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16733 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Easter Island PN.MATA-KITE.A Mata-ʔite Witness Borrowed
Easter Island NP.KOLO-MATUA Oro-matuʔa Priest Borrowed
Easter Island FJ.TAFU.A Tahu-tahu Magic, witchcraft, sorcery; sorcerer, witch Uncertain Semantic Connection
Nukuoro SO.NOKO.2 Nogo Past progressive aspect marker
Tahitian AN.MEI.2 Mai/ore Ancien nom de l'arbre à pain
Tahitian PN.GATU.1 A/ati The name of a strong variety of native cloth made of the bark of the bread-fruit tree Phonologically Irregular
Waya AN.LIMA.A Lima Five
Waya MP.LIMA.B Lima Hand, arm; front leg of a quadruped, flipper of a turtle, seal, etc.
Waya AN.QULU.1 Ulu Head or top part of an animal or thing; hair of the head...
Tuamotu NP.MAKAU.2 Makaau Half-wit, moron, simpleton, idiot Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuamotu AN.HUHU Uu The breast, the female mammae...
Tahitian PN.GAHELE Aere/ere A bog encrusted with the plant mapua and vibrating from unsoundness when trod upon
Tahitian MP.FATA.1 ʔAa/fata Caisse, boite, malle, garde-manger
Rarotongan PN.E.3 E(e) Exclamatory, after the noun; in admiration; often used with [preposed] e(e) as a more polite or formal way of calling or addressing someone
Marquesas PN.E.3 E Marque du vocatif...quelquefois on met un e avant le substantif et un après!
Rennellese PN.E.3 Eee(e) Exclamation, as at the beginning of formal greetings and in rituals
Tikopia SO.FEKAU.B Fai-fekau Work, manipulate
Nukumanu SO.KAAMATA.* Kaamata Begin
Nukumanu SO.TAINA Taina Brother (of male)
Nukumanu OC.TAMA.1A Tama Child
Nukumanu PN.FAI-TAMA Hai tama (pl. hai ttama) Pregnant
Nukumanu PN.MAFI Mahi Work (v,n); power, authority; very (post-verbal particle); (heavenly) body
Nukumanu PN.MANATU Maanatu (pl. mannatu, mamannatu) Intend, think; think about; remember
Nukumanu AN.MATAKU Mataku (pl. mattaku) Fear
Nukumanu ??.TAMA-RIKI.B Tamariki (pl. tamalliki) Child
Nukumanu MP.TAGATA Tanata (pl. taanata) Male, man
Luangiua XO.MA-SIKE Masiʔe Rise up. Aufstehen [stand up, get up] (Sar).
Takuu PN.MATA.1E Mata/mata Stare at
Nukumanu NP.MAA-TOU Maatou We (exclusive, plural)
Nukumanu PN.OO.3 Oo mai Come (plural subject)
Nukumanu PN.MA-MALU Haka/maru Worship
Nukumanu CE.FAKA-MAU Hakamau Stay (in a place); be calm Problematic
Nukumanu OC.MANOGI Mannoni Fragrant (plural)
East Uvea PN.FAKA-QAROFA Fakaʔofa Attirer la pitié, exciter l'amitié, aimable; disposition favorable envers une personne inférieure Borrowed
Sikaiana PN.FAKA-QAROFA Hakaaloha To do something in a manner that makes others pity you, pitiful; to give very generously and excessively to others
Kapingamarangi NP.FAKA-QALOFA Hagaaloho nia lima To shake hands
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.FAKA-MATUQU Hua/matuu Change clothes
Tikopia PN.FAKA-QAROFA Fakaarofa Evoking sympathy, affection; in many contexts, given concrete connotation, e.g., of poverty; commoner, person not of chiefly class
Nukumanu EO.TAA.1A Taa(ia) ki (no) mate (pass. taaia, taia ria) Kill
Nukumanu AN.MATE.1A Mate (pl. mmate) Die; death
Nukumanu PN.MA-LIU Mariu (pl. malliu) Furious; malicious; false (prophets), deceive Uncertain Semantic Connection
Nukumanu AN.MATUQA.A Mattua Age
Sikaiana PN.GANA.2A Nnaa (Make) loud noise
Nukumanu PN.PENA.1B Pena (pl. ppena) Make, do
Nukumanu AN.MANU.1A Manu Animal; bird
Nukumanu XO.TAMAKI.2 Tammaki Many, numerous
Nukumanu PN.MAQONI.* Haka/maoni Truly, truth; faithful; to fulfil (prophecy)
Nukumanu CP.MA-MATA Mmata Watch over; look at
Nukumanu MP.LIMA.B Rima Hand; sleeve
Nukumanu PN.MA-RAMA.B Maarama World