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4899 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Rarotongan PN.MOSO.1A Moʔo Spotless Crake (Porzana tabuensis) (Atiu, Mitiaro)
Rarotongan PN.MOSO.1A Kuraa/moʔo Blue Lorikeet (Vini peruviana) (Aitutaki)
Takuu NO.MOSO.3 Moso Shellfish taxon, small white mollusc, used for attaching to a tuu moso ceremonial belt
Mangareva CE.MOO-TORO.* Mootoro A bastard. Enfant naturel dont la conception n'est connue qu'après le mariage de la mère; forniquer
New Zealand Maori OC.MOTU.A Motu-hia Severed, separated, broken off, cut (as a rope), gashed, wounded
Mangareva OC.MOTU.A Motu Be severed. Couper (ficelles); couper un morceau de viande assez très gros (ne se dit pas pour couper un petit morceau); paquet de nourriture qu'on partage; petit espace de terre non travaillée
Niue OC.MOTU.A Motu-hia Cut off, terminated, stopped . Stop producing (of fruit trees, etc)
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.MOTU.A Motu/ia Cut
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.MOTU.A Mot(u)/ia Cut, stop
Rarotongan OC.MOTU.A Motu-kia v.i., sever, cut open, gashed; stop (of rain)
Rarotongan OC.MOTU.A Momotu-ʔia Sever, break (e.g. a cord, wire, ribbon)
Rarotongan OC.MOTU.A Mootua Alternative form of momotuhia
West Uvea OC.MOTU.A Motu-sia Couper, fendre en deux, séparer; déchirer
Tikopia OC.MOTU.B Motu Island, especially islet
Nukuoro NP.MUU.3 Muu/muu kaiaa Remain silent (in order to hide a misdeed)
West Uvea OC.MUQA.A Moa [mwa] Adverbe marquant une priorité temporelle ou spatiale: avant, auparavant, d'abord, devant (se place avant ou après le verbe qu'il modifie); être devant (v) Phonologically Irregular
Tuamotu PN.MUQA-KI Muaakia Thoroughly chewed, masticated (as food pre-chewed for feeding to small children) Borrowed
Hawaiian PN.MUKA.1A Muʔo Leaf bud; to bud; soft tip of aerial pandanus root; younger branch of a family
Ifira-Mele PN.MURI.1C Funu/mui Young woman (between puberty and marriage) Borrowed Phonologically Irregular
Tahitian PN.MURI-WAI Muriaavai Embouchure d'une rivière
Pukapuka PN.MUMU Mumu Gather, crowd around; passive form: muuia
Pukapuka CP.MUNA Muna A saying, speech, secret. Special knowledge, expertise (Sby).
Rarotongan CP.MUNA Muna Secret, confidential
Rotuman PN.MUTIE Mutia Lawn-grass Borrowed
Samoan PN.MUTIE Mutia Grass
Tokelau PN.MUTIE Mutia Grass
Tongan PN.MUTIE Musie Grass, especially lawngrass
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.MUTU.1A Mut(u)/ia Cut off (top of tree)
Waya MP.MUTU.1A Musu Patient subj. verb, (sub. what is cut, especially the part cut off from the parent body). Be cut or broken off crossways, cut up or broken off in the middle
Rennellese AN.-NA.1 Na Clitic suffix to the demonstrative teia- and to nouns: near you, there by you, you there
East Uvea PN.NA.4 Ina Pron. pers. Il, elle, lui. (Se met devant les verbes actifs, Pour les autres, Il, Elle, Lui, se rendent par ia, qui se met après le verbe)
Samoan PN.NA.4 Na/ia Third person singular conjunct verbal pronoun (pre-basic)
Hawaiian MQ.NAAKUU Naaʔuu A yellow gardenia; pale yellow, as a gardenia
Rennellese PN.POO-GIA Pongia To be overtaken by night; to become night
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.NAMU.1A Namu-ia Smell (n,v)
Tongan MP.TIA.1A ʔE/sia Handle of axe, spade, etc.
Marquesas PN.FAU.B Kou/fau (MQS), kou/hau (MQN) Pendants d'oreilles de *hiapo* blanchis pour hommes; hibiscus privé de son écorce
Samoan NP.NAPAQA Napaa/tia Meet with an accident
Mangaia FJ.NASE Naʔe The giant fern
Rarotongan FJ.NASE ʔAa/naʔe Kingfern (Angiopteris longifolia)
Samoan FJ.NASE Nase The giant fern (Angiopteris erecta) and (Marattia fraxinea) (Prt); (Angiopteris evecta) (Whr)
Tuamotu FJ.NASE ŋahe Giant fern sp Phonologically Irregular
Tikopia OC.NATU.1 Natu Knead grated material such as taro, tumeric
Sikaiana OC.NATU.2 Natu A fruit that is eaten on Sikaiana
Samoan NP.NAU.1 Nau (Alyxia stellata)
Mangareva CE.NAU-PATA Naupata Arbrisseau: Scaevola sericia (Goodéniacées)
Marquesas EP.NAWE Nave Aller nu, fou qui danse tout nu, bouffon; criailler, faire beaucoup de bruit pour rire
Tikopia XW.NAWU Namu Bleach with lime, especially hair of the head Problematic
Samoan NP.NEFU.1 Nefu (Anchovia sp.)
Tahitian NP.NEFU.1 Nehu (Stolephorus indicus) [van Hasselt]. The name of a fish, proverbially sweet (Dvs).