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4903 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Takuu OC.QEPA Epa Coconut leaf mat in a clan elder's house on which the elder lies, and on which very sick people are ritually treated; woven container for turmeric powder stored inside a section of large-diameter bamboo
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.QEPO Epo/sia To taste
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.QEPO Epo/hia Lick; lap, slurp
Pukapuka PN.QETE-QETE Waka/ete/ngia Draw back, retreat
Mangareva MP.QETI Eti Tear with teeth. Déchirer quelque chose avec les dents; enlever les épines des feuilles du pandanus pour les rendre maniables; ôter les arêtes de poissons
Samoan PN.QEWA Eva To take a walk, especially by moonlight; to go about, to wander at will; to walk at liberty
Fijian PN.FAA-.4 Vaa- Causative (occurs before g-, k-, q- and in western dialects)
Tuamotu PN.FAA-.4 Faa- Causative (poetic variant)
Luangiua AN.FAQA.1 Haa/haa Taro foliage
Penrhyn AN.FAQA.1 Haa/niu Midrib of coconut leaflet; thin rod of the aerial root of the pandanus
Pukapuka AN.FAQA.1 Waa/waa Taro corm or plant (Colocasia antiquorum var. esculenta)
Rarotongan AN.FAQA.1 ʔAa Leaf stalk including main spine of leaf, especially of taro, banana, coconut
Waya AN.FAQA.1 Baa/baa Stalk or stem of certain large-leaved plants, especially taro, banana, coconut
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.FAQELE Faele/gia Cradle, carry
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.FAQELE Haele/angia [VAE], haele/akina [TAU] Take care of children when they are small
Ifira-Mele AN.FAFA.1 Ffa/ia Carry on back
West Uvea PN.FAA-FAA Faafaa(kia) Tâtonner, chercher sans voir
Fijian AN.FAFAGO Vago/na Awaken someone (dial.)
Tuamotu NP.FAAFAA-LUA Fafaruua. Faafaarua (Bct). Variety of giant Manta Ray, the Devilfish (Manta birostris). (Mobula spp.) (Bct).
Marquesas XE.FAFI Fafi Petit paquet; (___ tapu) nourriture offerte à l'occasion des fiançailles. Paquet de nourriture (enveloppé et cuit au four); food parcel (wrapped and cooked in earth oven) [Southeast Marquesan Dialect] (Atl).
Niue XW.FAGA-FAQO Fao To pet, to make a pet of; to use, to try (only used in expressions indicating personal trial and tribulation). A pet (McE).
Samoan NP.FAAGAI.A Faagai/lupe Time associated with pigeons feeding
West Futuna NP.FAGO Fago/sia Blow it, play it (of a musical instrument)
West Uvea PN.FAAGOGO.A Faangongo Tibia [Heo Dialect] Uncertain Semantic Connection
Anuta OC.FAAGOTA Pangota Fishing from canoes ; generic for fishing but especially to fish drives on reef
Rennellese OC.FAAGOTA Haangota Fish or gather shells, especially by women on the reef
Fijian CP.FAGU.1 Vago (Lagenaria vulgaris) Borrowed
Mangareva OC.FAGU.2 ʔAgu (plural ʔaguʔagu) Murmurer intérieurement en balbutiant Uncertain Semantic Connection
West Futuna PN.FAGU-FAGU Fangu-shia To play Pan;s Pipes
Samoan PN.FAI.2B Fai Co-habit with; commit incest or bestiality
Tahitian NP.FAQI Fai A certain Tahitian curse or imprecation; the name of a part of the offering which the priests used to eat in the marae
Emae SO.FAQI-AVA Feiava Passage, channel in reef
Nukuoro SO.FAQI-AVA Haiava Road, pathway (for going), track; ocean liner
Rennellese SO.FAQI-AVA Haʔiaba Beach area, reef opening; people there; place where ha`ugua shrine or canoe was placed
West Uvea SO.FAQI-AVA Faiava Passe (dans le récif)
West Futuna SO.FAQI-AVA Feiava (WFU), fiava (ANI) Bay, harbour, anchorage, passage through reef
New Zealand Maori PN.FAI-GAOFIE Waingoohia Easy; pleased
Hawaiian NP.FAA-QITA.* Haika/ika Make faces; grimace of defiance and contempt
Pukapuka PN.FAIWA Waiva A special skill; skilful, clever
Samoan PN.FAIWA Faiva Employment, job, specialty; skill, craft; affairs, business
Emae PN.FAKA-FANA. Fana/fanasia Re-heat (cooked food)
West Futuna PN.FAKA-FETAQI Fafetia To thank (Futuna only)
New Zealand Maori PN.FAKA-QAFU.1 Whakaahu Place, put (especially of something on fire)
Penrhyn PN.FAKA-QAFU.2 Hakaahu The 7th month in the pre-Christian calendar
Tuamotu EC.FAKA-IPO-IPO Hakaipo To affiance
Tuamotu EC.FAKA-IPO-IPO Hakaipoipo To marry; to be affianced
Kapingamarangi PN.FAKA-QITA Hagaii/nia niha Bare the teeth Problematic
Samoan XW.FAKA-KAU Faʔaʔau/ʔau Show favour to, be partial to Problematic
Ifira-Mele PN.FAKA-LANU Fakanaru-mia Rinse (oneself) in fresh water
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.FAKA-LAWA Fokalava/ia Lay across