Rarotongan entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
CK.TAA-FITI.B Taaʔiti Catch fish by encircling a rock with a net (Bse)
CE.TAFITO.B Taʔito Old, ancient, antique; days of yore, antiquity; old age (Bse)
CE.TAFITO.B ʔIto Days of yore, ancient times Problematic (Bse)
FJ.TAFU.A Taʔu Cook, burn, set on fire (Sve)
EP.TAFUQA Taʔua Floor, storey, platform, stage, deck (Bse)
EC.TAAFUFU.* Taaʔuuʔuu Main or lower ridge pole, or ridge of roof (Bse)
TA.TAFUGA.1* Taʔunga A priest, artisan, accomplished craftsman (Sve)
PN.TA-FULI Taʔuri Turn over, capsize (Sve)
NP.TAAFUNA.1 Taaʔuna A pile, bank, ridge, reef (of rocks or pebbles) (Bse)
TA.TAGA.2 Tangaa Jaw, chin (Bse)
PN.TAGALOA.A Tangaaroa One of the great deities of the Polynesian race (Bse)
CE.TAGAROA Tangaroa Series of moon nights, 22nd to 24th (Bse)
MP.TAGATA Tangata General name for mankind (Sve)
PN.TAGAQU Tangau Fish (Lutjanus spp.) (Bse)
AN.TAGI.A Tangi Any noise or sound, but especially of weeping (Bse)
PN.TAGO.B Tango Reach for (as for fish in a hole) (Bse)
PN.TAGULU Taanguru Cause to rumble, growl (Bse)
CK.TAA-HAU Taaʔau Second person singular possessive, thy, thine (Bse)
MP.TAHI.1 Tai Sea, sea water, coast bordering the sea, tide (Sve)
NP.TAI-QAO Taeao Daybreak, dawn; daylight (Bse)
NP.TAIKI.* Taiki Hard, solid, matured; a veteran of war ; heartwood of ironwood tree (Sve)
PN.TAIKO Taiko Black petrel (Bse)
CK.TAI-RUA Tairua A drop or depression in the ground; gully, furrow, ravine, ditch (Bse)
EC.TAI-MAFA.* Teimaʔa Weight; heaviness; load (Sve)
EC.TAI-MAFA.* Taimaʔa Heavy (Bse)
CE.TAINOKA Tainoka An indigenous, leafless, parasitic vine (Cassytha filiformis). Headbands (titi) are fashioned from it by children (Whr)
CE.TAI-PII Tai pii Full tide (Bse)
CE.TA-ITI Taiti Fellow, person, term of endearment for child (Sve)
OC.TAAIWA Taaiva A kind of snapper (Bse)
OC.TAKA.1A Taka Revolve, revolution (Bse)
NP.TAKA.2A Takaʔi-a, -ʔia Stamp on, tread on, trample on (Bse)
NP.TAKA-FULI Takaʔuri Turned over, capsized, overturned; twisted, altered, reversed (Bse)
PN.TAKAI Taakai-a, -ʔia Tie, bind, wind or wrap something (Bse)
CE.TAKA-AANINI Takaaanini Reel, whirl giddily (of the head) (Bse)
CE.TAKA-PUNI Takapini Encircle, go around (Bse)
CE.TAKA-PUNI Takapuni Encircle, go around (Bse)
SO.TAKA-WIRI Takaviri Twist or writhe round, swivel, twine or coil round, roll over (Bse)
NP.TAKE.1 Take Cause, apex, crown, summit (Sve)
FJ.TAKELE.A Takere Bottom, bed (of sea or chest); keel (Sve)
EO.TAKI.1 Taki To lead, guide, bring along, conduct (Sve)
PN.TAKI-.2 Taki- Distributive prefix (Ply)
CP.TAQAKI Taaki Raise, lift up, hoist (Sve)
CE.TAA-KIRI Taakiri Whip, lash, flick; jerk, shake (head); cast fishing line etc. (Bse)
TA.TAKO.1 Tako Dark colour (Sve)
CC.TAKO.2 Tako An ancient incantation (Sve)
TA.TA-KOKI Takoki Sprained (Etn) (Bse)
PN.TAKOTO Takoto To lie or to rest in a reclining position (Sve)
CE.TAKU.2 Taku My (neutral category of possession) (Bse)
OC.TAKUA.1 Takua A kind of goatfish (Bse)
PN.TAKULUA Takurua A feast; a luxury food or delicacy (Bse)

2365 entries found