Penrhyn entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
EP.TINI.1B Tini Very many (Sta)
OC.TINO.A Tino Body; ground (of texture or cloth) (Sta)
CE.TII-PAPA Taapaapaa To lie with the face downward Problematic (Sta)
OC.TIPI.1A Tipi Knife (in general) (Sta)
TA.TIIPUU Tiipuu-hia Cut, sever; cutting blow with edge of *korare* spear (Sta)
PN.TISE Tiha Sneeze Problematic (Sta)
PN.TISE Ma/tihe/ Sneeze Problematic (Sta)
PN.TITI.2 Titi Skirt made of coconut leaves; kind of loincloth for women; dancing costume for both sexes, made from puurau, rito, etc. decorated with akeake (Sta)
EP.TOO.2 Too Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) (Sta)
PN.TE-O-U Too, toou 2nd person singular definite subordinate possessive: you, yours. /toou/ used when no noun afterwards, or when emphasized contrastively (Sta)
NP.T-OO.5 Too Possessive particle (Sta)
AN.TOA Toa Ironwood tree (Casuarina equisetifolia) (Sta)
PN.TOQA Toa Brave (Sta)
EO.TOE.1A Toe Remain (Sta)
EC.TOE.2 Toe Split (Sta)
EC.TOE.2 To/toe To split off; to split into broad strings or strips; splitter, tool to tear a wide leaf into several strips (Sta)
EC.TOE.2 Toe/toe Split into fine strings or strips (of rauhara, kata niikau, etc.) (Sta)
FJ.TOFA.1A Toha Spread evenly (Sta)
AN.TOFI Tohi Chisel (Sta)
CC.TOFORAA.* Tohoraa Whale (Sta)
TA.TOHU.2 Tohu Point out, recognize (Sta)
CE.TOHU.1 Tohu To stain, be stained; very dark; resin, gum (Sta)
EO.TOGA Tonga South, south wind (Sta)
CE.TOOGAAFUA Toongaahua Greater omentum, intestinal slab of fat (Sta)
NP.TOGI.1B Tongi To taste (Sta)
OC.TOHO.A Too/ia To launch, pull [a foreign word] (Sta)
OC.TOHO.A To/too Pull, drag, as a canoe, for example (Rmn)
PN.TOKA.1 Toka Big rock. Coral shoal, rock (Lmt). (Sta)
MP.TOKA.2A Toka Coagulate (Sta)
PN.TOKO-RUA Tokorua Spouse, partner, couple (Sta)
CE.TOKE.1B Toke Worm (Sta)
MP.TOKE-LAU Tokerau North, northeast (Sta)
AN.TOKI Toki Adze (Sta)
MP.TOKO.1A Toko Pole for propelling canoe; punt (Sta)
PN.TOKO-.2 Toko- Human prefix (Sta)
PN.TOKO-MAHURU Mauritoka, mauritoko Hiccup Problematic (Sta)
PN.TOKO-TOKO Tokotoko Walking stick (Sta)
EP.TORE Tore Striped; lined; lines of pattern (esp. fish) (Sta)
CE.TOOREA Toorea Grey Plover (Pluvialis dominica) (Cbl)
AN.TOLU Toru Three (Sta)
PN.TOMO Tomo Enter; to move in a specific direction (Sta)
PN.TONA.1 Tona/tona Wart (Sta)
CP.TONU.2 Tonu Fish sp.; rock cod, reef cod (Epinephelus sp.) (Sta)
EP.TOPA Topa Fall, drop; be dislocated (Sta)
CE.TOO-PATA Toopata Spotted, dotted; to drop (water) (Sta)
CE.TOPE.B Tope Prune, cut off (Sta)
CE.TOO-TARA Tootara Porcupine fish (Sta)
PN.TOTO.1 Toto Blood (Sta)
CE.TOO-TOO Tootoo A hand net sometimes tied onto a long pole to scoop fish (Rmn)
CE.TOO-TOO Toto Bag net (Lmt)

1800 entries found