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4904 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Rennellese NP.PAKI-AKA Paʔiaʔa Roots Problematic
Sikaiana NP.PAKI-AKA Patiaka Root Phonologically Irregular
Tahitian NP.PAKI-AKA Paiaa The roots, long and small of a tree or plant
Takuu NP.PAKI-AKA Patiaka Vertical root of a tree, plant, grass, weed, seaweed Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas CE.PAA-KIRA Pekia Sommet, point culminant. Faîtage d'une maison (Lch). Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas CE.PAA-KIRA ʔOho/pekia Chauve, calvité; sommet de la tête; spirale des cheveux
Easter Island CP.PAKI-PAKI Paapaki Molusco del mar (Physalia)
Easter Island CP.PAKI-PAKI Pakia Foca, lobo del mar
East Uvea CP.PAKI-PAKI Paki/a Portuguese Man-of-war (Physalia)
Hawaiian CP.PAKI-PAKI Paʔi/malau Portuguese Man-of-war (Physalia)
Tikopia CP.PAKI-PAKI Pakipaki Portuguese man-o-war (Physalia)
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.PAKOLA Pakhola Giant, ogre Uncertain Semantic Connection
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.PAKUU.A Phakuu-hia Thunder, sound like thunder
Vaeakau-Taumako SO.PAKUU.B Paku/ia To sit on, rest on . Reach
Vaeakau-Taumako SO.PAKUU.B Paku/ia ini fatu To be wrecked
Rennellese NP.PAKU-PAKU Pakupaku To be thin, emaciated
Hawaiian OC.PALA.2 Pala A tree fern (Marattia douglasii)
New Zealand Maori OC.PALA.2 Para King fern (Marattia salicina)
Rapa OC.PALA.2 Para A fern (Marattia stokesii)
Rarotongan OC.PALA.2 Para A large mountain fern (Marattia fraxinea) ; Potato Fern (Marattia salicina)
Easter Island PN.PALA.4 Para/i Tiznar; ensuciarse con porqueria. To smudge, to soil
Hawaiian PN.PALA.4 Paala/ni Paint or daub lightly, especially to paint tapa in light shades
Takuu PN.PALA.4 Para/sia Smear, smudge
Marquesas OC.PALAGI Peʔaki (MQN), peʔani (MQS) Poisson docteur. Fish species (= Tahitian para`i) (Dln). Chirurgien pourpre à nageoires jaunes; Yellowfin Surgeonfish (Atl).
Waya OC.PALAGI Balagi Generic for Acanthurus spp.; especially A. xanthopterus
New Zealand Maori CE.PARAGIA Parangia Overcome with (sic) sleep
Marquesas CE.PARAGIA Paʔania Appesanti par le sommeil
Mangareva CE.PARAGIA Paragia Faiblesse (sans maladie, avec dégout du travail); être faible; ennui; aversion, répugnance. Feebleness through want of sleep; distaste, dislike; bored, boredom, ennui (Tgr).
Tongan CE.PARAGIA Palangia Affected with decay, decaying Problematic
East Futuna OC.PALAI Palai A yam. (Dioscorea nummularia)
East Uvea OC.PALAI Palai Sorte d'igname non-cultivée, trouvée en brousse (Dioscorea nummularia)
Hawaiian OC.PALAI Palai A fern (Microlepia setosa)
Rarotongan OC.PALAI Uʔi-/parai/ Yam variety . Probably (Dioscorea mummularia)
Rarotongan TA.PAA-RAKU Paaraku-a,-ʔia, -na Scratch, scrape, rake up
Pukapuka CE.PARATA Palata A species of shark, very ferocious ; Alopias Vulpinus [Thresher shark] Problematic
East Futuna PN.PALAU Pa/la/lau Parler (Sigave dialect). Speak, language (Bgs).
East Futuna PN.PALI.2 Pali Female genitalia
Tongan PN.PALI.2 Pali Female genitalia
Penrhyn CP.PALOLO.A Paroro 1st and 2nd month in the pre-Christian calendar
Rarotongan CE.PARU.2 Paru Soft, weak, flexible ; supple, graceful, relaxed; soft and yielding, pliant, deflated (as tyre, balloon), slack (of rope)
Marquesas OC.PANI.1 Pani. Páne (Crk). Anoint with oil. Oindre[Northwest Marquesan Dialect]; pommade, huile de coco avec mélange de eka, safran d'Océanie (Lch). Cocoa-nut oil, when appropriated for anointing the head (Crk).
East Futuna PN.PANI.3 Pani/ga Se mettre de la cendre au front en suppliant
Rarotongan PN.PAO.1 Pao-ʔia Strike (as with a club on the head; dig or nibble out, make a hole in something
Fijian MP.PAPA.1A Baba Side (especially side planks of canoe)
Easter Island EP.PAPA.1C Ta/papa Genealogia
Tokelau SO.PAPA.2 Papa School of fish of certain species, especially Caranx sp.; a variety of sea-bass or grouper, reddish yellow with white spots (?Variola louti)
Emae FJ.PAAPAA Paapaa Flutefish (Fistularia)
Tahitian FJ.PAAPAA ʔAu/paapaa Bec en flûte, poisson de la famille des Fistulariidae (Fistularia petimba)
Tikopia FJ.PAAPAA Paapaa Flutefish (Fistularia)
Luangiua CE.PAPA-ARIGA Papaiaha Fish gills; cheeks (of person) Phonologically Irregular