (of food)
Nuguria CP.MA-MATA Mmata Look (at), look around
Nuguria AN.MAQOHA Moa Cooked
Nuguria SO.MOA.5 Moa/moa, moo/moa Buttocks (rump); bottom (lower part) (e.g. of basket)
Nuguria PN.MOHE-GA Moena A kind of mat (pandanus) used on floor and to cover dead people
Nuguria CE.MOKO.4 Moko New shoot of coconut Problematic
Nuguria MP.MOO-MONA Moomona Fat, grease; fatty (taste and smell, of fish and turtle)
Nuguria CP.MATA-QI-TALIGA Moomootarina Hammerhead shark Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria PN.MOLE.2 More/more Smooth
Nuguria MP.NAMO Namu Lagoon Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria MP.GIGIE Nnia Tree sp. (very hard wood, grows on stones), and its wood Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria PN.OO.1 Oo A kind of small fish used as bait
Nuguria PN.OO.3 Oo Go (plural)
Nuguria PN.OO.3 Oo mai Come (from) (plural)
Nuguria AN.QATO Oto A kind of rafter (house roof); to thatch (vt) Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria MP.PAPA.1A Papa Plank (of wood), timber
Nuguria MP.PIA.1 Pia kerekere Arrowroot
Nuguria MP.PIKO.A Piko Crooked, not straight
Nuguria MP.PIKO.A Piko/piko Twisted, crooked
Nuguria OC.KOHO Pito/koo Stick used to husk coconuts; horns of cows, sheep, etc.
Nuguria PN.POO-QULI Poouri Dark (n), darkness; dark (vi), obscure
Samoan PN.POLA-POLA Polapola A double pola, used to carry food to chiefs; a flat-built canoe
Nuguria MP.PAKU.B P/paku Burnt, brown and dried out from overcooking
Nuguria PN.PUI.A P/pui Close, shut (the eyes, a door, a lid)
Nuguria PN.PUPU.A Pupu Woods, thicket, bush
Nuguria MP.PULU.1A Puru Dried coconut husk, used to light fire and as toilet paper; broom made of coconut husk for cleaning canoes
Nuguria OC.PUU.1 Puu Shellfish sp. (inedible); trumpet (made of puu roa shell); containers to scoop water
Nuguria PN.RAFO Raho Old shoots of pandanus
Nuguria PN.LAULAU Raurau Small basket used to serve food (woven of coconut leaves)
West Uvea OC.QOHO Oo/moe Vivres pour la journée
Nuguria PN.LEI.1 Rei Necklace made of whale tooth
Nuguria NP.LOA.2 Roo Intensifier
Nuguria PN.LAQOA Roo/na Choke (on food etc.) (vi)
Nuguria OC.LOA.1 Roo/roa High, tall, long (also of time)
Nuguria PN.LOHU Rou A pole with a hook used to pluck coconuts
Nuguria PN.LOFI R/rohi (pass. roohi/a) Flood, inundate
Nuguria FJ.LOLO-QI.A R/roi (younger), ro/roi (older) Prepare food with coconut cream
Nuguria PN.TAA.1C Taa/taa (pass. taa/taa/ina) Tattoo (n); write, draw; writing (n)
Nuguria EO.TAQO.1 Taau/mi Put food inside of the earth oven Problematic
Nuguria MP.TAHI.1 Tai Sea water; shore, shallow sea near shore; tide; (n.loc.) lagoonward, front of the island (direction)
Nuguria PN.TAGA-TAGA Tantana Loose
Nuguria EO.TAQO.1 Tao Cook in earth oven (in leaf packets)
Nuguria PN.TAPU-WAQE Tapuvae Footprint (of men and birds)
Nuguria FJ.TALA.3 Tara (sg.obj.), t/tara (pl.obj.) Loosen, release, set free, uncoil, let go; open (a mat)