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16733 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Nuguria NP.LAFI.1 R/rahi Thin (as leaf, material)
Nuguria CP.SOA Soa Companion, mate; boyfriend, girlfriend
Nuguria XO.TAMAKI.2 Taamaki Many; abound, be abundant
Nuguria EC.TURUMA Taaruma Cemetery Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria AN.TAA.1B Taa/taa Carve canoe; peel swamp taro; track (of creeping animals such as turtle or crocodile; also of a canoe on the shore)
Takuu PN.PAQAO Pao/natia (of all the island's trees) Suffer a blight in which many plants bear only undeveloped fruits or have fruits fall off before ripening Problematic
West Uvea MP.POA.1 Po/poa Tripes de poisson/animal en tant que rejets
Nuguria PN.TAKOTO Takoto (pl. taakoto, takkoto) Lie (of things or human beings), rest (of human beings)
Nuguria MP.TAKUU Takuu Axe (for making canoes)
Nuguria OC.TAMA.1A Tama Child
Nuguria PN.TAMA-TAQANE Tama taane Young unmarried men, teenagers
Nuguria AN.TAMA-NA Tamana Father, uncle
Nuguria ??.TAMA-RIKI.B Tamariki/riki (pl. tamarriki) Baby (infant), child
Nuguria OC.TAGAFA Tanaha Fish sp.: Maori Wrasse
Nuguria MP.TAGATA Tanata (pl. taanata) Man, male
Nuguria PN.TAGAQU Tanau A kind of mangrove fish
Nuguria PN.TAPA.4 Tapa Command (v)
Nuguria FJ.TALA.3 Tara (sg.obj.), t/tara (pl.obj.) Loosen, release, set free, uncoil, let go; open (a mat)
Nuguria PN.TAUMAFA Taumaha-tia Curse, scold, swear Uncertain Semantic Connection
Nuguria MP.MATA-QI-HUHU Te mata te uu Nipple (female)
Nuguria CP.TIA.1B Tia/tia Net-like container for coconut shell containers, made of coconut fibre
Nuguria NP.TINA-QI Tiinai ki mate Kill
Nuguria PN.LITO.2 Tilo Immature central leaves of coconut palm (used to fabricate fans, ritual necklaces and headbands, and to cook rice) Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria OC.TINO.A Tino-henua Main part, main island
Nuguria AN.TOKI Toki/toki Axe (similar to takuu, but smaller)
Nuguria MP.TOGO Tono Mangrove tree (generic)
Nuguria PN.TALIELIE Tua/tarierie Mangrove crab, mud crab
Nuguria AN.TUKI.A Tuki/tuki To mash (swamp taro)
Nuguria PN.TUPE.1 Tupe Seed of the tauraura tree, used to make spinning tops; spinning top
Nuguria OC.UKA.A Uka Rope (small), string, cord
Nuguria OC.UMA.A Uma Meat of chest
Nuguria CE.WAHA.2 (V)vaha Shout (and make a lot of noise) Problematic
Nuguria PN.WALO.2 Varo Mantis shrimp (edible)
Nuguria XO.VILI.1 V/viri Masturbate (of male)
West Uvea XO.TAMAKI.2 Taamaki De bonne heure Uncertain Semantic Connection
Mangaia NP.MATI-KAO Matikao Finger
East Uvea PN.TOFI-QA Toofiga Partage, ce qui est échu à la suite d'un partage; sort, destin; ligne de démarcation
Mangareva AN.RAMA Tu/rama Feu que les reines se faisaient allumer pour s'éclairer la nuit
Niue PN.TUTE.2 Tute Small Long Tom or Pipefish (Tylosurus crocodilus) (edible) -- larger sizes are known as aku paa and aku tagata
West Uvea PN.QUFI.2 Ufi o de tai Limace de mer non-id. [Heo Dialect]
Takuu PN.QULU.3 Uru/uru (Of one's stomach) Gurgle, especially after drinking a large quantity of water
Takuu SO.QULU.4 Uru A sexually explicit song designed to distract potentially malevolent spirits while the image of the spirit Pukena was carried from its carving place to the ritual arena on Takuu Island
Tikopia SO.QULU.4 Uru Leading stanza and "entry" movement of mori dance....traditional sacred chant in Marae in archaic language
Rennellese SO.QULU.4 ʔUgu Opening chant and male dance to the sounding board...
Niue PN.MALA.1 Mamala A shrub (wands of which are used as the shafts of tika)
East Uvea AN.PAKI.1 Paki# Gifler, frapper avec le plat de la main
Niue AN.PAKI.1 Paki To clap (used as a command or interjection during a cricket game)
Pukapuka AN.PAKI.1 Pa/paki To fell all opponents in wrestling; to slap smartly
Emae AN.PAKI.1 Pa/paki, paaki/a Strike, hit, beat; slap, clap (papaki rima)
Mangareva PN.PAKIA.1 Pakia Fruit à pain détérioré sur le pied par trop de maturité