Protoform: KASI.1 [MP] Bivalve shellfish (Asaphidae)

Description: Bivalve shellfish (Asaphidae)
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to MP: Malayo-Polynesian

*4 POC *gasi.2 (Mke. 1961).
*4 POC *kasi "to scrape; scraper or grater made from robust circular bivalve shell, such as Asaphis and cockles; shellfish taxon, esp. Asaphis spp." (LPO I:162,240; IV:191).
*7 PWMP *gasgas "scratch" (ACD).

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Anuta Kati A shell used to grind coconut (Fbg)
East Futuna Kasi Bivalve shellfish sp. (Bgs)
East Uvea Kahi Some asaphidae and tellinadae (I) (Rch)
Emae Kasi Type of bivalve shellfish (Cpl)
Fijian Kai Shellfish Problematic (Cpl)
Fijian Kasi/kasi Small variety of crab Problematic (Hkt)
Ifira-Mele Kasi A bivalve shellfish (Clk)
Luangiua (ʔ)Asi Shellfish sp. Scraping shell. (Smd)
Luangiua Aso Mussel shell coconut scraper Phonologically Irregular (Smd)
Mangaia Kaʔi (Asaphis violescens) (Cek)
Mangareva Ka/kaʔi Lobster sp. (Jnu)
Manihiki-Rakahanga Kahi Shell sp. used for scraping (Bck)
New Zealand Maori Kaa/kahi/ Freshwater mussel (Wms)
Niuatoputapu Kahi Bivalve sp. (Asaphis violascens) (Dye)
Nuguria Kahi Bivalve shell used for scraping tubers or breadfruit (Dvl)
Nukuoro Gasi (Asaphis dichotoma (Crl)
Penrhyn Kasi (Asaphis violacea) ; k.clam, Pacific asaphis (Asaphis violacens); small shellfish of various kinds; shell scraper, hand grater (Sta)
Rapa Kaʔi Bivalve (Asaphis deflorata), considered large forms of mitata (Sks)
Rarotongan Kaʔi A kind of sand-clam (Asaphis sp.) (Bse)
Rotuman ʔAsi Cockle; shell much used for scraping (Cwd)
Samoan ʔAsi Edible mollusc (Arca sp.); Coconut scraper cockle (Vasticardium sp.) (Prt)
Sikaiana Kasi Shellfish sp (Dnr)
Tahitian ʔAhi Palourde (coquillage comestible) (Asaphis tahitensis) (Lmt)
Takuu Kasi Bivalve mollusc sp., shell used for scraper (Mle)
Tikopia Kasi Bivalve shell (Asaphis violasceus) (Fth)
Tongan Kahi Kind of shellfish (Cwd)
Tuamotu Kahi A variety of very small mussel or clam (Stn)
Tuvalu Kahi Mussel (Rby)
Vaeakau-Taumako Kai Lilac Clam shell (used to scrape coconuts); scraper (only for coconuts) (Hvn)
West Futuna Kasi Cockle shell; scraper made of cockle shell (esp. for scraping green bananas). Vénus (coquillage); rape à coco (Rve). (Dty)

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