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219 Results matching "kia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Nukumanu NP.LAKIA Lakia Noddy
Manihiki-Rakahanga OC.KIATO Kiato Outrigger boom
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.POKI.1 Pokia Extinguish
Niuafo'ou OC.KIATO Kiato Outrigger boom
Tupuaki PN.KAKAMIKA Amia (Siegesbeckia orientalis)
Sikaiana PN.PAKIA.1 Pakia (of fruits and plants) To be injured by insects; a person who is always getting sick
Takuu PN.PAKIA.1 Pakia Be lucky in finding plenty of what one is trying to get Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tongan NP.TAU-AMA Tauama Cord or rope with which the outrigger is bound to the kiato Borrowed
West Futuna PN.PAKA-.3 Paká/kiato Boards into which pole of outrigger is fitted Uncertain Semantic Connection
Nuguria PN.AKIAKI Akiaki White sea bird sp.
Nuguria OC.KIATO Kiato Outrigger boom
Nuguria NP.LAKIA Rakia/lakia Sea bird sp. (eggs and nestlings are eaten)
East Futuna PN.PAKIA.1 Pakia Travailler trop; harassant
Emae PN.PAA.2B Paa/kia Strike, hit
Anuta PN.PAKIA.1 Pakia To get cut
Mangareva PN.PAKIA.1 Pakia Fruit à pain détérioré sur le pied par trop de maturité
Ifira-Mele AN.PAA.2A Paa/kia Slap
Ifira-Mele PN.PAA.2B Paa/kia Hit with hammer, rock, etc.
Rennellese PN.PAA.2B Paa/kia To be hit; to scold, silence, or drive away, as a child
Tongan PN.PAA.2B Paa/kia (Of the leg) to be knocked, or wounded, or hurt on the shin
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.PAA.2A Pa/kia Clap the hands
Hawaiian FJ.LUKU.A Luʔu/kia Coconut fiber lashing; to lash thus
Manihiki-Rakahanga OC.MOTU.A Motu/kia Separated, severed
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.PAKIA.1 Pakia Beaten
Pukapuka OC.MISI.B Mii/kia Smack the lips in admiration
East Futuna SO.TEQE-AI Leʔ/ikiai see.:Not yet
Nuguria PN.AKIAKI Te/akiaki White tern (Gygis alba)
Nuguria NP.LAKIA Te/rakia Black noddy
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.HIFO.A He/iho/kia Get out, take out, [get down]; drop, leave
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.FAKA-QOTI.A Huaohi/kia Sack someone from a job; finish off uncompleted work
West Futuna NP.FAKA-TELE Fakatere/kia To cause to go/run/move, to push
Tongan PN.TOKIA Tokia To come under conviction of sin, to be moved to repentance (subj. loto)
Niue PN.TOKIA Tokia To be caught unexpectedly, to be struck (as in a shower or strong wind at sea)
East Uvea PN.TOKIA Tokia Etre atteint par quelque chose qui tombe; être aveuglé par l'huile que l'on s'est passé sur la tête (obs.) Problematic
Tokelau PN.TOKIA Tokia Be struck by a falling object; have a cramp in the stomach; (of wahoo when one is fishing with a noose) be frightened away....
Tokelau PN.TOKIA Tookia (of certain fish spp.) Be frightened and stop biting because of some failure in fishing technique
New Zealand Maori PN.TOKIA Tookia, toongia, tooia Moistened, wet (passive of too)
Takuu PN.TOKIA Tokia Pierce [ex. fish with spear]
Rennellese PN.TOKIA Tokia To be hit, as by thunder
Sikaiana PN.TOKIA Tokia To be wet from being rained upon
East Futuna PN.TOKIA Tokia Suffoqué, oppressé, gêné, incommodé
Niue TO.KIA.2 Kia To peep, to poke out one's head
Tongan FJ.HILI Hili/fakia To be caught or stranded on top of something (e.g. ball in roof-gutter, falling fruit caught in branches)
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.WILI.1A Fka/vili/kia Let something (e.g. a wheel) roll along
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.TELE.3B Tele/kia Carry away (by a current)
Tongan TO.KIA.2 Lalo/kia Front of neck, throat (exterior)
Marquesas OC.MITI.3A Miti/kia Absorber, s'évaporer, se déssécher
Marquesas MP.TIA.1A Tia/tia Arbuste de la famille des sapindacées; bois solide utilisé pour les battoirs à tapa, les ko'u'i'ima ou frotteurs pour allumer le feu, et les tiges fixent le balancier de la pirogue aux bras appelés kiato. Bâtons croisés qui soutiennent la traverse sur le balancier; crossed beams which support the boom (Atl).
Marquesas MP.KILA.2 Kia anaʔe Ne pouvoir fermer l'oeil de toute la nuit Phonologically Irregular
Mangareva PN.AKIAKI Kiakia Le cri du *kotake* (Gygis alba) Phonologically Irregular