Penrhyn entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
EC.SALE Sa(a)re/nga Step stone at entrance of house Problematic (Sta)
EO.SAQALO Saaro Scrape, make smooth (Sta)
FJ.SALU.2 Saru Rush; lure fish in (Rmn)
PN.SALULU Saruru Sound of a drum; resound; roar, make sound/noise (Sta)
CC.SAAMAMA Haamama Open the mouth, yawn Problematic (Sta)
PN.SAMI Kiko/sami Fry, large shoal of small fish... Problematic (Sta)
PN.SAMU.1A Kai/samu/ Eat scraps of food (Sta)
EC.SEKE.1B Heke Diarrhea (Sta)
NP.SANI.3 Sani Smart (Sta)
MP.SAPAI Sapai Lift; carry, lift up something heavy, lift up and carry (Sta)
EP.SAPE.B Sape Crooked; turn, curve (Sta)
EP.SAPE.B Hape/hape Peevish, complain all the time; critically ill Problematic (Sta)
CE.SAPUU Sapuu Pregnant (Sta)
AN.SASA Sasa Beat, thrash (Rmn)
FJ.SAU.2 Sau-a, -hia, sau/sau To sharpen, shave, scrape, scratch, gouge, fillet. Cut with knife, carve meat (Rmn). (Sta)
OC.SAU.3 Hau Peaceful, in peace, settled Uncertain Semantic Connection (Sta)
EO.SAU.6 Sau Wind (Cbl)
NP.SAU-GA.* Saunga Emit odour; to smell; bad smell; pus (Sta)
NP.SAWA.1 Sava Filthy; ?to be smeared with feces (Sta)
NP.SAWAIKI Savaiki Older name of Ra'iatea; Hawaiki, another world of the Polynesians (Sta)
NP.SE.1 He Particle marking nominal predicate (Sta)
NP.SE.1 Hee One (Sta)
PN.SEE.1 Hee Err Problematic (Rmn)
EP.SEI.1B Sei Necklet, necklace, garland, lei; to garland with a lei (Sta)
EP.SEI.1B Sei/ rauru Necklace of braided human hair (Bck)
EC.SEI.2 Ei Preposition marking optative, purposive, future position Problematic (Sta)
FJ.SEKA Seka(seka) Ringworm (Sta)
PN.SEKE.1A Seke To slip down, climb down; to surf (Sta)
CP.SELE.1A Sere Tie, snare (Sta)
CP.SELE.1A Puu/here/here Snare, trap Problematic (Sta)
CE.SERU Seru To thrash (in swimming), dog-paddle Uncertain Semantic Connection (Sta)
CE.SERU Heru/heru Dig, rake, scrape Phonologically Irregular (Sta)
EP.SEWA.B Seva Kind of chant; to weep, bark, cry. Wailing and blood-drawing (Bck). (Sta)
PN.SII.1 Sii To fish, angle; to draw (water from a cistern) (Sta)
PN.SII.1 Sii/sii To fish (Sta)
FJ.SII.2A Sii Gushing flow of water or blood or any other liquid ; to leak (of canoe), leak through a crack/hole (Rmn)
FJ.SII.2A Koo/sii Wet one's pants (Sta)
CP.SIGA.A Singa Fall, topple (Sta)
OC.SIKA.2 Sika-ia To rub to make a fire (Sta)
NP.SIKA.3 Sika Female private parts (Sta)
OC.SIKI.1A Siki Rock a baby to sleep; lift; put one on the other; to hold a baby on one's lap and sway it, dandle (Sta)
OC.SIKI.1A Hiki Elect Borrowed (Sta)
MP.SIKU.A Siku Tip end of a long leaf (Sta)
CE.SIKU.B Suku, siku Tail (of bird, fish) (Sta)
MP.SINA.1 Sina(sina) White; white hair, grey hair (Sta)
CP.SINA.2 Sina A name often recited in legends ; a goddess; kind of small spider (Rmn)
CE.SISI.4 Sisi Ray of sunlight (Rmn)
CE.SOO-.1 Soo- Give, borrow, lend (Sta)
CP.SOA Soa Friend (Sta)
EP.SOATA.3 Soata Moon on the third night (Sta)

1800 entries found