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61264 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Marquesas EP.RAAFUI.* Áhhue A restriction laid upon articles of food; to restrict
Marquesas PN.REGA-REGA Áika (NKH), áina Yellow
Marquesas EP.REPE Aipe/áipe A cock's comb; it also has an obscene signification
Marquesas PN.KETU.2 Aitú To jump, to jerk Problematic
Marquesas FJ.KETU.1 Aitú To excavate with a sudden motion, as in carving, or taking hot coals out of the pit with a stick
Marquesas NP.LEWA.1 Áiva To lag, droop, or hang down like a dog's ears; the red flesh hanging from a fowl's neck
Marquesas EP.REWA.1B Áiva A flag
Marquesas MP.AKO Áko To admit a person into a class or society
Marquesas PN.OO.2 A/óu To answer; to require a repetition; holloa!
Marquesas NP.LAPAKAU Apóu Medicine, salve
Marquesas MP.QATUA Àtúa A deity; a departed spirit. European.
Marquesas MP.QAROFA.A Áuhwa, kaáuhwa A tender affection, as love, sympathy, grief
Marquesas CE.AA-KUA-NEI Áünéi By and by, shortly
Marquesas PN.PALALAA Barrará Piece-meal Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas PN.PATI.1 Pati/ke, piti/ke Battre des mains en chantant; frapper en cadence deux morceaux de bois pour accompagner un chant; battre le briquet
Marquesas PN.PATI.1 Biddekái To clap the hands, held flat, intermediately between the strokes with hollow hands, called *butu*
Marquesas EP.AA-POOPOO Bobó/we Morning, tomorrow morning
Marquesas EP.AA-POOPOO Popo/ui Matin
Marquesas EP.PORO.2 Po A piece of wood for firing
Marquesas NP.POKE Bógge Tarro-root beat to a paste, and put into a bowl, with cocoa nut juice, previously turned to oil, by means of hot stones
Marquesas MP.PAKA.1A Bokóuwa To burn or dry up in baking
Marquesas PN.AGO.2 Pu/ako, pu/ano Nom de deux grosses pièces de bois qui longent la case dans toute sa longueur, dont l'une sert d'oreiller et l'autre de support pour les pieds
Marquesas CP.PUUPUU.1 Bubu tà fáfa, bubu tei haha (NKH) To wash the mouth; to take a little food (fig. to break the fast)
Marquesas PN.PUUPUU.3 Bubu/kaiá The gizzard
Marquesas PN.PUSA.1 Búho kiÿure A snare for rats
Marquesas EP.QARIGA Pu/aʔika (MQN), pu/aʔina (MQS). Puaika, puaina (Atl). Oreille. Ear.
Marquesas OC.PUTU.1 Bútu To assemble; to clap the hands in concert
Marquesas EP.E-IA H/aia Behold!
Marquesas PN.HAFA.B Eihá Wherefore?
Marquesas OC.ISI Éihhe To peel roasted breadfruit with a piece of bamboo cane
Marquesas PN.KINO Eino-eino Bad, wicked
Marquesas MP.QATULE Eitúwe A fish somewhat resembling a herring (called by mutineers blossham fish)
Marquesas CE.SIWI.* Éive A ridge of mountains, a hill
Mangareva CE.SIWI.* Ivi Colline
Mangareva CE.SIWI.* Ivi maga Chaîne de montagnes
Marquesas EP.E-IA Éiya Here! here it is
Marquesas EP.RIRO Éiyo To pass in, or out of sight; to obtain
Marquesas OC.QANU.3 Énnu/ánnu Spittle
Marquesas XE.FAFI Fafé To clothe, or dress; a bundle tied up in cloth or leaves
Marquesas CE.FEEFEE Faifái, haihái A boil or abcess
Marquesas PN.FAQO.1B Fáou To contain
Tahitian MP.FATA.1 Fata/rau The common altar for sacrifices
Marquesas MQ.FIRI-FIRI Fefé, hehhe A net of cocoa nut fibres for catching turtle
Marquesas EO.FILO Féyo To twist; to make line or cord
Marquesas NP.FAA-QITA.* Fíeta, híeta To mock or deride
Marquesas MQ.KATIRU.* Gotéyo A kind of cucumber
Mangareva EP.KUPU.1B Kupu Imprécation; prononcer des termes de haine (demander à quelqu'un ses entrailles, son foie, par haine)
Marquesas EC.SEKE.1B Háike To retreat, to ebb; a purge
Marquesas EP.NAWE Ha/navve/návve Diverting, entertaining
Marquesas EP.TAPAIRU Ha/tàpéiyu A Chief Woman