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16733 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Nukuoro NP.SOLO.2B Solo Type of prepared food made from grated taro
Takuu NP.SOLO.2B Soo/soro Food made from giant taro or taro
Tokelau NP.SOLO.2B Holo A parcel of cooked, mashed pulaka [Cyrtosperma]
Samoan ??.SOLO.6 Solo A song in praise of a chief's land. A poem, of which several varieties are distinguished; some are sung, others recited (Macpherson).
Mangareva PN.SOLO-QI.* ʔOroi Essuie-mains; mouchoir; nettoyer, essuyer. Laver, se laver; wash (Atl).
East Uvea PN.SOMO.1 Homo Echapper de la main, e.g. le manche a echappe dela hache
Rennellese NP.SOMO.2 Somo Grow, as small new branches on tree
West Uvea NP.SOMO.2 Somo (Coco) germant; germer [Heo Dialect]
West Futuna NP.SOMO.2 Somo To grow, sprout (also used of animals ane people); sprouted portion of a plant. Tige (d'igname) (Rve).
Tokelau ST.SOMO.3 Homo Matter that collects in corner of eye
Fijian EO.SONI.A Soni Make a small incision, as for piercing a boil
Tongan EO.SONI.A Honi/ʔi Make a small incision, lance
Rarotongan TA.SONI.B ʔOni Nibble, gnaw v. (Mainly dialectal)
Tahitian EP.SOPE.2 Hope Etre fini. The tail of a bird, the hair of a man tied behind; to be finished, ended, concluded (Dvs).
Marquesas CE.SOPII Hopi Malade, infirme, lâche, poltron
Mangareva CE.SOPII Opi Maladie vénérienne au stade initial Phonologically Irregular
Niue PN.SOPO.C Hopo/mate Last night of the last quarter of the moon
Easter Island PN.SOPO.D Hopo/hopo te manava To feel a strong imbalance of the mind, either from boiling anger, or overbrimming joy
Rennellese PN.SOPO.D Sopo manaba Be shocked, startled, frightened, scared
Hawaiian OC.SOPU.2 ʔOpu Jump into water feet first without making a splash Problematic
Moriori FJ.SOSAQA Oeha Languid, feeble, fatigued . = MAO hoha (Wms) Problematic
Tahitian FJ.SOSAQA Hoiha An exclamation of contempt of some order given
Tongan FJ.SOSAQA Hohaʔa Worry v., anxious or uneasy or troubled in mind, to be, make a fuss
Manihiki-Rakahanga AN.SUU.1 Maa/huu Wet
Pukapuka AN.SUU.1 Maa/yuu Wet, moist
Rarotongan AN.SUU.1 Maa/ʔuu Wet, damp, moist, humid
Mangareva CE.KOU.1 Kou/kou Grande tumeur venant seulement aux pieds et aux mains
Mota EO.SUA.3 Sua To paddle, make a canoe voyage
Rennellese EO.SUA.3 Lua Small paddle or stick used as a paddle; to paddle with such Problematic
Tuamotu PN.SUQA.A Hua/hua Semen, mucous, discharge (as of genital organs, male or female)
East Futuna SO.SUQA.B Suʔa Monter (pour la marée); marée montante
Waya PN.SUQA.C Cua A pudding made of starch, sugar and coconut-cream Problematic
Moriori EP.SUAKI.* Hiwaki, hiwiki, hikui = MAO huaki (Wms)
East Futuna PN.SUQA-MALIE Suʔa malie Liquide sucré
East Uvea PN.SUQA-MALIE Huʔamalie Doux, delicat
Samoan PN.SUQA-MALIE Suamalie Sweet
Tokelau PN.SUQA-MALIE Huamalie Sweetness
Tuvalu OC.PULAKA Pulaka (Cyrtosperma chamissonis)
Tuvalu PN.PUNUA Punua Young (of bird or mammal)
Tuvalu OC.SAE.1 Haa/hae/ Tear in many places
Tuvalu PN.SAA-KILI.1 Hakili To rummage for a particular object
Tuvalu PN.SALII Salii A very small fish
Tuvalu PN.SAMA.1 Ama Wife (jocular)
Tuvalu OC.SIKA.2 Hika Make fire by friction
Tuvalu PN.SIKU-MATA Hikumata Outer ends of eyebrows
Tuvalu NP.SIPA.1 Hipa Small Flying-fish sp
Tuvalu MP.SISI.2 Hihi (Terebra maculata) [l.]
Tuvalu PN.SUQA-MALIE Huamalie Sweet (of a liquid)
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.SUQA-WALE Ivale-a Spit (betelnut, water in small portions) Phonologically Irregular
Anuta NP.SUE.2 Ue/i Lift up a sheet or mat; open a jar