Tahitian entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
CE.TEI-TEI Teitei High, tall, exalted (Dvs)
PN.TAU-FAA Tauhà The four stars called the crosier (Dvs)
NP.PEI Pei The name of an amusement in which stones, or limes, are thrown and caught. Jongler (Lmt). (Dvs)
PN.MEQA.A Mena A thing, the same as mea Phonologically Irregular (Dvs)
TA.MAI-MOA Maimoa A toy, pet, favourite, a play thing (Dvs)
CE.MA-HEA Mahea To fade; to be pale through fear; to fail, applied to desire; to cease, applied to rain (Dvs)
CE.MA-HEA Mahea/hea To turn pale, to fade, to be destitute (Dvs)
PN.LOLE.1 Rore To depreciate or undervalue a thing (Dvs)
PN.MA-ISI Maihi To fall or slip off untimely as the abortives of brutes (Dvs)
PN.TAUTE Taute/ute A large collection of different kinds of food (Dvs)
PN.TAUTE Taute A person not allowed to eat with men, because of his cooking for his wife Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dvs)
PN.TAUTE Taute/a To rescue, deliver Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dvs)
XW.FONO.2B Hono/a An agreement, a plot (Dvs)
PN.MAALUU.2 Maruu Gentil, poli, doux; doucement (Lmt)
PN.PIKO.C Pio Wrong, in a moral sense (Dvs)
PN.FAKA-PULU-PULU Haapurupuru To attend and minister to a person (Dvs)
PN.FAKA-HURU Faauru To conduct a vessel into an anchoring-place; pilot (Dvs)
MP.UE.A Ue The last struggling breath of an animal; to toss and move, as a dyihng person; strong, impetuous, as a wave of the sea (Dvs)
PN.QARO.B Aro/aro The lining of a garment. Plafond (Lmt). (Dvs)
PN.ENE.1 Ene To approach near or too near (Dvs)
NP.LANU.A Nanu Monter (en parlant de la mer) Phonologically Irregular (Lmt)
CK.TAE-WAO Taetaevao Wild; also clownish; an inhabitant of the interior, a clown, one not accustomed to society. Sauvage (homme ou bête qui vit en des endroits retirés) (Lmt). (Dvs)
EP.RURE Rure A rough instrument of music Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dvs)
EP.RURE Rure/rure Applied to a certain manner of the voice of a female, when crying or lamenting Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dvs)
PN.HAKE.C Naa mua aʔe Avant (Lmt)
PN.HAKE.C Aa muri aʔe, aa/rau/aʔe Tout à l'heure (Lmt)
CC.KAPU-LOLO Abu roro, apu/roro The (human) skull (Dvs)
CE.KAAPUA Abua. Apua. The shaft of a fish spear. The handle of a spear. (Dvs)
OC.PULAKA Abura. Apura. A species of (mountain) taro. Problematic (Dvs)
MP.PULU.1A Puru The husk of the cocoanut shell (Dvs)
CE.PUTA.1B Abuta. Aputa. To appear or be perceptible, as the sun through little openings in the clouds. To pierce through or enter, as light through small openings; to enter the mind, as perceptions of things. (Dvs)
OC.ATU Adu. Atu. From, beside, more... [postverbal] (Dvs)
PN.HUI-TUQA Ivi tua Epine dorsale (Lmt)
PN.LAGI.5 Rai The highest chief or king (Dvs)
PN.I.2A I (devant les formes nominales) A, au; à cause de, de; par,devant le complément d'un verbe d'état (statif);...précède directement les locatifs (Lmt)
PN.MA-KAKA ʔAʔa Batailleur, taquin; provoquer, taquiner (Lmt)
PN.MA-KAKA Aa A provocation, insult, jeer, taunt; to provoke, banter, insult; jocular, given to jest (Dvs)
EP.I.2B I Marque du complément (Lmt)
CE.KOO-IWI Oivi The body of man or beast; the body of a god... (Dvs)
FJ.TOLO.2A Toro/toro To creep (Dvs)
PN.TO-TOLO Totoro To creep, or move slowly; to trace, by following a track, to trace a stalk or vine to the rest of the plant (Dvs)
TA.UTU-GA Utua A reward, compensation, wages; the payment either of merit or demerit, penalty or reward (Dvs)
CE.TAGO.C Tao/tao Great, extreme, applied to darkness (pouri taotao) (Dvs)
EP.PORO.2 Poro The heel, or elbow; the handle of a tool, such as a knife or chisel; the end of a ridge pole (Dvs)
CE.TAPARURU Taparuru Ungovernable anger or rage (Dvs)
CE.TAPARURU Taparuru Bruit sourd de tonalité grave (bruit de chute sur le plancher, de coups sur la coque d'un navire; faire boum; spasme d'un animal avant de mourir; avoir ce spasme (Lmt)
MQ.TAKEO Tae(r)o Poisoned, as by fish; also drunk (Dvs)
MQ.TAKEO Taʔero Empoisonné, toxique, intoxiqué, soûl (Lmt)
CE.KIRITI Iriti. ʔIriti (Lmt). To have spasms, or be convulsed. Avoir des spasmes (Lmt). (Dvs)
TA.MA-KOKI Maoi To be bent under, as the leg or foot in falling suddenly (Dvs)

2769 entries found