Tahitian entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
OC.A | I/aa | Marque du complément (devant les pronoms et noms propres) | (Lmt) |
NP.AE | ʔAe | Oui, forme expressive de 'ee, qui peut dénoter des sentiments divers suivant l'intonation | (Lmt) |
NP.QAFA-TEA | Ahatea | Name of a tree used for keels of boats (Nauclea sp.) | (Aca) |
NP.AFE.1B | Ahe/ahe | Emptiness; empty (as the stomach) Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Dvs) |
PN.QAA-FEA | Aafea, aahea | Quand interrogatif, interrogation sur un évènement non accompli | (Lmt) |
AN.AFI | Ahi | Fire | (Dvs) |
AN.AFI | Au/ahi | Feu (combustion) | (Lmt) |
AN.AFIAFI | Ahiahi | Soir, soirée | (Lmt) |
MP.AFO | Aho | Thread, cord, twine | (Dvs) |
CE.AHO | Aho | Souffle, respiration, haleine | (Lmt) |
PN.QAFU.1 | Ahu | Chaleur radiante; dégager de la chaleur par radiation, chauffer en parlant du piment; fièvre, avoir la fièvre | (Lmt) |
PN.QAFU.1 | Ahu/ahu | Hot, sultry, not airy; the heat of the sun or of clothes | (Dvs) |
EO.QAFU.2 | Ahu | To throw up or huddle toegher a heap of things; to pile up stones or throw up earth, as for a fortification; to put up the wall of a marae; to make an inclosure to catch fish in shallow places (Dvs). Plate-forme supérieure des marae (Lmt) | (Dvs) |
NP.AAFUA | Ahua | Traits caracteristiques | (Lmt) |
PN.QAAFUA | Aahua | Un endroit du lagon rempli de corail ou les embarcations ne peuvent pas passer | (Lmt) |
NP.QAFULU | Ahuru | Barbillon, poisson de la famille des Mullidae (Parupeneus barberinus) | (Lmt) |
CK.AGI.3 | Aiai | A species of the pandanus (called also fara vao) Problematic | (Dvs) |
NP.QAGO.A | A/ao | Thin, wasted by disease | (Dvs) |
AN.QAHO | Ao | Jour (la lumière du jour) | (Lmt) |
AN.QAHU.2 | Au | Smoke, vapour | (Dvs) |
OC.AI.1 | Ai | (aprè les formes verbales) Indique qu'un terme qui précède...précise la cause ou les circonstances de l'action | (Lmt) |
MP.QAI.2 | Ai | Copulate, applied to both sexes | (Dvs) |
TA.AISE | Aaiha | Débris amenés au rivage par la mer ou les rivières; débris quelconques [Iles Sous le Vent (Leeward islands) Dialect] | (Lmt) |
AN.QAITU | Aitu | God or goddess | (Dvs) |
AN.AKA.A | Aʔa | Racine (des plantes); infrabase fibreuse à la naissance des palmes de cocotier | (Lmt) |
CE.KAPU.1B | Abu rima, apu/rima | The hollow of the hand | (Dvs) |
MP.KAPU.1A | Abu, apu | The shell of a nut, gourd, or fish; a concave or hollow... | (Dvs) |
PN.AKE.A | Ae | The name of a sweet-scented plant, used for the sweet monoi or native oil | (Dvs) |
PN.AKIAKI | Aiai | Fair, clear, unsoiled, white, comely Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Dvs) |
MP.AKO | Aʔo | Conseille, avertissement; donner des conseils, donner un avertissement, prêcher | (Lmt) |
CE.AA-KUA-NEI | Aaʔuanei | Tout à l' heure; tantôt (non accompli) | (Lmt) |
FJ.QARA | Ara | Réveil (action de se réveiller) | (Lmt) |
PN.AALAI | Aarai | Protect. S' interposer, empêcher (Lmt). | (Wte) |
NP.ALAALA | Araara/vî | The name of a fish, which when full grown is called hiroa | (Dvs) |
TA.ARA-TAURA | Arataura | A rope ladder; a rope to climb by; one placed as a guide for a blind person | (Lmt) |
OC.QALAWA | ʔArava. Maʔo ʔaarava (Bct). | Lemon Shark (Negaprion acutidens) [ruppell] | (Rdl) |
OC.QALAWA | Arava | The larger sort of cuttle fish; a large species of star fish, with four long and four short rays Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Lmt) |
CE.AAREA | Aarea | Intervalle, espace entre des objets | (Lmt) |
PN.ALEALE.B | Areàre | Thin, worn out, as the bottom of a canoe... | (Dvs) |
TA.ARE-ARE | Aneane | Clear, as a fine and cloudless atmosphere Borrowed Phonologically Irregular | (Dvs) |
PN.QALELO | Arero | Langue (organe de l'homme et des animaux) | (Lmt) |
CE.ARI | ʔAria | Comment! tiens! (exprimant la surprise) | (Lmt) |
PN.QALI.1A | Ari/ari | Clear, fair, transparent | (Dvs) |
PN.HAALIQA | Aria | The space between objects; the parts between the knots of sugar cane, bamboo, &c. | (Dvs) |
PN.HAALIQA | Aria | Détroit, intervalle | (Jsn) |
PN.QARIKI | Arii | A head or principal chief; a king | (Dvs) |
PN.QARIKI | Ariʔi | Roi | (Lmt) |
MP.QALILI | Ariri | Name of a small shell fish | (Dvs) |
AN.QARO.A | Aro | Face (d'un homme); [présence] | (Lmt) |
MP.QAROFA.A | Aroha | Compassion, pity, sympathy, love, affection; to have pity or compassion; to shew mercy, love, sympathy; pitiable | (Dvs) |
2769 entries found