Tahitian entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.PAO.2 Fetiʔa /pao/ Étoile filante, météore (Lmt)
MP.PAPA.1A Papa A board, a seat (Dvs)
PN.PAPA.1B Papa Roche corallienne en plaque; omoplate; bassin, hanche. A flat stone; a rock, a stratum of rock (Dvs). (Lmt)
EP.PAPA.1C Papa/a A series of facts or occurrences; a certain range or class of things, such as islands, countries &c. (Dvs)
FJ.PAAPAA ʔAu/paapaa Bec en flûte, poisson de la famille des Fistulariidae (Fistularia petimba) (Lmt)
CE.PAA-PAKA.* Paapaʔa, paʔapaʔa Crab de mer ou de rivière (Lmt)
NP.PAA-PAKU Paapaʔu Endroit peu profond, haut-fond; peu profond (Lmt)
CE.PAPA-ARIGA Paapaariʔa Joue (Lmt)
PN.PAPA-A-TUQA Papatua/honu The shell on the back of the turtle (Dvs)
TA.PAPI Pupa S'accoupler, avoir des rapports sexuels Phonologically Irregular (Lmt)
TA.PA-PII Papi To sprinkle or splash the water at each other, as boys sometimes do in bathing (Dvs)
CE.PAAPUU Paapuu Horizontal, plan; certitude, assurance, sûreté; certain, sûr (Lmt)
CE.PAAPUU Papu Plan, nivelé, uni; inerte; clairement, parfaitement (Jsn)
TA.PAAPUA. Papua Young shoots of bamboo. A green branch of a tree or plant (Dvs). (Hdy)
PN.PA-SEKE Paheʔe Glisser (Lmt)
CE.PAA-SERE.1 Pahere To pare off the rind or outside of cold breadfruit that has been baked; to pare off the skin of the vi apple, &c. (Lmt)
CE.PAA-SERE.2 Paahere Peigne, peigner (Lmt)
TA.PA-SERU Paheru To scratch, as a hen; to dig and search for a thing; to make a thorough search (Dvs)
EP.PASII Pahii Navire (Lmt)
EP.PASII Pahi A carvel (plank) built traditional canoe (Hdy)
CE.PAA-SII.2 Pâhi To splash the water that it may wet a person; a spray of the sea (Dvs)
TR.PASORO Pahoro A comb; to comb the head, to rake ground (Dvs)
CP.PASU.1A Pahu Thumping blow (???)
CE.PASU.1B Pahu Tambour à membrane (Lmt)
FJ.PASU.2 Pahu Etre barré (rivière), être retenu (eau). To be dammed up as water, stopped or pent up as any liquid; to spatter up as soft mud when carelessly trod upon (Dvs). Uncertain Semantic Connection (Lmt)
EO.PAASUA Paahua Bénitier (coquillage) (Tridacna elonga) (Lmt)
TA.PAATEE.2 Pate To sound with lead and line (Dvs)
TA.PATA.4 Pata To strike, as the insect pata does with its tail; to snap with the finger and thumb upon any thing; to strike smartly with the finger (Dvs)
PN.PATA.1B Pata/pata Tacheté (Lmt)
TA.PATA.4 Pata Pichenette, chiquenaude; donner une chiquenaude; lance-pierres; trébuchet pour attraper les oiseaux... (Lmt)
CE.PAATAITAI Paataitai Labre, poisson de la famille des Labridae (Coris angulata), et espèce voisine (Lmt)
NP.PAATEE.1 Paatee Sonner, tinter (Lmt)
TA.PAATEE.2 Paatee Tirer sur la corde de vie (plongeur); sonner, tinter (Lmt)
EP.PAA-TEFE Paatehe Châtrer (Lmt)
CE.PAA-TIA Paatia Fourchette, fourche, piqûre, javelot; piquer, perforer (Lmt)
CE.PAA-TIKI.* Patiʔi Poissons plats, famille des Bothidae (Bothus mancus, pantherinus) (Lmt)
TA.PAA-TITI Paatiti Clouer, enfoncer à coup de marteau (Lmt)
TR.PATITO.2 Patito A small fresh water fish (Dvs)
PN.PATOO.1 Patô To propel, or shoot forward (Dvs)
PN.PATOO.1 Paatoo Éclore (oeufs) (Lmt)
??.PATOO.2 Pato Pousser, bourgeonner (Jsn)
TA.PAA-TOKI Paatoʔi Refus, protestation; refuser, protester (Lmt)
TA.PAA-TOO-TOO.* Paatootoo Frapper à la porte (Lmt)
AN.PATU.1A Patu Ruer; repousser d'un coup de coude ou du revers de la main (Lmt)
TA.PATU.1B. Patu A little wooden mallet (Dvs)
TA.PATU.3 Patu Mur de pierre; bâtir un mur, faire un barrage (Lmt)
FJ.PAATUKI Patuʔi Poisson de la famille des Cirrhitidae (Cirrhites pinnulatus) (Lmt)
CE.PAU.1E Pau roa Entièrement, complètement, tous (Lmt)
TA.PAA-UA Paaua Natte tressée en palme de cocotier (Lmt)
OC.PEQE Pe Decayed, rotten, worn out; ripe, applied to plantains and other fruit (Dvs)

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