Rapa entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
AN.AFI Aʔi Fire (Sks)
AN.AFIAFI Aʔiaʔi Evening (Sks)
CE.AHO Aʔo Breath (Sks)
EO.QAFU.2 Aʔu/nga Artificial terrace (a`uanga?) (Sks)
PN.-AGA.3 -Anga Participial suffix, present tense (Sks)
PN.QALELO Arero Tongue (Sks)
PN.QARIKI Ariki Chief, king (Sks)
PN.QANA.1 Ana Cave (Sks)
TA.ARUHE Keke/aruke A fern (Blechnum capense); also an herb Problematic (Sks)
AN.QANUFE K/anuae A white caterpillar Phonologically Irregular (Sks)
OC.ASI Aʔi Sandalwood (Sks)
AN.QATA Ata Cloud, shadow (?) (Sks)
AN.QATO Atoo Thatch; to thatch (Sks)
MP.QATUA Atua God (Sks)
MP.QATULE K/ature A fish (Sks)
MP.QAUA.1 Aua/re A fish, the small mullet (Sks)
PN.QAUA.2 ʔAua No, do not Problematic (Sks)
CE.AUTE Aute Bush, used for making tapa, Broussonetia papyrifera (Sks)
PN.EE Ei Yes Problematic (Sks)
AN.FAA.1 ʔA Four (Sks)
CE.FAAGAI.B Taati ʔangai Adopted child (Sks)
CE.FAAGAI.B Karakua ʔangai Foster parents (Sks)
NP.FAI.4 ʔEi String figure game (Sks)
CE.FAKA-EA ʔAkaea Breath, to breathe (Sks)
PN.FAKA-ROGO ʔAkarongo Hear, listen (Sks)
CE.FAKA-RUA.2 ʔApiti Wind from NNE from TAH Problematic (Sks)
EC.FAKA-MAUMAU ʔAkamaumau To dawdle (Sks)
CE.FAKA-PAGO Aʔapaʔo Attend to, give heed to, take care of Problematic (Sks)
AN.FARA Kai/ʔara Screwpine (Pandanus rapensis) (Sks)
MP.FALE ʔAre House (Sks)
PN.FAALOO.B ʔArooro To lie at full length (Sks)
NP.FAALOA ʔAaroa Esp. de loche (Kvt)
NP.FANAU-GA ʔAnauanga Family (Sks)
PN.FEKE Eke moana Ocean form of octopus (Sks)
PN.FEKE Eke pari Shore form of octopus (Sks)
CE.FEKII.A Akii A tree fern, Cyathea medullaris (Sks) (Sks)
EP.FINA.2 Ina/ina Grandparent Uncertain Semantic Connection (Sks)
PN.FIINAKI ʔInaki Basket; fish trap (Sks)
NP.FIO ʔIo An herb, used by children for whistling (Sks)
AN.FITU ʔItu Seven (Sks)
MP.FOHE Oe Paddle (Grn)
FJ.FOHI Oi To scrape bast of aute (Sks)
PN.FORE ʔO/ʔore To strip bark (Sks)
AN.FONU.2 ʔOnu Turtle (Sks)
AN.FOQOU ʔOu New (Sks) (Sks)
MP.FULI.1 ʔUri To turn, overturn (Sks)
MP.FULU.1 Ko/uru mata Eyebrow and lashes (Sks)
EP.FUNAOGA.* ʔUnonga Son- or daughter-in-law (Sks)
AN.FUTI.1 ʔUti To pull (Sks)
OC.-GA -nga Participial suffix, present tense (Sks)

662 entries found