Rotuman entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
CP.SI-SII | Si | Pass wind quietly | (Cwd) |
FJ.SOO-.2 | Soso | Be, come or go close up | (Cwd) |
CP.SOA | Soa | Pair | (Cwd) |
OC.SOLO.1 | Solo | Sink down | (Cwd) |
OC.SOLO.2A | Soro | Grate, rub, sharpen | (Cwd) |
CP.SOPE.1 | Sope | Plait of hair at side of head | (Cwd) |
OC.SOPU.2 | Jopu | Dive, swim under water | (Cwd) |
FJ.SOSAQA | Sosaʔa | Discomfort, repulsion Problematic | (Cwd) |
PN.SOU | Jou | (Of sea) to ripple, be slightly rough | (Cwd) |
AN.SUU.1 | Su | Coconut milk | (Cwd) |
PN.SUA.1 | Sua | Start, lead a song | (Cwd) |
MP.SUA.2 | Sua | Stir | (Cwd) |
PN.SUQA.A | Suʔaki | Pour or apply liquid for purpose of diluting Problematic | (Cwd) |
MP.SUKI.A | Suki | Cut, gouge out, dig | (Cwd) |
MP.SULU.2 | Sulu | Torch | (Cwd) |
OC.SUMU.2 | Sumi | Leather-jacket | (Cwd) |
OC.SUNU.2 | Su/sunu | Burn, scorch | (Cwd) |
EO.TAA.1A | Fa/ʔi | Hit; blow | (Cwd) |
FJ.TAE.2B | Täe | A kind of hand-net; to catch with a hand-net. Borrowed Problematic | (Cwd) |
OC.TAAEQA | Taeaʔa | Fish sp. Problematic | (Cwd) |
SO.TAAFAA | Täh/roro | Partly-grown coconut Problematic | (Cwd) |
PN.TA-FAGA.A | Tafa | Clear, bare, empty Problematic | (Cwd) |
EO.TAFI | Tafi | To sweep Problematic | (Cwd) |
FJ.TAFU.A | Fahu | Set and light an earth-oven | (Cwd) |
MP.TAFU-RAQA | Fahrara | Kind of fish Problematic | (Cwd) |
OC.TAGA.1A | Taga | Bag, sack Problematic | (Cwd) |
OC.TAGAFA | Fahaga | A fish | (Cwd) |
PN.TAGALOA.A | Tagroa | Tagaloa, a polynesian deity Problematic | (Cwd) |
PN.TAGAQU | Tagau | Poisonous fish, silvery in colour when alive but turning red when it dies . Problematic | (Cwd) |
AN.TAGI.A | Fagi | To cry aloud | (Cwd) |
MP.TAHI.1 | Sasi | Sea, sea-water, salt Problematic | (Cwd) |
PN.TAKAI | Takai | Wind, coil Problematic | (Cwd) |
PN.TAKE.2 | Take | The piece chipped off the end of a drinking nut Problematic | (Cwd) |
EO.TAKI.1 | Taki | To lead, lead on; lure or lure on ( Problematic | (Cwd) |
CP.TAQAKI | Faʔi | Draw water | (Cwd) |
RO.TAKU-HALI | ʔUahgia | Very long kind of sea-snake (Cwd>, Problematic | (Cwd) |
PN.TARA | Fara | End, extremity (of a row of houses, etc.) | (Cwd) |
OC.TALAI | Tara | Whittle, pare, shave or carve (wood etc.);peel with a knife Problematic | (Cwd) |
AN.TALI.3A | Fali | Belt | (Cwd) |
AN.TALIGA | Faliga | Ear | (Cwd) |
AN.TALO.1 | Tar/kura | Taro variety . Problematic | (Cwd) |
CP.TALO.2 | Fara | Beg, request, ask for | (Cwd) |
PN.TAMAKI.1 | Tamaki | Seriously ill; severe, dangerous (of illness) Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Cwd) |
PN.TAANAKI | Tanaki | To pile up neatly, to stack Problematic | (Cwd) |
PN.TANE-TANE | Tantane | Several kinds of bushes Problematic | (Cwd) |
OC.TANIFA | Tanifa | A large, dangerous shark Problematic | (Cwd) |
CP.TAA-NOQA | Tanoa | Kava bowl Problematic | (Cwd) |
AN.TANU | Famu | Bury | (Cwd) |
MP.TAO | Jao | Javelin, spear | (Cwd) |
EO.TAQO.1 | Fao | Cook and keep overnight for use next day | (Cwd) |
693 entries found