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4899 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Luangiua PN.MAILE Maele Wart Fern (Polypodium scolopendria) Phonologically Irregular
Luangiua MP.TALIE.1 Kalie hakua Sea Almond (Terminalia catappa)
Luangiua AN.TOA Ki/koa Ironwood (Casuarina equisetifolia)
Luangiua PN.KAPE.1 ʔApe Giant Dryland Taro (Alocasia macrorrhiza ?)
Luangiua OC.KAFIKA Ahiʔa Fruit tree (Evodia sp.?). Big tree w sweet, red fruit (Smd)
Nukumanu PN.TUUGAKI Tuunaki Smoke signal from Nukutoa Island to mourners at Vaihare on Takuu Island that some calamity has occurred, requiring their immediate attention
Takuu PN.TUGI.* T/tuni Set fire to, burn (e.g. grass, rubbish); heat up rocks, shells, or similar hard materials;cook (coconut cream) by inserting hot stones or by heating over a fire; (of the sun) burn fiercely, be uncomfortably hot
Takuu AN.QUMAGA Uumana Special abilities or work associated with a particular family, group or gender
Takuu AN.UNU.1 Unu/hia Remove [exs bird's feathers; cigarette from packet]
Takuu FJ.UTUA Utua A tidal flat between the islands and in the lagoon offshore from Nukutoa, partially uncovered by low tide; Te Utua is also a location on Takuu Island
New Zealand Maori FJ.WALE.3 Ware Mean, low in social position
Takuu FJ.WALE.3 Vare Ordinary, plain, common, not special; as usual, normally, without any special property or incident (usually followed by koi);
Pukapuka CE.ARI Aalia Wait a minute! Borrowed
Pukapuka CE.ARI Ka/alia Wait a minute!
Luangiua PN.TALIELIE Ua/kalealia Big sea crab
Pukapuka PN.QAU-HULU Auyulu Prune, cut off all the leaves of the Hernandia tree
Pukapuka TA.EE-IA Eia Here they are; narrative marker: so, then
Pukapuka AN.IA.3 E/ia Narrative marker: so, then
Pukapuka AN.IA.4 E/ia laa At last!
Niue PN.TULA Tula (of pawpaw tree) Bare of foliage
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.TUPU.A Hua/tupu/lia Collect, put together, heap up; fulfill, create
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.FAKA-LANU Hualanu/mia Rinse in fresh water
Tuvalu OC.TUPUQA.A Tupua God; pre-christian wooden gods
Tuvalu SO.VAASIQA Vaahia The space between.
Tuvalu PN.FIA-KAI Fiakai To hunger, to be hungry
Tuvalu PN.AI.2 Iai To exist, to be present, there is, there are
Tuvalu PN.MAA-TINO Masino To be put into order, proper place; to indicate, differentiate Phonologically Irregular
Vaeakau-Taumako SO.POLE.B Hua/ple/ngia Frighten, startle
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.UTA Faka/uta/nia To send
Pukapuka PN.A-IA Aia laa Exclamation of approval: "There it is!"
Pukapuka FJ.IRI-FIA.1 Ili/wia Blown by the wind
Pukapuka MP.MALU.A Malu awiawi Early evening, dusk
Tikopia MP.MALU.A Maru afiafi Shades of evening (Firth 1990:129)
Pukapuka PN.MANA-QIA Maanaia Decorative design figure (as on a wrestling belt)
Pukapuka CE.PUNA-RUA Punalua Second marriage and offspring
Pukapuka PN.SAQA.2 Yaa- Prefix before several names of patrilineages and their associated cemeteries
Luangiua MP.QAUA.1 Aua Fish sp. (miniature grey linga)
Sikaiana AN.FAQA.1 Haa/haa Swamp taro (Colocasia antiquorum)
Samoan PN.TALO-TALO Lau/talotalo Crinum asiaticum, Monsoon Lily, Spider Lily
Marquesas PN.GANA.2A Mana! (onom.) Babil, bruit; pour exprimer la jaserie et la piaillerie d'une personne bavarde Phonologically Irregular
East Futuna PN.FAKA-QATU.B Fakaatu/gia Etre inquiet à propos de choses désagréables (mot ancien)
Tahitian TA.KAUNUNU Aununu The sixth of the Tahitian lunar months
Penrhyn PN.MULIFAA Muriaha The ninth month in the pre-Christian calendar (Buck)
Mangaia PN.MULIFAA Muriaʔa The month of April to May (obs)
Mangareva PN.MULIFAA Muri/muriaʔa Mois dans le calendrier mangarévien; fourth month (Buck)
Tuamotu PN.MULIFAA Muriaha The name of the third or fifth (or twelfth) month of the year
Hawaiian CE.HIGAIA Hinaia/ʔeleʔele A Hawaiian star and month name
Tahitian CE.HIGAIA Hiaia The name of a Tahitian month
Mangareva CE.HIGAIA ʔIgaia Epoque qui correspond au mois de janvier. Second month (Laval, Dictionnaire de 1908); sixth month (Buck)
Tuamotu CE.HIGAIA Hiŋaaia April or June; the name of the fourth or sixth month...