Tahitian entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
NP.LIFA.2 Rifa A scar of any sort (Dvs)
PN.LIGO-LIGO Riʔoriʔo Night-singing insect (not cricket) (I). Petit insecte qui emet un bruit aigu (Aca)
PN.LIGO-LIGO Riorio The departed spirit of a person, but particularly the ghost of an infant; to be possessed by a departed spirit (Dvs)
AN.LIHA Riha Lente (oeuf de pou) (Lmt)
FJ.LIKA Riʔa/riʔa Horreur, peur, horrible, effrayant, être terrifié, avoir peur (Lmt)
FJ.LIKA Ria A vision in sleep, a phantom (Dvs)
AN.RIKI Riʔi Un peu (Lmt)
PN.LILI.1 Riri Colère, mécontentement; être mécontent, être offensé; se fâcher (Lmt)
PN.LILO Riro To be lost; or missed (Dvs)
EP.RIRO Riro Devenir; exprime l'aspect non accompli; passer entre les mains d'un autre (Lmt)
AN.LIMA.A Rima Number five (Dvs)
MP.LIMA.B Rima Main, bras, doigt (Lmt)
MP.LIMU Rimu A general name for moss; sponge; sea weed (Dvs)
CE.RIO.1 O/riorio To fade, wither, or shrivel, as a plant; to wither, as a person by old age (Dvs)
CE.RIO.2 Rio Variété de banane le plus commun (Kvt)
NP.LIPO Ripo/ripo Wavelets in a ring (?) (???)
NP.LIPO Ripo/a Vortex made by the violent running and return of a current (Dvs)
PN.LITO.2 Rito To put forth young buds or leaves, as trees in the spring (Dvs)
TA.RITO.B Rito Dépôt dans un liquide, concentré d'un liquide (Lmt)
PN.LIU.1 Riu Eau des fonds dans un bateau; qui fait eau; prendre l'eau (Lmt)
OC.LIU.2 Riu/riu To be moving round (Dvs)
OC.LOO Roo Fourmi (Lmt)
OC.LOA.1 Roa Long (dans le temps ou l'espace) (Lmt)
NP.LOA.2 Roa Très, bien, tout à fait (marque l'intensité). Thoroughly, completely, entirely (Dvs). (Lmt)
CE.ROAKA Roaʔa, noaʔa Etre obtenu, être réussi (Lmt)
PN.LOFA.1 Roha Heaviness, to stagger as a man under a heavy load, or as a drunken man; faint, wearied (Dvs)
CE.ROFEROFE Roherohe Little red animalcules bred in standing water (Dvs)
AN.ROGO.1B Roʔo Réputation (Lmt)
CE.ROGO.2 Roʔonui 28th night of lunar cycle (Kvt)
PN.LOHOLOHO Roeroe Spathe, gaine pointu des fleurs de cocotier Phonologically Irregular (Lmt)
PN.LOHU Rou Perche ou croc pour gauler les fruits; gauler les fruits (Lmt)
PN.LOQI Roi Blue-spotted grouper. Mérou, famille des Serranidae (Cephalopholis argus) (Lmt) . (Bgn)
TA.HAFA.C ʔEiaha Terme prohibitif (Lmt)
AN.LOQI-MATA Roimata Larme (Lmt)
CE.ROKI Roʔi Lit (Lmt)
CE.ROKO-HIA Roʔohia Etre rattrapé, être rejoint, être atteint (Lmt)
TA.RORE Rore Echasses (Lmt)
CP.LOLI Rori Holothurie (Holothuria sp.) (Lmt)
EP.RORO.1 Roro Cerveau, cervelle (Lmt)
PN.LOLOGO Roroo To begin to chant the prayers, as the priests used to do in the marae; the chanting of the prayers in the marae (Dvs)
MP.LOMA.2A Roma To shrink, become less, as water in a pond, oil in a lamp, &c.; to fall, as a swelling (Dvs)
MP.LOMA.2A (Ro)roma Se rétrécir, diminuer (comme une enflure), de l'eau, inondation, etc. (Jsn)
PN.LOMI Romi/romi To hide or conceal from approaching visitors Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dvs)
PN.LOMI Rumi To press and rub the limbs when weary, or in pain; to wring, as cloth that had been washed Phonologically Irregular (Lmt)
OC.LOTO.A Roto Dedans, dans (Lmt)
PN.LOTO.B Roto Etang, lagune (Lmt)
CE.ROTO-PUU I rotopuu Parmi, au milieu (Lmt)
TA.ROTU.1 Rotu An expression used in a certain idolatrous prayer (Dvs)
FJ.LOTU.2 Rotu To smite or strike (Dvs)
CE.ROTU.2 Rotu The heavy rain of one day's continuance (Dvs)

2772 entries found