Sikaiana entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
OC.A A(a) Personal article (Dnr)
PN.QAFA.3 A/aha To open up, to push apart (Dnr)
MP.AFAA Ahaa Storm, hurricane (Dnr)
PN.AFAGA Ahana Path in front of lineage houses where no houses were allowed to be built. (Dnr)
AN.AFI Ahi Fire (Dnr)
PN.QAFII Ahii Wrap, parcel (Dnr)
MP.AFO Aho Cord, especially fishing line (Dnr)
EO.WAA.1 V(a)/vaa Noise; be noisy (Dnr)
PN.WAA.2 Vaa- Prefix: space, land (Dnr)
EO.QAFU.2 Ahu Pile up, heap up (Dnr)
OC.AI.1 Ei Anaphoric particle, in some cases follows a verb replacing a previous noun phrase (Dnr)
PN.QAGAQAGA Anaana Soul (Dnr)
AN.AGI.1 Ani/ani Blow (as wind) (Sps)
AN.QAHO Aho Day (Sps)
OC.QAHU.1 Au Gall (Dnr)
AN.QAHU.2 Au Smoke (Dnr)
AN.QAITU Aitu Ghost, spirit (Dnr)
AN.AKA.A Pati/aka Root (Dnr)
FJ.QARA Ala Awake (Dnr)
CO.ALAALA-FUTU Alaalahutu A fish (Dnr)
OC.ALI.1 Ali Flatfish (Dnr)
PN.QALI.2 A/ali/ To shave (Sps)
PN.QARIKI Aliki Chief (Dnr)
NP.AALISI Aalisi Adze (Sps)
EO.QALO.3 ʔAlo Paddle (Sps)
MP.QAROFA.A Aloha Pity (Sps)
PN.QAMO Amo To carry on one's shoulder (Dnr) (Dnr)
OC.QANA-NAFI Hi/naanahi Yesterday (Dnr)
NO.ANAU Nau I, me (Dnr)
AN.ANE.A Ane White-ant. A small insect similar to a caterpillar that eats crops (Dnr). (Sps)
EC.ANO.3 Poo/ano A leaf ball made from eight strands of leaf (Dnr)
SO.QANU.2 Anu Dance (sg.) (Dnr)
CP.AO.1 Ao Scoop up (Sps)
NP.AO.2 Ao A fruit with no flesh inside. A green coconut that does not have any water inside; (fig.) a child that does not grow very well (Dnr). (Sps)
PN.APO K/apo/ Graceful, capable Phonologically Irregular (Dnr)
PN.QASI A/asi/ Inspect a fish-trap (Sps)
AN.QASO.2 Aso Day (Dnr)
MP.QASU Asu Ladle, dip, scoop out (Sps)
PN.ATA.1 Ata Dawn (Dnr)
AN.QATA Ata Reflection (Dnr)
EO.QATAMAI.A Atamai Clever (Dnr)
AN.QATE.1 Ate Liver (Dnr)
PN.QAATEA Aatea Clear (as sky) (Dnr)
SO.QATI.2 Ati lono Spread the news (Dnr)
AN.QATO Ato Thatch (Sps)
OC.ATU Atu Particle of direction away from speaker (Dnr)
OC.QATU.1 Atu Bonito (Dnr)
PN.QAUA.2 Aua A command not to do something being done, a call mostly to children then their parents want them to stop some activity or prevent an activity (Dnr)
MP.AWA Ava Passage (Dnr)
NP.QAAWAGA.A Aavana Spouse; marry (Sps)

1416 entries found