Tahitian entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
TA.MAURU Mauru/uru To be pleased, satisfied, delighted; agreeable, pleasing, satisfactory (Dvs)
PN.MAUNU Maunu Bait for fish (Dvs)
AN.NAMU.1A Namu/rea Fragrant, savoury, as food (Dvs)
NP.NEWA.B Neva Tourner la tête Uncertain Semantic Connection (Lmt)
MP.PAA.1 Pa A fence or hedge; a small enclosed place sacred to the young king or chief; also such a place sacred to the use of the upaupa dancers (Dvs)
EP.PAE-GA.B Paea/rua Of both sides (Dvs)
PN.FAKA-TUQU Faʔatuu Mettre à égalité Uncertain Semantic Connection (Lmt)
PN.FAKA-TUQU Faʔatiʔa Mettre debout, mettre sur pied, dresser, instituer, bâtir; autoriser; raconter (Lmt)
PN.FAKA-TUQU Faatu To raise up, put in an erect posture; also to support, assist (Dvs)
TA.PARARII Pararî Broken, bruised (Dvs)
MQ.PANA.1C Pana paahua Crochet ou tige de fer pour décoller les bénitiers des coraux Uncertain Semantic Connection (Lmt)
PN.PAANAKI Panai To stand in a line or row; a ridge or stratum (Dvs)
CE.TOO-PATA Toopata(pata) Goutte; tomber ou couler goutte à goutte (Lmt)
PN.POKO.2 Poo/poo Deep, as a hole; sunken, depressed (Dvs)
PN.POKO.2 Po/poo To be hollow, indented, sunken (Dvs)
PN.PORO-QAKI Poroi A charge, direction given, a saying; to take leave, or bid farewell; also to inform (Dvs)
TR.POO-NAO Ponao A thimble; a razor-case, a padlock (Dvs)
AN.POO-POO.A Pôpô To clap hands, as fishermen sometimes do; to pat slightly with the hand (Dvs)
TA.PUKE.6 Pue Denoting a plurality, as pue taata, men, usually two in number... (Dvs)
CE.PURUGA Purua A father or mother in law (Dvs)
CP.SEU Heu/heu Oter ses vêtements (arch.) (Lmt)
CE.SOPII Hopii The falling sickness, epilepsy (Dvs)
CE.SOPII Hopiʔi/piʔi Etre engourdi, avoir des fourmis (Lmt)
MP.TAGATA Taata A man; a human person, male or female; mankind (Dvs)
OC.TAPU Tapu Interdit (Lmt)
PN.TAA-WILI Taviri/viri To turn and twis oneself repeatedly; to have twisting pains in the bowels; to turn a thing round and round; a turned thing, as puaa-taviriviri, a turned pig, that is a roasted pig (Dvs)
EC.TOE.2 Tiitoe Bouveter (Lmt)
AN.TOFI Tohi/tohi "Pelle à baleine". A harpoon; to use a chisel (Dvs). (Lmt)
CE.TOOGAAFUA Toʔahua Crépine (du cochon) (Lmt)
PN.TOMO Tomo Entrer, inaugurer; être chargé; couler (aller au fond de l'eau), être coulé (Lmt)
PN.TOMO Haere e tomo Aller chercher des fruits dans la vallée, ou dans la montagne (Lmt)
AN.TUQU.1 Tu To stand erect, to be upright or straight ; to fit, agree, to answer the purpose (Dvs)
SO.TUPU.D Tupu Se produire, arriver, avoir lieu Problematic (Lmt)
CP.TUTU.4 Tutu Cuire en introduisant une pierre chaude (dans une liquide, dans un animal...). To cook food by means of hot stones (Dvs). Uncertain Semantic Connection (Lmt)
AN.QUGA Uʔa vaahi haʔari Crabe de cocotier (Birgus latro) (Lmt)
MP.QULUGA T/uruʔa Oreiller, coussin Phonologically Irregular (Lmt)
NP.UMELE ʔUmere Louange; louanger Phonologically Irregular (Lmt)
??.UPAUPA Upa To dance (Dvs)
EO.WAA.1 Va The rushing down of the rain that comes suddenly and is soon over (Dvs)
CE.WAAWAA.1 Vava A species of the locust (Dvs)
CE.WALE-A.B Vareʔa Dormir, être endormi Phonologically Irregular (Lmt)
NP.WALI.2 Vari Terre meuble, boue, vase; boueux (Lmt)
NP.WATA Vata An opening, space, or rent; to be separate, with a space between (Dvs)
CE.WEU.1 Veu/veu Bord effrangé d'un tissu (Lmt)
PN.WETE.1 Ve/vete Déballer des vêtements et les examiner, soulever un linge pour voir ce qu'il y a dessous, écarter des herbes ou des feuilles pour chercher quelque chose (Lmt)
CE.MUUNAA Unâ A cutaneous disorder Phonologically Irregular (Dvs)
CE.MUUNAA ʔUunaa Dartre Phonologically Irregular (Lmt)
PN.FOKI.2 Hoʔi Aussi, également; bien, vraiment (Lmt)
AN.KAPI.A ʔApi paarau Valve des nacres (Lmt)
PN.KAWE.1B ʔAve Brin d'une tresse, toron d'un filin (Lmt)

2769 entries found