Tokelau entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.SOPO.A Hopo Overstep, go over the boundary (Sma)
PN.SOPO.B Hopo Board, go on board (a canoe or ship) (Sma)
FJ.SOSAQA Hoehaa Annoyance, nuisance, annoying noise, pest (Sma)
FJ.SOSO.1 Hoho Insane, demented, crazy (Sma)
AN.SUU.1 Hu/huu Wet; water, wetness, dampness, moisture (Sma)
PN.PUI.B Pui/pui Wall, fence (Sma)
MP.SUA.2 Hua Lever up, dig up, eradicate; charge (someone) with head and shoulders (Sma)
PN.SUQA.A Hua Juice; young drinking coconut; to contain (e.g. liquid) (Sma)
SO.SUQA.B Hua To come in (of the tide) (Sma)
PN.SUQA-MALIE Huamalie Sweetness (Sma)
NP.SUE.1 Hue Stars and Stripes Pufferfish (Arothron hispidus) (Sma)
PN.SUI Hui Represent; succeed, change, replace; representative, successor; change (money) (Sma)
PN.SUQI Hui To water down, thin down, e.g. soup (Sma)
MP.SUKI.A Huki Pierce, inject, probe; stick used for piercing or probing (e.g. for turtle eggs); sticks which pierce through the ridge thatching to hold roof thatching in place; syringe (Sma)
EO.SULA Hula Appear, be visible, show up (Sma)
MP.SULI Huli Sucker of plants, e.g. elephant ear taro (Sma)
MP.SULU.2 Hulu Torch, flashlight (Sma)
MP.SULU.2 Hu/hulu (of a light, the sun, etc.) Shine, be bright; light (n), glare (Sma)
OC.SUMU.2 Humu General name for Balistes spp. (Hpr)
OC.SUNU.2 Hunu/hunu Cook by roasting over hot coals and turning over now and again (Sma)
EO.TAA.1A Taa Hit, strike; blow (Sma)
PN.TAA.5A Taa 1st person dual inclusive pronoun (short form, preposed to verb) (Sma)
PN.-TAA.5B -taa(ua) First person inclusive dual possessive suffix (Sma)
MP.TAQA.1 Taa (Holocentrus spinifer), Armoured Soldierfish (Hpr)
AN.TAQE.1 Tae Faeces, stool droppings (Sma)
OC.TAAEQA Taaea Paddle-tailed snapper (Lutjanus gibbus) (Sma)
CP.TAQE-KI Heeki Pre-verbal negative particle, not (referring to past time), not yet (Sma)
PN.-TAGA.4 -taga Suffix added to some verbs to form nouns with specialized meanings (Sma)
SO.TAFE-A Tafea Be washed away or carried away in a current; (of a deal in a card game) be lost (Sma)
EO.TAFA.1A Tafa Side (Sma)
PN.TAFA-QAKI-LAGI Tafatafaalagi Horizon (Sma)
SO.TAAFAO.A Taafao Go for a walk, stroll (Sma)
SO.TAAFAO.B Taafao Play (Sma)
SO.TAFA-QATA Tafa te ata The day breaks (Sma)
EO.TAFI Tafi Brush off, wipe out (Sma)
PN.TAFITO.A Tafito Stump, trunk (Sma)
NP.TAFO-LAQA.* Tafolaa Whale (Sma)
FJ.TAFU.A Tafu Make, build or feed a fire (Sma)
OC.TAGA.1A Taga Sack, bag, pocket (Sma)
SO.TAGA.3 Taga Allowed; free to do something (Sma)
PN.TAAGAKI Tagaki Turn the face to see something (Sma)
MP.TAGATA Tagata Man, person (Sma)
PN.TAGAQU Tagau Yellow-margined Sea Perch (Lutjanus vaigensis) (Sma)
AN.TAGI.A Tagi Cry (Sma)
OC.TAGO.A Tago Take, grab, pick up (Sma)
PN.TAGULU Tagulu Make a low thudding sound (Sma)
MP.TAHI.1 Tai Sea, tide (Sma)
EO.TAHI.2 Tai/uli Dark wood of (Cordia subcordata) (Whr)
PN.TAQAHINE Teine Girl, lass (Sma)
NP.TAI-QAO Taaeao Morning; tomorrow (Sma)

2175 entries found