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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tongan XW.TE-FUA Tefooa Single, alone
Tongan PN.TELE-FUA Telefooa Bare, naked
Tongan PN.TEU.1 Teoo To adorn with dress; finery in dress; to prepare to go any where; ready, prepared
Tongan PN.TEWE Teve The name of a particular plant, the root of which, in time of security, is eaten for want of better food
Tongan PN.TAPU-WAQE Toboo-váë The sole of the foot; a shoe, or sandal
Tongan PN.TAKU-A.2 Coeha tocooa? What do you say?
Tongan PN.TOFU.2 Tofoo A calm (no wind)
Tongan PN.TOFU.1 Tofoo/be The same, just as
Tongan FJ.TOLO.3 Tolo/nga The piece of dry wood on which the end of a stick is forcibly rubbed to produce fire
Tongan AN.TOLU Toloo The number three
Tongan PN.TOO-MUQA Tomooa Before, first (as to time)
Tongan FJ.TONU.1A Tonoo Manifest, clear, distinct, direct, even, in a row
Tongan FJ.TONU.1A (To)tonoo. Tonoo/ia. Candid, open, sincere, precise, punctual; manifest, clear, straight, in a row, upright. Guiltless, in the right.
Tongan PN.TUQU.3A Too. Too/too. Too/chia. To cut, to separate. To cut, to cut off, to prune; a chisel. To crop, to cut off.
Tongan EO.TUQA.1A Tooa The back, the loins; behind; external
Tongan PN.TUQA.1B Tooa-nima The back of the hand
Tongan PN.TUQA-A-TINA Tooachina A cousin, an uncle
Tongan PN.TUQU-RAGA Tooanga A post, or standing place
Tongan AN.TUPU.A Tooboo To spring up, to grow, to yield; a sprout, a bud
Tongan PN.TUPU.C Tooboo The groin
Tongan EO.TUFA.1 Toofa To assort, to deal out
Tongan PN.TUFUGA Toofoonga A workman, or artificer
Tongan AN.TUKI.A Toogi To strike, to hammer; a blow with the fist; the name of a religious ceremony; to throb, to pulsate like an inflamed part
Tongan PN.TUKU.D Toogoo To abolish, to quit, to leave off; hold! avast!
Tongan AN.TUSU.A Toohoo To point with the finger
Tongan FJ.TUQI Tooi A chief, or tributary governor or an island or district
Tongan AN.TURI Tooi. Tooi nima. The knee. The elbow.
Tongan AN.TUI Tooi. Twi/nga. To string, to plait wreaths; to sew. A wreath (as of flowers), a string (of beads).
Tongan PN.TULI.3 Tooli To pursue
Tongan PN.TULE.1 Tooli mohe To nod with sleep
Tongan AN.TULI.1 Toolli Deaf
Tongan AN.TULU.1 Tooloo. Too/tooloo. Tooloo-tooloo. Tooloo/i. To drop, like water. Dropping off, or out of (as a fluid); to be permeable to water, as the roof of a house when the rain drops through. Instillation. To drop into (any fluid dropt into the eyes, &c. to abate inflammation).
Pukapuka PN.TULU-TULU.2 Tulutulu Lower edge of roof sheets of house. Eaves (Mta).
Tongan PN.TULU-TULU.2 Tooloo-tooloo Eaves of a house
Tongan PN.TUGA.B Toonga The core of fruits, a knot in wood, a kernel, the seed of plants
Tongan PN.TUQU-GA.1 Toonga A ladder
Tongan AN.TUNU Toonoo To broil
Tongan PN.TUQU-TAGA Tootanga A block, a large piece or slice of any thing
Tongan CP.TUTU.4 Toótoo Heat, ignition; to burn, kindle, boil
Tongan AN.TUTU.3 Toótoo The bark of the Chinese paper mulberry tree
Tongan OC.TUAI Too-ý Dilatory, slow
Tongan PN.TOE-GA Twenga. Tooenga, toénga, twenga. Remainder. Residual.
Tongan AN.RAQA Va A piece (applied to wood, or trees)
Tongan PN.WAKAI Vacký To heed, to inspect, to search, to be provident; look! behold! lo!
Tongan AN.RAKU Vacoo To claw, to scratch
Tongan AN.WALU.1 Valoo The numeral eight
Tongan MP.WAO.A Vaoo A bush, wood, thicket
Tongan PN.WAO-A Váooa Uncultivated (as land); overrun with weeds; fallow
Tongan OC.WAWE Vave, vavea Speed, velocity; quick, swift-footed, brisk
Tongan PN.WETE.1 Vete To unrol, to loosen, to untie; to despoil, to divest, to plunder, to dispossess of, to pillage; booty, plunder